Subutex Buy Online Cheap (Page 10)
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Hi I would like to buy online Subutex, does anyone know tell me some good site practice rates by purchasing large quantities, such as packs of 100 or 200 tablets or more '. thanks so much in advance to those who can help me!

201 Replies (11 Pages)

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What do u mean by prove? And r u based in hertfordshire?

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if you can prove you got the stuff ill buy all u have

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Hello if anyone needs subutex email me I have got some going at a tenner a tab for 8mg in hertfordshire

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hi,if there is anybody out there with a subutex doctor to refer i would greatly appreciate it. im in ireland and dont get them here.

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hey man, i need to hook up with swiy via e-mail, PLEASE contact me at {edited for privacy}

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I need Subs ASAP. I am OUT and my next appt. is not for another week and I am running out of excuses in coming in early, (husband and I are both on it sharing bc it is so expensive). We have kids and i need to be ME and he needs to work. Please - anyone in the Pinellas county area or someone that can lead me to someone.

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Can you get them suboxone or subutex if so e-mail me at xxxxx@xxxx

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hi would you email me please? xxxx@xxxx

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More data on pentazocine hydrochloride, "the tablet form is still stocked by Walgreen's USA, but, it is the less popular, "Talwin NX" oblong tablet, mfg, is Sanofi Aventis, and, the liquid version, is, also supplied by Walgreens USA, the 2nd version, is in the liquid Pentazocine injection version, for IM, or IV, use, 30ml, or 50mg. Thus, there is no pure Talwin tablets, or capsules, or caplets, in the USA, has not been since 1983. Hospera, is the mfg of the vials, or ampules, of the Pentazocine Lactate. The good news, is that TalwinP 50mg tabs, for oral use, without the narcotic antagonist, Naloxone, is available in 2012, in Canada, by prescription by mfg Sanofi-Aventis, 2150 St Elzer Blvd W, laval, Quebec H7L4A5. Quote from their Canadian website "50 mg oral tablet of Talwin-P (for pure) equals to 60 mg of Codeine, Talwin-P 90 to 100mg has the analgesic effects of 10 mg of Morphine IM or 75 to 100 mg. of IM shot of Meperidene (Pethidine) IM.unquote. (the latter known in USA as Demerol IM or IV liquid). My experience with Demerol oral dose, has been very poor pain relief, in pill form, but, Immediate pain relief, by Intramuscular shot. Quote from patent holder Sanofi-Aventis, " 50 mg tablet onset usually in 15 to 30 minutes, effect usually 3 hours, peak serum levels, the same, elimination half life 3 to 5 hours. There is zero risk of getting Talwin with Naloxone, as the combination, has been outlawed in Canada. In fact, the only country, that adds that narcotic antagonist to Pentazocine, is the USA. As I stated earlier, the tabs are gradually disappearing from the world market, while, the liquid version, was still available in nearly 50 countries, hostile and non-hostile, especially, all of Africa, and the Middle East, including the USA. The tablets (only) were removed from Italy, France, Japan,Australia, Denmark, Israel, New Zealand, Portugal, and Switzerland, between, 2003, and 2008, in only five years. In some cases in those countries, the liquid version, was also removed,
Pentazocine Lactate. Pakistan still manufactures, Sosegon, 25 mg tablets, under license, by Searle Pakistan Ltd, Karachi, also under license from Sanofi Winthrop Industrie, of France. I purchased 120 tabs in
April of 2010 from a website, now, out of business from this source, in blisterpacks marketed as Sosegon 25 mg tablets, like in Spain. I also had a chemist, use GS/MS test to verify the content purity, which was 100%. (Expensive, costs me $120.00 for this test)
IMHO, there will be increasing worldwide high demand, for, USA Schedule IV pain medications, immediately, why? Darvon, Darvon N-50, Darvon N-100, were in the "top ten" selling controlled substances, in calender yr 2008, and 2010, and, have now been withdrawn, in the USA, and worldwide. Source: REDBOOK Pharmacy's Fundamental Reference, PDR 2012, and, "The Pill Book" pg 1248 to 1250, "top 200 selling ethical prescription drugs in USA" calender year 2010 ISBN 978-0-553-59356-3
From Verispan's Vector One Reports, pg 185 of REDBOOK 2009, twenty million four hundred eleven, nine hundred and eighty two RX's were dispensed in the USA calender year 2008 (20,411,982) prescriptions, only trailing, no 1 hydrocodone, "a C-III" in the USA, and, Oxycodone with APAP, "a C-II" in the USA, while, "Propoxphene-N with APAP in 50 or 100 mg tabs, have been removed from the marketplace, a easily refillable C-IV, just like Talwin NX, another C-IV.
The EU has banned the production of the same chemical composition of pure Propoxphene (Darvon) and, Propoxphene combinations with Propacetamol Hci, such as "Doloxene Capsules 100mg" (Propoxyphene Napsylate). Millions of worldwide consumers, will now have to scramble to find, a milder controlled pain reliever, to replace this old school pain reliever, that, has been around over 45 yrs, (in USA by Eli Lilly)
Driving across the border to Canada, getting a USA prescription for Pentazocine (not Talwin NX) but just Pentazocine Hydrochloride, Talwin-P, is not easy anymore to get a Canadian Pharmacist's to honor, as it has been strongly discouraged, this past decade. Thus, a visit to exchange a USA script, with a Canadian M.D, is, one's best chance to obtain original formula Talwin tablets 50 mg, and, a pill count beyond 50 tablets, can cause, some issues with the Canadian border patrol, since Talwin P, is a controlled substance, the seizure risk, increases, with more than a bottle of 50 count, according, to recent sources, who live along the USA-Canadian border. I am ignorant, about, the inspection of the Canadian Royal Mtn Police, flying, back to the USA, and, our TSA, @ USA airports. In the past, a prescription, for a 90 day supply was formerly tolerated, on a legal USA drug, sold in foreign countries. Done this multiple times, from, the Netherlands, and, Germany, in the past 4 years. I had the M.D letter of my DX, copy of my USA Scripts, C-II's to C-IV's, and was never questioned, in departing country, or re-entering the USA. Never tried the Canadian proposition for Talwin, which is my favorite drug of choice, for pain, for decades. It is not sold or offered on legitimate IOP's in Canada, by mail order, to USA citizens, that, is why, I wrote this wall of text. Anyone from Canada, in this forum, have any more insight on getting Talwin tablets from a face to face visit with a Canadian M.D or Pharmacy? I last heard Vancouver, was, the last holdout, for, a USA citizen getting Talwin filled at a Canadian pharmacy, like a small one, not a large chain. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Shannon.. i hope YOU see this, im in the same shoes... but i am now 48 days clean.... i see your in mass? well i goto a program called ARBOUR COUNCELING in NORWELL MA, and there is a suboxone program there... i am on subutex, which doesnt have a blocker in it.. but it takes away the aches & pains, and especially cravings.... it is pure BUPENORPHINE with no NALOXONE.. if you need any more info pls email me hun, :) good luck i'd love to help another.. and ps... i got out of brockton highpoint 40 days ago... after my 3rd time being there within 2 months.. after the third time.. I finally LISTENED... and did something they told me to do.. instead of my way.... which GO TO AA MEETINGS... and you know what.... ive always said ILL NEVER GO TO ONE OF THOSE... but i tried it out... and i swear it works... it helps work.... there are sooooo many people that want to help & have the same stories... i go to a GREAT thursday night womans 12 step meeting in west bridgewater at the south 24 club.... hit me up if you need help .. prayers are with you because i know how you feel right now... xoxo ---- this is to SHANNON!!!!

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Hi, im in the same shoes... but i am now 48 days clean.... i see your in mass? well i goto a program called ARBOUR COUNCELING in NORWELL MA, and there is a suboxone program there... i am on subutex, which doesnt have a blocker in it.. but it takes away the aches & pains, and especially cravings.... it is pure BUPENORPHINE with no NALOXONE.. if you need any more info pls email me hun, :) good luck i'd love to help another.. and ps... i got out of brockton highpoint 40 days ago... after my 3rd time being there within 2 months.. after the third time.. I finally LISTENED... and did something they told me to do.. instead of my way.... which GO TO AA MEETINGS... and you know what.... ive always said ILL NEVER GO TO ONE OF THOSE... but i tried it out... and i swear it works... it helps work.... there are sooooo many people that want to help & have the same stories... i go to a GREAT thursday night womans 12 step meeting in west bridgewater at the south 24 club.... hit me up if you need help .. prayers are with you because i know how you feel right now... xoxo

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Subutex, also known by manufacturer, Schering-Plough, S.A de C.V. has been available for decades, at least in Mexico, under the patented tradename of 0.2 mg tabletas sublinguales, since at least 1996, to, at least, 2009, Source: PLM Edicion 53, Mexico, Diccionario De Especialidades Farmaceuticas. page 3669. However, IMHO, it is not easy to find in popular Mexican Resort pharmacies, on the Gulf of Mexico, (Cancun, Cozumel, Playa del Carmen, Los Cabos, Mazalan, Cabo San Lucas..on the Pacific side, or the Sea of Cortez, because it is "now a product in Grupo II"
That was not the case, before, the USA, FINALLY, marketed the tablet version, (after the millenium, post 2000) moving the once liquid only version, from a Schedule V, to a Schedule III. I used to get it without a prescripton, in the late 1990's, pre 9/11/2001, in such countries as, Thailand, (Bangkok), by "Scherling-Plough Pharmaceuticals" but, not anymore, also, in the UK in the 1990's, as well, as Alcover, OTC (Sodium Oxbate), UK, San Remo, Italy, and, Austria, but, not after 1998. (The USA demonized the latter med, banned it, later legalized it, as, Xyrem, as a C-III med, and the tightest control sedative, in the USA, now, not even pharmacies supply it anymore, (Jazz Pharma Xyrem) it has to be shipped to the patient, by a special licensed Psychiatrist, or Sleep Disorder licensed, M.D registered with the DEA. IMHO, the USA influence, has effected the availability of "small dose Temgesic tabs, 0.2 mg". worldwide. "It is not OTC in Mexico resort pharmacies, I was there winter of 2012, but is available by RX only, and, is easier found, in interior Mexico. Grupo I is like Demerol, or Morphine MST Contnus, GroupoII is like, Tafil, Valium, Rivotril, Concerta, both requiring a prescription, Groupo III, in Mexico, is like, USA Atarax, Norpramin, Seroquel, or, Tenuate Dospan, Stillnox (Ambien). I think the law in Mexico changed in October of 2002, "not like the good old days of the 1980's and mid 1990's, at the border towns". Also, beginning in November of 2011, 100% of outgoing mail is now being allegedly inspected, by Mexican Customs, prior to that, the hit and miss ratio, inside of Mexico, was more like 10%. The mail is extremely slow leaving Mexico this year, due to the understaffing of postal employees. Source II...........
Martindale 36th edition (2009) London, UK. pg 31.
Subutex and/or Temgesic, was avaiable in 32 countries of the modern industrialized world, out of forty(40) countries listed in the MARTINDALE 2009, all 3,694 pages.

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need subutex

Was this helpful? 27

I need

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Hi i have been hooked on heorin and all painpills sence i was 15 im 28 my body hurts evryday i was prescribed to suoxone for 4 years 4 a day 120 a mounth,i ended up stoping taken then went crazy,became useing heroin and street drugs again,I am so miserable everyday im looking how to feel better.i went to a program in worcester mass for 5 mounths got out did good and stated useing agaIN.I NEED TO GET HELP,I cant live like this anymore id like to get back to a doctor to get help i have a disease and it dont just go away it needs to be treated!thankyou for listening.!from, shannon reynolds.

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Hi could you email me when you get chance please.

Was this helpful? 6

hi, saw your message; can you post back to me? im interested in subutex, and have problems trying to get them.

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Stick to Methadone tried & true. A good blocking dose will alleviate dope sickness witch is the worst pain your soul will ever feel. Waiting for a bus to the clinic at 4:00am and it's 10°f below with the wind chill is nothing compared to what your feeling. Suboxone can be abused even injected. Subutex can kill you if you abuse it and all of you are planning to get high.....take a warning ...YOU GET HIGH ON DOPE. ONCE....THE FIRST TIME

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What kind of info about the subutex do u need hunn?

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I am currently on methadone thru a clinic. I have tried suboxone and get really sick from the naloxone. i think the subutex can help me. any information would be greatly appreciated. thanks Tom

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