Sudden Dextroamphetamine Price Quadruple???? (Page 5)
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What happened? Oh, no... I am f+#*ed. Went to Walgreens to fill dextroamph rx tonight. Instead of approx. $75 they said for me with self-pay it's $355+!!!! This is for ONE month. No way I can afford it! Suddenly? What the _ do I do? Taper down with the 2 more days of pills that I have? So, you just blow, they are saying to me. Just be sick, and here, we'll make it so you're much, much sicker!!!

Are all the pharmacies going to have the same astronomical price hike? Has anyone got information about about this?

108 Replies (6 Pages)

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Same story here and with a new twist, my Medicare plan D supplier, Humana, has required a prior-auth. for more than #60 p/m. All this out of the blue. I asked my friendly pharmacist whether this was connected to REMS (Risk Evaluation Management Strategy) and she told me that if it wasn't that they would have come up with something else. They are really tightening the screws on Class IIs. Best of luck . . . Q

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10mg tabs 90 was 160$ at walmart.. on dec 21 ... made me sick to pay this but i had no choice... walmart was cheapest place around. this same dose was 35$ last month..

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Same in Colorado. approx $260 for 150 10mg tablets. Last month I payed $96. Totally out of meds and can't afford it. Very bad day today...

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Further to my previous reply, here is action currently being taken against Teva, by the FTC:

Please keep filing complaints if you are affected. Don't let Teva's ham-fisted attempts at concern trolling PR dissuade you.

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SAME THING JUST HAPPENED TO ME!!! Usually pay $68-$70 for 120. Walgreens on Thurs. 12/13 $249!!! I was so angry and didnt know what to do - it's crazy!! Try GoodRx. They had coupons & MUCH lower prices. You may have to plan ahead-either order it before you run out, (which us ADD folks never seem to do), or call around, but it's worth it!! I was dumb enough to pay the $ before researching. But I had none left. BOO WALGREENS!!

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Sarah - If Teva is doing business in the USA they are bound to FTC oversight weather or not they are are a foreign based entity.

Also, Teva most certainly does control medication pricing. According to this document (linked from Google):

Teva raised the price it was charging, to the distributor, from $25 per 100 to $192 per 100. The rest is markup from the distributor and drug store. This represents an increase of 668% in ONE MONTH!

Do you work for Teva???

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Thanks everyone for the info on the FTC and Vyvanse. It is helpful just to know that I'm not alone.

I want to clarify what we are complaining about to the FTC; it looks like Teva is based in Israel so I'm not confident that an FTC complaint would affect them. Also, some of you have noted that it is the pharmacy who controls the price, and not the drug company.

I want to make sure we are coordinated in our efforts!

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I take the 10 mg tablets and at the end of February the price had quadrupled. I called around and found Walmart to be significantly cheaper but it was still $160.

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Thanks for the link to -- I filed my complaint.

Suggestion for anyone who are unable to pay the ridiculous price: Talk to your doctor about switching to Vyvanse. Shire offers a patient assistance program for it and if you qualify, you can get the medication for free.


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My doctor told me manufactures found away to limit generic manufacturing quantities so it drove prices up to be the same as name brand

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I am in the same boat...Usually pay $20 with insurance for 150 10mg ir....when i got my script filled at walgreens it came to almost $100.

So after calling around and talking with my insurance they explained to me "that the contracted rate went up because walgreens wasn't making enough money on it"....

And i was like seriously WTF....they are not making enough money on my medication i need? what about when i don't make enough money to pay for the medication i need?

But honestly not sure what to believe here. Sucks

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I'm glad I'm not the only one that experienced this price increase! Glaxo Smith Kline had an assistance program for brand name Dexedrine Spansules, with a co-pay of $10.00 per month. They sold the drug to Core Pharma, who has Amedra Pharmaceuticals producing them.Amedra does not have an assistance program. So I had to switch to generic form, dextroamphetamine ER. 15mg, 60 capsules were $75, then $98, then $175, and now its $330! I will also have to switch - possibly Concerta, but the Dexedrine has always been fantastic - I even like the generic better than the brand. I called Amedra about pricing and was told "Amedra does not set the pricing you will pay at the pharmacy for our product. You will have to contact your pharmacy for the cost of this medication".The Walmart pharmacist told me that their corporate office sets the price. But all other pharmacies I've checked with had the same price increase. Very frustrating.

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Filing a complaint with the FTC as suggested here. Last year when I didn't have insurance my meds ( 15mg ER dextroamphetemine) were costing me 150/mo, then Jan 1st they went up to 250. Then I went to walmart (cheapest pharm in the area) and they are now 600/mo, no way in hell can i afford that, that's 7200/yr! It's outrageous and should be illegal to raise the price that much.

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Same experience at Walgreen's. I noticed the 'retail price' last month was at $376, but with their card, paid the same $50 for 120 10mg tablets, but this month the 'retail price' was $238, and $215 with the card.

That's some crazy pricing that just reeks of gouging. Fortunately, I can afford it, but on a generic that's been in common use for 75 years?

Already filed my FTC complaint, and so should everyone.

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I have taken Dextroamphetamine Sulfate for over 16 years. Walgreens just upped price for 180 10mg tabs from $77/month to $422/month - without insurance I can't afford this.
This is for the inferior generic which is the only type available.

I will be contacting the FTC about this. Thank you for the link.

I wonder if this is the fraud that class action lawsuits are made of.

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dextroamphetamine price gouging. july 2012 10mg tablet was .35 cents per tablet and now a mere 4 months later the same 10mg tablet cost $2.45 per tablet!!!! that is a 7 times price increase!!! please all of us need to take 10 mins of time and file a complaint!! follow the above link and just tell te truth about TEVA. if your here reading this then you owe it to me and yourself to file a complaint with govt.

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Please please please anyone that has had the price go up to extreme levels report it to the FTC. You can file a complaint here:

The FTC is currently investigating drug manufacturers for charging high prices for generics because they have a monopoly (Teva/Barr) see this article:

The Chuck Schumer has called for an investigation into drug distributor gouging as well. That may be the case here.

You, yes you, need to pressure the FTC to investigate this ridiculous price increase. If there is an outpouring of outrage we may see the FTC step in and investigate. Don't assume your voice won't be heard. Please file a complaint, even if you have insurance, let's let Teva/distributors know we won't take this lying down!

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My daughter has been on this med for years. we paid about $35 a month (cash price) for years. in Sept went up to $80 and this month $285! I left the pills @ Walgreens! If you ever wondered who is really running this country we have our answer- insurance companies & drug manufactures! They are pissed off that Obama was reelected. Desperate to get their $ before Obama care cuts them off! Shame shame!

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I"m in Western NY. Usually costs me, without insurance because i have none, $75 for 180 IR 10mg tablets, after the perscription savings card from walgreens discount. It is now $375, and the savings card takes it down to $332, i've heard there is some mysterious coupon that brings it back down to the regular just under $100 but pharmacies in WNY suck as far as customer service and i have yet to be able to fill my perscription since it's so unacceptably overpriced now...

anyone have any luck with finding discount coupons or anything from websites?

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I just had the same thing happen.... I get dex 5mg 60 pills that lasts me about 5 weeks.... I get a discount with the pharmacy since i go to a sliding fee scale clinic.. It went from 18.00 to 116.00 in a month.... I have read quite a bit about it.... it appears that there was a backorder of 10mg tabs....that they were not making them for a few months... so now they are price gouging to make their money... because now ppl who were getting prescriptions for 10mg have no choice but to get 5's. They are supposedly supposed to start rolling out new dextro 10 mg's by late December... so I would assume that this would lower the price again on the 5 mg's

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