Subutex Those Who Prescribe It Information
UpdatedHello, this thread will help many people. It is designated to provide addicts information concerning where they can get prescribed Subutex (Buprenorphine) instead of Suboxone. Let's face it, Naloxone can cause problems. Subutex is significantly cheaper and is an effective alternative for people who cannot tolerate Suboxone - for whatever reason. I will provide the names of a few Physicians/Places that I am certain are compassionate towards those sensitive to Naloxone. However, let's build this thread: help one another by providing potentially life-saving information. If I see that others' are contributing, I will keep submitting information as I find it and I will keep digging for the sake of those in desperate conditions. Let's support one another and get this thing up and running.
* Dr. Alan Clark - South Hills Recovery Project - Bridgeville, Pa. He has a practice of rxing the Subutex for ANY and ALL patients without insurance. His standard dose = 24mg. per day. (Allows oncea month visits)
* Dr. Robert Goodwin - Catonsville, Md. He has no problem giving folks the Subutex - as long as they show progress and display NO signs of abuse(Allows once a month visits after about two months of successful treatment)
* Dr. Ronnie Parker - Meta Medical Center - Pikeville, Ky. He will NEVER admit his willingness to write Subutex. It takes time with him and he MUST trust AND like you. After that, he will act like he is breaking all sorts of Federal Laws and he will swear that it is a first, but he will do it.
* Dr. Zubair Latiff - Newport News, Va. He is obnoxious, rude and in my opinion disrespectful. He makes no shame of the fact that he wants $$$$. He will RX the Subutex. But you will be returning every other week.
I've got a few more, but I want to see others pitch in. I hope this works. It can do a LOT of good.
Thank You
5 Replies
I go to clark but keep hearing the DEA is going to shut him down I am worried and get ill on suboxone. The feds and phRmacutical copanys are tied together and make big bucks on suboxone. My therapist at dr. Clark told me the feds have been to her home. I hate our crazy government all they are doing is opening the door for more H. I live in the tri state area wv Oh. P.a. area and H is running rampant. They are letting it happen. Geezus I have been feeling huuman again on subutex and they want to stop it. Can you help?
please can you help me to find a doctor that will write subutex around Kentucky I live in Pikeville ky but can drive to Johnson city Tennessee or Kingsport, please help me.
To Steve and Watis (the original thread starter). Watis, thank you for your helpful info. Tho I see your thread was started last year I'm responding anyway. And to Steve, our government with their DEA multi billion dollar war on drugs is one of the top 3 most moronic wastes of hard working Americans money I can think of. Hulloooo Mr President, it's not working, you've lost that war. I wish they'd stop flushing all that money down the toilet for God's sake! Opiates are running rampant in this Northeast Ohio/PA area of the country. Why? They've shut down the biggest Pain Management Specialty Clinics and frightened the remaining drs so that they've abruptly cut outstanding, compliant patient's medication in half leaving thousands of people to fend for themselves! Those fools don't even think of how that would affect the community? Every Saturday morning I read of the 7-10 people over dosed on opiates during the week. Some make it out alive but many don't. Our obituary section has more 21-45 year old young people than you'd think possible. My husband and I look at them and just shake our heads. Yes, I'm mad as hell. The DEA don't know what they've done or what they're doing!!! There's a website where you can anonymously apply to become a patient of a certified Suboxone Dr. Whether any of those people write for Subutex I don't know. I don't want to speculate because I'm not 100% sure but I'll repeat here what I've read in several support websites. Subutex has now been targeted. Limits have been made as to who meets criteria to be prescribed Subutex. I've read that only pregnant and breastfeeding women and those that are allergic to the Naloxone in Suboxone which supposedly makes it unappealing to those that want to use it recreationally are prescribed Subutex.
Thank U, for taking your time and posting this info. I've been on and off of perk for 20yrs, I live in Cincinnati, Ohio. Can u please tell me if u have to have an appointment and which one would be the closest one to me. I get perks 7.5 6 times a day and have to go see my doctor 2 times a month, I am due to get my shoulder Operated on in a couple weeks, however I have had neck surgery 4 c sections. My leg operated on and had a bulging disc in my back and neck. Unless they can make me Bionic I know that I am going to have to deal with this pain for the rest of my life. And if anybody could please help me find a subutex doctor I would appreciate it. I can't even pick up my grandkids and I am so depressed, anymore Pain is no joke And everybody's pain level is so different. So These laws Are horrible to the people that actually need medicine or that are trying to get off of the opiates. Please help. I'm desperately in need. Thank you.
Do you know of any docs in tennessee that will write for folks with hep c? Suboxone makes me terribly sick and subutex helped me get off the needle. Thanks in advance.
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