Suboxone/hydrocodone (Top voted first)


Hi all! A little info of my history: I've been a Hydrocodone user for over a year. A typical daily dose would be 18-20 10mg Norco. I've decided to go cold turkey. On Monday @ 8:30 am I took ONE 8mg Suboxone to hold my withdrawals off while I got things situated before l start WDing. It's been 50 hours since my ONE dose of Suboxone and I still haven't felt any WD's. So my question to you all is in your opinion when shall I anticipate my WD symptoms?

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How did this go for you? Were you fine after 50 hours?

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I don't think it's possible to provide an accurate answer as to when or if you should experience withdrawal symptoms. There are far too many variables depicting how differently we all react and respond to these types of medications. If you feel good after several days there's no reason to wait around wondering when you're going to feel bad. If I were you I'd keep my focus on what's positive in my (your) life and make the most of those moments. Chances are you'll end up being so immersed in whatever it is you're doing that you'll forget that you ever could've/would've/should've experienced withdrawals. Our mental aptitude plays a significant role in how well we cope with changes that take place in our body and our environment.

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I have been on Hydrocodone for years. I missed my appointment and it is a holiday. I took about 1mg or less of a suboxone strip because of shakes and withdrawal symptoms... That was about 5 hours ago. I am getting a pill because I do not want to take more of the suboxone, I am scared of them, but I will keep what I have for future if this happens again. Will my pain meds be ok to take? And please no repeat of standard FDA info, I have read a lot of blogs today.

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