Strongest To Weakest Pain Medication
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weakest to strongest pain medications

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Mg to mg in general.

From weak to strong:

1. tylenol 3
2. hydrocodone
3 oxycodone
4 meperidine
5 hydramorphone
6 oxymorphone
7 fentanal
8 su fentanal

These are what is mainly used in the United States. Europe uses others as well. There are also many other analgesics spread through this list.

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I am on pain pill now. HYDROMORPHONE 2MG. It not working. Do you think a patch will work?

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Wisdom tooth impacted and I'm in a lot of pain what medication should I take?

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Yes, there are really far too many for anyone to list them all and compare them for you, especially with your lack of specificity.

If you restrict it to opiates, as capt ekim talked about searching for, then that narrows the list a bit, but in regards to general analgesics there are many on the market, both over the counter and prescription only medications.

Additionally, there's no way to really know which will be stronger or weaker for any given person, since medications can affect everyone differently. For example, I get completely whacked out sick from some that work great for other people and their best choices don't do anything to help me with pain.

Are there any other questions or comments?

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LoLo Go to: Wikipedia and search Opioid Comparison

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