Subutex Dr In Johnson City Or Kingsport Tn (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Hey, I am looking for a doctor that will prescribe me subutex in Tennessee - johnson city or kingsport. I was going out of town to even have my doctor and they have me prescribed to 32 mg a day. Well they would not let me reschedule my appointment and now told me I need a new doctor. This is devastating to me because I have been doing so good. If anyone can help me please let me know.

272 Replies (14 Pages)

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Re: Nessa (# 169) Expand Referenced Message

He should just tell him the truth be honest of u have pain or what Suboxone does to u he's an understanding doctor he owns associates recovery in ksport and JC..but make sure u ask directly for him because their are other doctors in his clinic.

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Re: Tasha (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

I know a Dr in Johnson city that'll give ur hubby subutex and they take insurance for the visit. I think they only write two-a-day but they will give him Klonopin and Neurontin if he wants. I will gladly give you the name if you will give you the name of the Doctor who will write 3 subutex a day. I don't know, it's up to you but get back to me ASAP.

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Re: mere (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

You're not allergic. You'll never get it, especially since you've BEEN taking it. Anifilaxis is the only thing that they would prescribe subutex for. Not because you're sick in your stomach. I actually do get subutex and I actually do have an allergy to narcan, which is what's in suboxone. Some people just want to get subutex because you can sell it for more on the street and they are really f***ing s*** up for the people who really need it. You'd be dead by now if you'd been taking it as long as you have with a reaction that needed subutex instead.

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Do u know of any bossy ? - vannah

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Call watagua recovery associates or try the clinic beside mcdonalds downtown. I heard they do. Im n desperate need of tec cause the box makes me sick

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PLEASE REPLY To My Quick & Only Question. Will Those doc's at Harriman, Tn Still Write the 120, 2mg Xanax's? idc so much about the tex'es or boxes either for that matter. I have Terrible Nerves & i've been going to the doc (same clinic) at j-boro alrdy. Do You Know of or Think That they'll still write a man with God awful Nerves, & Daily Panic Attacks the 4, 2mg Xanax per day?? Please Reply to me ASAP cuz i'm almost on the Brink of another Serious Suicide Attempt unless I can convince a doc there to write the Only medicine they have that allows me to Function like a Normal person & not worry that I'm damaged good's & defected from birth onward. Plz reply ASAP, & TY for listening.

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No... I am still looking around for a Subutex Doctor?.... I have not heard nothing for sure. Just what people r saying on these posts.. But u never know for sure if that is what u r going to get, if u go to one of them doctors. Cause i dont think u can call them up, and say, "YES. DO U ALL WRITE SUBTEX THERE. AND KLONOPINS TOO"???... They will more then likely tell u or me no, on the phone.. SO I DONT NO WHAT TO DO.... UNTIL I CAN FIND OUT FOR SURE IF THAT IS WHAT THEY WILL GIVE ME IF I GO... If anyone knows for sure a Doctor that well help. Please E-mail me..or post something on here to me. And i well get it. And get ahold of each other or something....Im really needing a Doctor, fast like......i do live in Morristown....THANK U. EVERYONE! Its haRd to get anyone to tell u the names of Doctors because, like someone else posted, they want to sell there's to u or me... THANK U.. LOVE TO ALL!!!!

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Has anyone heard of a Dr. Lutz in Sevierville? I talked to him and he writes for 3 a day and also writes for benzos.

New Hope Medical Wellness Clinics of America, LLC
Address: 1240 Fox Meadows Blvd #1, Sevierville, TN 37862
Phone: (865) 366-1623

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Dr. Tino is taking new patients he prescribes Subutex. Hes located in Johnson city. Dr. Johnston in Johnson City is taking new patients and prescribes Subutex also with documentation of an allergy. Hope this helps someone.

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Catalyst Health Solutions: 423-282-3379. I go there. I drive from Knoxville and have been going there for 2 yrs. They're awesome.

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I go to Restoration and Wellness. They have lots to offer. It is a facility that treats the whole body. I go to groups and individual counseling. The social service lady has helped me get my teeth worked on. I think in the future they are going to take insurance. Dr. Johnston has saved my life. I think the number is (423) 434-6677. Hope this helps people!

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Restoration and Wellness is the best clinic in Johnson City.

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Wheezy.. U seem to be one of the only ppl that tried to help other ppl (if ANYONE else will help plz help me).. At restoration and wellness is dr.Johnston the only one that writes subutex.does anyone know if dr. Saadati will?? I was on subutex for 4 yrs and my dr left so I had to switch places and they wrote me suboxone which has made me break out all over my neck and arms plus I get horrible migraines.with subutex, I've never experienced this.. But yet I have no papers saying I'm allergic .. If someone could plz help me find out if dr saadita wil help, if not does anyone know any other places ??

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Try catalyst. I just started there and they are amazing. You will need to have something showing your allergy. But they didn't ask me for it.

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Go see Dr. Morris at Restoration and Wellness. I heard East Tennessee Recovery which is in the same building will be taking insurance. This will save people lots of money. It will help me get my meds paid for. They will have lots of new counseling options. Number is 423-434-6677

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Re: Nessa (# 170) Expand Referenced Message

What do u need I wrote alot below explaining 2 doctors 1 who writes suboxone and clonazepam 1mg and the other writes out subutex also 1 mg or 2 mg even possibly .5mg clonazepam.

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Re: Nessa (# 169) Expand Referenced Message

If u do find a good one let me know please i am from Kentucky also!!!!!!!

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Re: Isabelle (# 191) Expand Referenced Message

I don't know any that take insurance, however, your meds will be covered

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I dont know why its such a big secret as to who knows and doesn't want to help people. We are obviously all here for the same thing n to know the same thing... Why does everyone say ill give u this if u give me this...anyone can go to a doctor..look here's 1 y'all can try...

Dr. Bomar Herrin in kingsport, TN writes for both men and women pregnant or not. (423) 857-5571

Dr. Tino catalyst health Johnson City, TN... men and women

1 of the doctors at Princeton in Johnson City, TN im not sure on the doctors name though

What I need help with is a pharmacy that will fill something other than the 54411 Roxannes. I myself perfer Actavis peach ones as the 54411 burn my tongue bad. I don't know the difference. Im not pregnant so a pharmacy that will fill the Actavis for a non prego woman...suboxone made me lose a lot of weight. Anyway as soon as I switched over to tec I'm gaining my weight slowly back, all with things and shakes i was taking while on suboxone and could not. I just wld like Actavis because they simply dont burn my tongue like the 54411s. Someone please help, walgreens is a no go. They just say I got to be pregnant.

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Re: Angela (# 214) Expand Referenced Message

Restoration and wellness in jc and omni health I believe it's called there's a bunch in jc but the new law passed Jan 1st says only get tex for 3 months if breastfeeding I go out of state so o can't help you much other than that oh and high point clinic if looking for just suboxone you won't get nerves anywhere I can go ahead tell you that because the new law unless had a script in last 6 months but anyway in kingsport apes was great but they shut down due to bankruptcy so can't help you with kingsport and I help as much as possible indony keep Drs a secret I get people don't went others fn it up for everyone but hopefully people here are serious about help and won't f up anything..

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