Strongest Hydrocodone


I just got prescribed hydrocodone-acetaminophn 10-325 I have never felt like this b4 takin them, they make me sick and I can barely walk keep my eyes open stop throwing up or atleast have the sensation to throw up... I'm shaking and itchy everywhere is this a stronger form
Perhaps idk what it is but I'm in pain and really do not want to take them someone of u can please inform me of the highest dosage an lowest so I can see if maybe they can just lower the dosage or what not-- thank you

4 Replies

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The ones you are taking do have the strongest dose of Hydrocodone in them, at 10mgs, but there are lower dosages available. There is one with 7.5mgs and one with just 5mgs.


Have you contacted your doctor about this, yet?

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You may want to break them and only take half until you can discuss it with your dr.

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Hydro/oxycodone, codeine and their other formulas can all cause what you are going through. If you are nauseated and "itchy" you can take benedryl for the itching and your Dr will prob give you a RX for fenegran to stop you from vomiting. (excuse my spelling as im on a cell texting this in). I take benedryl when the itching starts. Some people like it and I cant understands why

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That is the strongest does in tablet form, but you can get much stronger doses if they are compounded. I have mine compounded to have less acetaminophen which is what hurts your liver not the hydrocodone. The legal limit is about 1200-1500 mg of acetaminophen which is why they will not give you more then QID or 4 a day with the 10-7.5-or 5/325 and 3 a day with the 500 or 650. By having mine compounded to a 20/80, 20 mg of hydrocodone and 80 mg of acetaminophen I can take up to 12 a day and get 360 a month. I never take that many, I take between 8 and 10 a day depending on my pain and have a 5 mg time released capsule to take inbetween doses if needed. The problem is that my RX card will cover any tablet 10/650 to 10/325 but will not cover the compounded even though it has the same ingredients. I think it is the drug companies that lobby the insurance companies to cover certain meds but not any that are compounded.

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