Strongest 30 Mg Oxycodone - Kvk Vs Mallinckrodt Vs Rhodes (Page 6) (Top voted first)


Hi All,

I experience pretty severe neuropathic pain due to a spinal injury. I have a Baclofen pump which also contains hydromorphone but still get a lot of breakthrough pain. I've been taking oxycodone for 8ish yrs. and the pills I was prescribed those first few yrs. did a good job at treating the pain. I've had to change pharmacies and notice lately the oxycodone 30s I've been given lately do little or NOTHING! Especially the Mallinckrodt!

My doc prescribed 3 30mg pills a day but I had to munch 5 of the Mallinckrodts in a 4 hour period and still got barely any relief. I was worried I'd get constipated big time after taking that many pills several days in a row but I didn't (because they're so damn weak!) I don't know the mfg. of the oxys I was taking yrs ago but it may have been Actavis or KVK Tech. (although KVKs I was prescribed last mo. weren't much better than the Mallinckrodt).

My question is what brand do y'all think is the strongest 30mg oxycodone? My pharmacy has the KVK but I talked to another that carries Rhodes, are those any better? Thanks for any info!

133 Replies (7 Pages)

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Rhodes are JUNK. DO NOT take these. I just filled these last month and they sucked. Complained to my pharmacy and they just say "it's made by the same company that makes Oxycontin". Been reading about them and everyone that get's them say's they are just garbage. I have had the bright pink ones and they are like hot pink, they worked great. However, apparently United Healthcare insurance will only fill 5 mg's and not 10 mg and that is the brand they allow them to fill. So now I have to wait till the 11th until I can get another script. I am so mad.

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Re: Ck (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

I got zydus this last time and they kick ass.they are strong.

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new. taking ql10/325 but activis,and others nut after over 15 yrs snd i wss given rgodes 10 and o was so sjvk and again they do not relieve the pain to same degree of any of other taken along with being off balance, along with headaches and dry mouth a nd general foggy feeling and lack of appetite.
filed a complaint wiith FDA...

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Re: Queenie (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

How did you file a complaint at FDA for Rhodes Oxycodone as this is the worst pill I have ever taken. I had serious accident and I am fused 2 levels at neck, 3 at lumbar and up for another surgery and just tore my rotator cuff so probably surgery there too.

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Re: Bob Jones (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I found them today at cvs today. Last month i got rhodes it was awful

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Re: Queenie (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

I went to 4 pharmacies today so that I could avoid getting Rhodes Pharmaceutical Oxycodones and I struck gold with the 5th pharmacy. I started at CVS, but they’re now dispensing Rhodes. I returned to Rite Aid, who has been hit and miss with their Oxycodone Pharma manufacturer (I mean that I have gotten Rhodes there, but also Watson, Endo, Actavis and Mallinckrodt), but they were dispensing Rhodes today. I then prayed for better luck with a small community drug store and they were fine, in terms of not using Rhodes, but carried too small a quantity to fill my rx. I then called Walgreens and discovered they were not using Rhodes. I went there and discovered that they, too, were understocked by 26 pills, and would not dispense a partial prescription so I’d have to wait until Wednesday for the next shipment and thus my order to be filled. Walgreens was able to find me another one of their stores that had enough Actavis Oxycodone in stock to fill my order and in just under 5 hours I was able to get my rx filled.

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Re: Chris (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I've been getting the 30 mg the kvk after taking those for years the pharmacy all of a sudden gave me some cambe 30 M yellow ones they suck when I ask the pharmacy about it they said well we kind of get what they order for us I went to another pharmacy CVS and Walgreens they basically said the same thing you can not ask them if can you give me the blue ones they won't order it that way anybody have a suggestion because I cannot take these yellows anymore I have an appointment at another weak and I've got to get my script filled. The difference in these is like a fish sandwich and a hamburger there's a reason why they're generic and they're low cost please any help I'll. Take any advice. Scotty

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Re: charles (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I've taken oxy 15s for 20 years and I just got the Rhodes brand and I think that they're way better. I actually feel them n get relief and even get itchy which hadn't happened in 15 years. idk. I know the next time I'm going to Walmart again to get that brand.

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Zydus is the best generic. Had qualitest and kvk but I agree with others. Not as strong. Don't last as long. Qualitest 15s stopped working after 2 months. Seek out zydus. Been taking pain meds 16 years. Zydus don't diminish after time.

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My name is Melissa and I am going thru the same situation. The BEST generic is Actavis!! But Mellenkroft sells to all pharmacy’s now and they DONT WORK I was on 4 oxycodone 30 mg Actavis and felt great!! Walgreens CVS and Rite Aid now by Mallinckrodt I had to take 11 in a 7 hr period and felt nothing, absolutely nothing!! We all need to put a petition to get Actavis back in the pharmacies!! I actually spoke to Actavis Corporate office and they told me to put a petition in place as we need to get Mellenckroft off the market!! They were so helpful and tried to help me find a pharmacy but couldn’t!! Mallinckrodt costs $30 less a bottle so we are all suffering so the pharmacies can save money and the ins co’s pay less as well, this is a travesty for people like us who are truly sick!! I have severe fibromyalgia for 5 years and led a nice life on the Actavis brand, the Mallinckrodt did nothing for me but put me into withdrawal and no pain relief!!

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I take KV tech 20 mg oxycodone. Those and actavis are great. However, I have got mallenkrot in the past and they are hit and miss.

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Re: Anon999 (# 110) Expand Referenced Message

Ok Simply I don't know what to do about this. I don't get much effect from KVK and the ER OC either. Maybe it's me. The old saying one who has been on this stuff for too long feels nothing. The ER OC only comes in Brand. So I don't know if the Brand is bad. Or my dosage is too low. But the KVK 10's just nothing non existent. So is there a generic codone that will work. I heard Actavis and not much else but I would have to find who fills them and I would have to encourage MD to move me to 15's cause the 10's come in three ways and all two other generics are worse then the KVK. Somedays I feel maybe I should just stop or take a break. Prescribed people use them everyday like a ritual. But they have lost their effects.

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I filled my 10/325 oxycodone at Dallas Walmart and got stuck with Rhodes Pharmaceuticals. Wow. No effect at all!

I’m desperately searching for Mallinckrodt as they are not only effective, but I have the least side effects from other brands’ mystery fillers. Anyone in the DFW area know who has Mallinckrodt in stock? Any help is much appreciated!

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I just got my script filled for 6-30 mg oxycodone daily and got the Rhodes brand this time and I agree with most of you about Rhodes. The blue 30's from Mallinkrodt worked much better. Might have to switch pharmacys if they won't get the other back.

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Re: Bob Jones (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Walgreens has them now.

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Mallinckrodt used to be the oxy generic to get as long as they're 10mg and better. Now they suck. I get KVK Tech and they're fine, it's the dosage that sucks. I only get 4 of the 15mg per day and I used to get 5 30mg per day along with 2 OC 40s per day. All the govt. is doing is driving me back to drug abuse to control my chronic pain, which I didn't do when my oxy was at the dose I got that was perfect. Being strung on heroin is a nightmare, but they're basically forcing my hand.

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Activis are the ones I get now and they do a good job.

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What has been your experience with Amneal brand Norco?

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Re: ShariLynn (# 125) Expand Referenced Message

If your doctor can sign off on it please get the extended release pain medication pure medicine no filler it comes in 12/24 hour 1-2 per day pending which one you choose. Plus less pills to take and all day relief. Because it may say 10/325 example but how much 10mg are you really getting. I remember DAR-covets gave me 90 pills back in the day and 1 pill would have me going for 2 days. But of course they took it off market now with theses new opioids we have addiction. There was no addiction on DarVocets.

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Re: Lex (# 130) Expand Referenced Message

I actually refuse to take them, the 10 mg oxycodone made by Mallinckrodts, the KVKs are fine (in 2023) but those Mallinckrodts are extra large because they now have an abuse deterrent in them.
The way my prescription is written I take 3 1/2 a day, and on the days that I did that I had such terrible stomach pain and my butt hole burned when I pooped the next day. And I know it was from this medication because I did an experiment where I only took three whole ones a couple days and didn’t break any in half, I didn’t get the burning or the stomach pain. Then I would break them in half again to do the whole 3 1/2 for the day and the Pain would come right back. The Pharmacy orders Rhodes for me now. I see people were complaining about that one a few years ago but it seems fine to me.

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