Sudden Negative Lab Work After 5 Years Taking Percocet (Top voted first)


I always take my pills as prescribed. Why is my lab work suddenly coming up empty? I would never betray my dr. I like her a lot. Am in serious pain through my whole body with arthritis and fibromyalgia. For short I've gone to 3 pain clinics. They said they can't help me. I have degenerative disease (that's deterioration). Please help - is there such a thing as false nevative reports? Dr won't give me anymore pain medications and told me to find another Dr.

6 Replies

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Hello, Pat! How are you?

Sorry about the problem you've run into.

There are many things that may affect this. Do you take any other medications of any type?

Have you had any recent changes in your fluid intake, exercise level or sudden weight changes?

Learn more Percocet details here.

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The sam thing happened to my sis. I see a pain doc who doesn't test. But I'm on 4 percocet a day and need something for break thru pain. Any suggestion? My sis told her doc to take each of her meds, and when they checked her an hour later it was still negative. I'm at my wits end with being in CONSTANT pain. Hope u fell better soon.

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I was taking 1 x 10mg methadone tab a day for a cpl of months. I cut it down to 5mg a week ago. I'm 5'4" 120lbs. I have a UA in 6 days. I can't risk having methadone come up. Will I pass the UA if I haven't taken any methadone in 13 days? How can I cleanse my body & get rid of methadone from my urine?

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I'm taking 15 mg of percocet 4 times per day, but sometimes I only take one per day. So why is my blood work and 2 swabs turning up negative?

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Why would my family doctor not give me any refills on tramadol? I have to see him once a month for tramadol. I have severe arthritis in my knees. I am 64 and I have a hard time walking.

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I take 19 pills at night, 9 in the morning. Nothing has changed. If she says in august the the tests were negative through certified mail she sent me why didn't she cut me off then? It does not make any sense. I made an appointment wed to speak to her to ask her to take hair clipping blood urine last urine 9-25-13 was pstive some of the labs are done there at the clinic some are sent out she knows all the meds am persciped thru her and my nerology doctor can she just shut me off? Am afraid off withdrawal seizures. No new dr yet, have met with 3 pain dr so far. They say they cant help me. Have arthritis through my whole body with fibro, pain everywhere. Can she just cut me off? Like she said in the letter the pain pills are the keeping me going. Every 2 hours I take 2. I take a lot of pills and have a lot of medical problems. Please respond, I see her wed. What do I do? She said no more pills. I do get along with her but she said she is no longer allowed to give me any medications till she finds me pain management or a new doctor? It will take time. By wed I will be out of my prescription. Thanks for letting me vent. Am scared and afraid.

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