Substitute For Darvocet
(Newest replies first)
My Dad is taking Tramadol in place of Darvocet. He took Darvocet for 20 years no side effects, now he is taking Tramadol and is good for pain but his blood pressure is going high and he has arrythmia and terrible depression. I think this pill has problem working with Paxil, Atenolol, Norvasc and Digoxin and should not be given together or adjusted. Why are doctors not aware of this and what else could he or should he be taking? Confused and upset! I f Darvocet cause heart attacks then why could he take it for 20 years without problems and now with Tramadol the safe one he's having all these troubles.
Re: Kathy (# 36)
I agree Ive taken propox for 15 yrs no problems. Now with tramadol Ifeel like an addict if I dont take it. Ive been on off pain meds for 35 yrs tramadol is the worst drug to wean off of right down to cutting in half to only 1 pill @ half. Sure do miss propoxphene
Re: CashMoney63 (# 20)
I am allergic to all opioids and opioid derivites. In the past I had 3 hand surgeries and used Darvon for the first few days after the surgeries. Tramadol effects me much like opioids do and does nothing for pain. I have had another surgery on my hand and one on each shoulder all for all of which I’ve taken ibuprofen for pain. I can understand that Darvon can cause heart problems for people who use it regularly, but it was the only pain killer, aside from over the counter drugs that I could take. And most amazingly of all, it took them 50 years to decide its harmful.
Re: Jim (# 31)
3-400 deaths a year??? I wonder if that includes intentional suicides or acute liver failure due to acetaminophen toxicity? They have a way of 'skewing' these stats to make them seem authentic; besides 3-400 for anything is low, especially when the darvocet brand was loaded with...acetaminophen, look it up. That s*** should be banned. Not propoxyphene.
The murdering of pain patients has come out of the closet now with one sheriff openly refusing to treat overdoses when his deputies find them. Some supporters even comment; "Let drug users die."
This follows a trend started in the Philippines where drug users are routinely murdered in the streets by law enforcement. Many American supporters of killing "Sinners" are to be found in political action groups dedicated to Trump. Here is a link to one story on this trend:
Hey D,
You don't get it! That Lie you referenced is why there are so many replies in this discussion. There are so many deaths due to pain killers since this medication was removed the answer is obvious; DARVOCET WAS THE SAFEST PAIN MEDICATION ! All other pain medications and indeed most types of medications have far worse side effects than Darvocet had.
THE LINK BELOW IS WHY DARVOCET was taken off the market. Money was not an issue. It had to do with causing heart problems.
And an answer to replacement and pain:
After Propoxyphene: Alternate Pain Medications
See your warning about new substances in opiod street drugs, to think this may be intentional, but saw deaths in Georgia from some new opiods. Political movements need to be reasonable or we are in a real mess!
I took it that long too, my dr. Told me one person had one and they blamed it on that, I think its because it was cheap and worked great.
Very interesting. Going out on a limb here - have noticed that the number of doctors being murdered by patients has skyrocketed since the war on pain killers began. Very strange times, top of list murdered are doctors treating pain and oddly enough psychiatrists.
Also have been told but is hard to prove that the reason Darvocet was actually removed was because an underground operation found a way to chemically convert it into a much more powerful drug.
There have been reports that there is a political movement to increase deaths in the category of serious pain patients to decrease medical costs across the board. There also are possible activities by this movement to increase the amount of dangerous substances in street drugs as well as add toxins to various forms of imported alcohol, bacteria to imported cannabis and tobacco. Some of these may just be pipe dreams of some strange think tanks involving extremist viewpoints, but they are scary concepts that might explain a lot. Do searches in this area and tell me if you agree that something is foul!
it's a money thing. darvocet is not very expensive and drug companies could not make money off of it, so they came up with a bad side effect after all the years people have taken it with no probably. I have not found a pain medicine I can take since it was taken off the market because they all cause bad headaches, especially that tramadol. I suffer pretty bad with all the spinal problems I have since they took darvocet off the market. I only took it when the pain was really, really bad and I really suffer bad some days for days at a time. I cannot take most NSAIDS because they take too much fluid out of my joints and cause really bad pain in my hips. I have had some really bad cervical pain lately & have eaten tylenol like candy and I am very surprised I have not had liver failure.
I agree - let the people speck regarding this wonderful drug. Back pain, I is a hard thing to live with and I'd you cannot take NSAIDs because of high blood pressure,
Dar on does the trick with no side effects for me also...
FDA get a clue...grow up ... as long as the drug is used appropriately if have values or pain relief.
Better than opioids, drugs overdoses and narcissism to save lives. F D A strop controlling people lives!,,,
I agree this was one of the best pain meds out there, I took it for 40 yrs for my pain and NEVER had side affects, never was groggy from it either. I just dont think they made enough money from it. SHAME ON THE FDA
Most of the problem is this ridiculous war on drugs, they have failed to even make a dent... in fact since "the war on drugs" started....Very illegal drug use has skyrocketed, but they will never be able to tell ppl what they should and shouldn't do when it comes to OUR lives and making OUR choices about the manner in which we live it. Darvon was an absolute miracle drug for me, I nvr had 1 single side effect, but the money men (corporate america) needed to get it out of the way somehow, b/c this stupid war on drugs was a goldmine and they knew it...Darvon was SO effective and dirt cheap, Dr's, if they were going to give you a mild narcotic (there was a split among dr's as to whether the drug was even a narcotic at all) if they had to make a choice propoxyphene was considered the safest, But w/ the "war on drugs" there was a brand new government inspired "demand" for pharmaceutical companies to come up w/pain drugs (why did it have to be pain? couldn't it have been ritalin or something) that were 100% non narcotic, and the FDA pushed Dr's to prescribe these drugs instead of those evil, downfall of America, EFFECTIVE "narcotics" Controlling drugs like darvon is them controlling YOU...darvon never ever caused me, my mother, my mothers friends, anyone I knew that took it in fact, a single side effect and I took it for over 25 years, I get put on Vioxx (thanks fda) and wound up in ccu....kidney failure/stroke/encephalitis/brain bleeds all over the place...the consensus in the hospital, Poisoning! but since they hadn't "discovered" how dangerous the drug was at the was labeled a "toxic event"... and still has not healed after 15yrs (developed CRPS) So welcome to the new world...they'd rather kill you, then you "feel good/better". This is all about money and the FDA/DEA and our multi-millionaire (billionaire) federal "babysitters"....You guy's can't even stop you wanna go after people, Dr's, all the way down to nursing homes and the elderly or the victims of a painful disease, buuut we all know you all have GREAT gov't jobs, you have a budget you must spend to get "more" so you can keep your jobs and your worthless "agencies" in some kind of artificial "need" to exist. HELLO WE DO NOT NEED A BABYSITTER AND WE DON'T NEED NOR WANT YOU! Welcome to "corporate" America... Americans.
Gosh, I was just checking out Darvon hoping I would b able to request it from my dr. I did not know it was taken off the market. My mom used both Darvon & darvocet for 40 some yrs for her R.A. pain, no problems at all. Darvon was the only thing that took away my neck & migraine pain. Nothing out now a days stays working & the feds have the drs. afraid to give u what u need. U R ready to bite the bullet as u just cant take it any more, no quality of life.
I'm one of the few remaining patients fighting for the UK Government to reinstate licences for Co-proxamol (Darvoet) and recently discovered that the most likely reason for the removal of the ‘Marketing Authorizations’ was probably financial.
In a report which was conducted by the FDA between 1969 and 2005. It would appear that the FDA had completely ignored their own published information. The report clearly shows that the two drugs (Oxycodone & Tramadol) which the FDA and MHRA have continued to grant additional ‘Marketing Authorizations’ for had the most adverse event reports from patients, and the drugs had been proven to be more harmful and addictive.
As Co-proxamol had been on the market for over 50 years the income MHRA (UK) received from the remaining 17 ‘Marketing Authorization’ holders had diminished by 2005.
MHRA have issued many more ‘Marketing Authorizations’ during the period from 2005 to 2014. Once again they appear to seek increases in their income while totally ignoring patient safety & wellbeing.
My Questions for MHRA: - Co-proxamol what was the monetary loss to MHRA when these MA’s were cancelled?
MHRA response: - Zero
What was the potential monetary loss to MHRA between 2008 and 2015? (Renewals Etc.)
MHRA response: - This has been calculated to be approximately £100,000
Alternative Analgesia
How many MA’s were held for OXYCODONE drugs when the phased withdrawal for Co-proxamol was first announced in January 2005? - 13
How many MA’s were held in January 2015? - 151
What was the monetary Gain to MHRA between 2008 and 2015 resulting from any increases in the number of MA's issued? (Including Renewals Etc.). Approximately £1,550,000. This is the total received in application fees for these new marketing authorizations and does not include any subsequent licence variations or service fees.
MHRA, In reply to your comments, medicine licensing fees vary depending on the complexity of the application and in the case of these oxycodone products, the initial fees for each product varied from £2,700 to £29,000. In addition every product will have a different history of variations to the licence (most variations will also incur a fee and these also vary considerably depending on the complexity of the changes being requested) and the volume of periodic fees may also differ, depending on whether a licence remained active or was cancelled during this period. We estimated that it would take at least 15 minutes to check the records for each licence and produce an estimate which is why we exempted this information under Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act. The figure for loss following the co-proxamol cancellations was simpler to estimate because no initial fees were involved.
*Copyright notice. The information supplied in response to your request is the copyright of MHRA and/or a third party or parties, and has been supplied for your personal use only. You may not sell, resell, or otherwise use any information provided without prior agreement from the copyright holder
Deaths in the UK from all of the alternate analgesia have increased alarmingly since the MA’s for Co-proxamol were removed!
• Deaths from Tramadol rose from 53 in 2005 to 240 in 2014
• Deaths from Oxycodone rose from 11 in 2005 to 53 in 2014
• Deaths from Codeine rose from 44 in 2005 to 136 in 2014
• Deaths from Fentanyl rose from 3 in 2005 to 40 in 2014
• Deaths from Buprenorphine rose from 5 in 2005 to 24 in 2014
None of the 1.75 million patients prescribed Co-proxamol were consulted in the CSM/MHRA review!
Their reasoning for the removing of the MA’s: - 300-400 deaths per year. DEATHS FROM THE ALTERNATE DRUGS HAVE INCREASED MORE!
There have been significant financial gains for MHRA with the additional Marketing Authorisations (MA’s) being issued by them. Unfortunately this has seriously impacted on the 1.75 million patients in the UK who were receiving prescriptions prior to 2005. Their decisions have been directly responsible for the increased death rates with the alternate drugs on offer!
When the decision to remove the licence there were approximately 1.7 million patients taking Co-proxamol in the UK; the overdose death rate, even if their figures had been correct equated to just 0.02% OF PATIENTS WOULD HAVE BEEN AT RISK of death (intentional or accidental)!
The vast majority of patients had taken Co-proxamol responsibly and, in normal use, CO-PROXAMOL POSED NO THREAT TO LIFE AND HAD CONSIDERABLY FEWER SIDE EFFECTS THAN ANY OTHER PAIN KILLING DRUG.
The FDA and MHRA have deliberately removed a completely safe (when tolerated and used correctly) drug from the market while continuing to grant ‘Marketing Authorizations’ for two drugs which were known to have serious consequences for patients.
I used to take Darvocet all the time for my fibromyalgia and it worked like a dream! So, When I was to renew it of course it was discontinued witmy asmazment! They put me on Tramadol which worked for a while but as time it quit working and now I'm left with other pain meds that doesn't work!!!!!!
Omg I feel your pain. I bet you can get Darvocet in Africa or India, or Mexico. Not here, we have very cruel government control.
I'm am suffering in pain. oxycodone (18x stronger than hydrocodone) wears off after 40 minutes, same for hydrocodone,: within 40 minutes my pain returns , it was never turned off. It went from a level 10 in severe pain, down to a level 2 , then back to a level 6 at 40 minutes. Its one hour later I am back to a 10 severe pain. I had dentalbone surgery. Why the h did the fda take darvocet away? I used darvocet for my impacted wisdom teeth removal 30 years ago. It would turn off the pain and let me sleep. I want to chisel and take a mallet to the a- holes that came up with this pea brained idea to remove darvocet from patient care. I want to extract all their teeth with chisels and mallets and give them no medicine . Because they need to feel as I do!
I had a neck injury from work 7 yrs. ago. Terrible pain and still have alot of trouble. I would take Darvocet only when needed and could atleast function. Dr. switched me to tramadol. Ha what a joke! It does absolutely NOTHING for my pain. It's like taking a P!acebo. I don't know what to do. It seems like the doctor's hands are tied. I need something besides this worthless Tamadol!
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