Subutex Dr Near Southern California
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I'm on suboxone right now and want to switch to subutex because I'm afraid if there is ever an emergency and I need surgery suboxone will be a huge issue.

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Hi there I live in the socal area and i was on suboxone and now my doc changed me to subutex u should talk to ur doc

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Need rapid opiate detox frm 75mcg Fentanyl Patch/72 hrs & 10/325mg Percocet per 6 hrs as needed. Its getting hot here in SoCal so patches are causing probs, where they're now becoming ineffective too soon where now Im using too many of my Percocet for breakthroughs too soon as well.

But here's my biggest issue.... In one month (mid May), I have to fly to Ohio w my mom for about a week, visit w fam haven't seen in yrs, & then help my mom bring back my ailing grandmother back to CA to stay for the following 3months. Im on these pain meds for 4 herniated cervical discs, degenerative disc disease, compression lower lumbar, sciatica, & Fibromialgia. BUT I WANT OFF OF THEM before our trip so that BOTH my mom & I wont have to worry about withdrawal issues occuring (for whatever reason), therefore I can do my part & lessen my mom's worries, not worsen them. I only have Medicare but need to know if anyone out there knows where I can rapidly detox & any available funding opportunities for me to do so before we go.

This soooooo important to me because my mom & I have never had a "bonding" relationship my whole life & THIS is my chance to step up for the 1st time, being that she has NEVER asked me for help until now & I just cannot cannot cannot disappoint her. Please, if anyone can help me w this lemme know asap. Please. This is crucial for a long-desired turnaround within our family. I HAVE TO BE THERE FOR HER FOR ONCE IN MY 32 YRS OF NOTHING BUT DISAPPOINTMENTS & LET DOWNS. THANK U!

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Hello, Ashalee! How are you?

I'm afraid they will not let you switch for such a reason. The risk of that ever happening is very low, but if someone is being treated for addiction, there is a fairly big risk that they may abuse other drugs, while being treated, thus Suboxone is the preferred choice.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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