Sudden Dextroamphetamine Price Quadruple???? (Top voted first)
UpdatedWhat happened? Oh, no... I am f+#*ed. Went to Walgreens to fill dextroamph rx tonight. Instead of approx. $75 they said for me with self-pay it's $355+!!!! This is for ONE month. No way I can afford it! Suddenly? What the _ do I do? Taper down with the 2 more days of pills that I have? So, you just blow, they are saying to me. Just be sick, and here, we'll make it so you're much, much sicker!!!
Are all the pharmacies going to have the same astronomical price hike? Has anyone got information about about this?
Please please please anyone that has had the price go up to extreme levels report it to the FTC. You can file a complaint here:
The FTC is currently investigating drug manufacturers for charging high prices for generics because they have a monopoly (Teva/Barr) see this article:
The Chuck Schumer has called for an investigation into drug distributor gouging as well. That may be the case here.
You, yes you, need to pressure the FTC to investigate this ridiculous price increase. If there is an outpouring of outrage we may see the FTC step in and investigate. Don't assume your voice won't be heard. Please file a complaint, even if you have insurance, let's let Teva/distributors know we won't take this lying down!
The exact same thing happened to me on Nov 1st. I live in south florida. I have 60 dexedrine, 10mg tablets and always costs me around $27. I went in to Walgreens and he said $181. I nearly fell over. So of course I didn't get them. When I visit home in Colorado in a few weeks, I'll look at prices there.
My reply is a long-shot. Your post was quite a while ago. I clicked on to your link for the FTC's article re: Teva/ Barr's price-gouging and it said "not found/ does not exist". Yes, it's been a while but not THAT long. They removed it. Curious, huh?
I filed a complaint today (28 Feb 2014) re: Teva's monopoly on generic Dextroamphetemine tabs (and their sudden 7 times price hike that occurred the day they acquired Barr) (and keeps climbing). The FTC rep I spoke with said she had never heard this complaint before.
I spoke to Teva customer service and it would have been laughable if it wasn't so atrocious. The rep denied all responsibility. She said Teva never upped the price of the med. She said this is the distributor and the pharmacies' doing. She said they are strictly monitored by the FDA and wouldn't be allowed to just arbitrarily raise the price of a med 7 times-- But that's exactly what they did. We all know that's what they did.
I tried to file a complaint with the FDA who said they have virtually nothing to do with Rx med prices what-so-ever. The FTC took the complaint but was quick to add that they do not assist individuals = nothing will come of that.
How is this legal..?! It isn't as if we're talking about a McDonald's hamburger going from $1 to $20 overnight-- this is a Rx med that was formerly $50 and has become cost-prohibitive $400. No longer manufactured in a tablet-form, this generic from Teva is the ONLY one = price gouging/ unethical/ abuse.
I have Narcolepsy and hypersomnia. They've tried every single solitary direct stimulant on me and most put me to sleep within 5 minutes. Adderall makes me dizzy and I fall asleep within 2 minutes. Dextroamphetemine does, too but when I awaken I at least have a small window of function-time. Otherwise I sleep 22 hours each day- no kidding.
Generics are supposed to be more affordable but the opposite is true now. Price-gouging companies like Teva are despicable. How are they getting away with this..?
All pharmacies point the finger at the manufacturer = Teva.
Teva says they haven't upped their prices AT ALL, and the gouging comes from the distributors and the pharmacies.
It's Teva.
I spoke to Teva's corporate office today and informed them of my .gov complaints against them and requested an answer.
If you happen to review your post from so long ago, and you have any new-er information, links, insights, etc... please do tell!
Every time I manage to find a really helpful forum online, inevitably it's dated years prior and there are no current posts. Do you know of a current forum for those with Narcolepsy and/ or treatment options..?
If you were getting 60 of them for the low of a price, then you were getting a great deal. The average price listing is about $20 for 20 of the generic, regular release 10mg tablets, so about $60 for 60 of them.
And that's just the regular release tablets, the extended release capsules are much more expensive.
Learn more Dextroamphetamine details here.
I'd suggest checking prices with other pharmacies in the area.
I had a similar problem with Walgreens recently, where they suddenly took the price on something up over triple what it was the month before, so I had to transfer the prescription elsewhere.
Do either of you have insurance?
Same problem with Walgreens. What I was paying 60.00 for (with their W card since I don't have insurance) would now cost over 400.00. I couldn't believe it and certainly couldn't pay it. I think they mistakenly gave me the price for the ER because when I called back, they said 220+. Still excessive. This is really terrible. The lowest price I found was 180.00 at WalMart - so still 3 times. WTH?
Ask for Zenzedi (Branded Dextro) they offer the following doses 5, 7.5, & 10
We had the same problem with Walgreens. The cost went from a little over $100 to $569. The pharmacy was baffled by the extreme price change. They called CVS to see what they were charging and it was more than their price. Any one know what's going on?
Seriously! The GENERIC and now nearly TWO HUNDRED bucks just for a MONTH!?!? What HAPPENED? I am dying to know what the hell is up -why the price seemingly arbitrarily sky-rocketed... was it JUST this medication, or other stimulants too???
I just had the same thing happen.... I get dex 5mg 60 pills that lasts me about 5 weeks.... I get a discount with the pharmacy since i go to a sliding fee scale clinic.. It went from 18.00 to 116.00 in a month.... I have read quite a bit about it.... it appears that there was a backorder of 10mg tabs....that they were not making them for a few months... so now they are price gouging to make their money... because now ppl who were getting prescriptions for 10mg have no choice but to get 5's. They are supposedly supposed to start rolling out new dextro 10 mg's by late December... so I would assume that this would lower the price again on the 5 mg's
You are So right! The MAIN purpose for which government exists is to PROTECT & DEFEND its citizens from other nations; OURS isn't even protecting us from our own obscenely wealthy pharmaceutical companies who seem to have been given free reign to prey on us with IMPUNITY...To play recklessly with our bodies, our minds and our money as if we were insignificant pawns to be raped & sacrificed at their alter of greed. Never mind that so many of their generics don't even work like their Branded meds anymore & cause weeks of wretched problems & misery for so many people because they're now made ANYWHERE in the world that offers Big Pharma the cheapest price...quality control be damned!
Our government can't even manage to oversee Quality Control of the FOOD supply within our own borders so what are the chances they're on-the-job Protecting us, vigilantly monitoring standards of quality & processing in every little manufacturing plant in India, Indonesia etc.? ZERO, NONE, ZIP, NADA! I'll bet they don't even have a CLUE where our 'equivalent generics' (NOT) are made.
I'm an enthusiastic cheerleader for capitalism, but this ISN'T capitalism; When Big Government allows Big Pharma to make these SUBSTANDARD meds and THEN REWARDS them for their 'efforts' with millions of our taxpayer dollars in obscenely expensive Medicare & Medicaid prescriptions that may or may not work...THAT is called CONSPIRACY to defraud the American people, NOT CAPITALISM. (Ron Paul goes too far w/ it but Libertarians may have the right idea..get Government the hell out of our daily lives ..then it will have plenty of time and money to defend us.). Re: Socialism. Saw a terrific bumper sticker last week: "The problem with Socialism is that, eventually you run out of OTHER people's money!"
Same thing here, been on them for my narcolepsy for 5 years and it's the only thing that works after trying EVERYTHING else. have to go off them this month. 90 bucks a month to 300 something a month for 180 here at walgreens in south Florida west palm beach. I feel your pain.
Been on 15 mg dexedrine spansules almost 30 yrs. the price went from under $100.00 for 180 spansules to $2200.00 called amedra n they purchases formula to make it name brand so the do not have any pt assistance program. Told them they must not want to sell product...fact is generic sucks n they r no much cheaper. When on disability. This price is beyond...amedra didn't seem to give a s***
Seems like price gouging out the ass.shen i started taking fhis med 20 yts ago it cost me 28.00 w insurance.when i went to refill it had gone up like 12.00 i could live with that.Price going up over 700.00 a month i consider that PRICE GOUGING THE DRUG MANUFACTOR NEEDS TO BE SUED
I'm afraid you all have to come to Holland for your next holiday.
I paid last week 49 euro (about 68 dollar) for 205 tablets of 5 mg.
I thought that was very expensive and wanted to know the prices in the U.S. so I ended up here and feeling so much better now, haha.
Wow. I have been reading this thread as I have have a Dex prescription as well, and I can't believe the prices you pay for your medication. How do you do it? I live in Canada and paying for medication is never a factor. There must be a lot of sick people in need of help there. I sympathize with you, I don't know what I would do.
The FDA doesn't regulate the cost of medication.
dextroamphetamine price gouging. july 2012 10mg tablet was .35 cents per tablet and now a mere 4 months later the same 10mg tablet cost $2.45 per tablet!!!! that is a 7 times price increase!!! please all of us need to take 10 mins of time and file a complaint!! follow the above link and just tell te truth about TEVA. if your here reading this then you owe it to me and yourself to file a complaint with govt.
I have taken Dextroamphetamine Sulfate for over 16 years. Walgreens just upped price for 180 10mg tabs from $77/month to $422/month - without insurance I can't afford this.
This is for the inferior generic which is the only type available.
I will be contacting the FTC about this. Thank you for the link.
I wonder if this is the fraud that class action lawsuits are made of.
Same experience at Walgreen's. I noticed the 'retail price' last month was at $376, but with their card, paid the same $50 for 120 10mg tablets, but this month the 'retail price' was $238, and $215 with the card.
That's some crazy pricing that just reeks of gouging. Fortunately, I can afford it, but on a generic that's been in common use for 75 years?
Already filed my FTC complaint, and so should everyone.
Filing a complaint with the FTC as suggested here. Last year when I didn't have insurance my meds ( 15mg ER dextroamphetemine) were costing me 150/mo, then Jan 1st they went up to 250. Then I went to walmart (cheapest pharm in the area) and they are now 600/mo, no way in hell can i afford that, that's 7200/yr! It's outrageous and should be illegal to raise the price that much.
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