Strongest 30 Mg Oxycodone - Kvk Vs Mallinckrodt Vs Rhodes (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Hi All,

I experience pretty severe neuropathic pain due to a spinal injury. I have a Baclofen pump which also contains hydromorphone but still get a lot of breakthrough pain. I've been taking oxycodone for 8ish yrs. and the pills I was prescribed those first few yrs. did a good job at treating the pain. I've had to change pharmacies and notice lately the oxycodone 30s I've been given lately do little or NOTHING! Especially the Mallinckrodt!

My doc prescribed 3 30mg pills a day but I had to munch 5 of the Mallinckrodts in a 4 hour period and still got barely any relief. I was worried I'd get constipated big time after taking that many pills several days in a row but I didn't (because they're so damn weak!) I don't know the mfg. of the oxys I was taking yrs ago but it may have been Actavis or KVK Tech. (although KVKs I was prescribed last mo. weren't much better than the Mallinckrodt).

My question is what brand do y'all think is the strongest 30mg oxycodone? My pharmacy has the KVK but I talked to another that carries Rhodes, are those any better? Thanks for any info!

133 Replies (7 Pages)

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No, They are a Purde company. I am also having trouble with my MS Contin or Morphine SULF ER 30mg from Rhodes.

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I too get Rhodes Pharmaceuticals And they are not working for me either. Like you I started out with Great Oxycodones, but then my Pharmacy change to A different Mfg. So I too am looking around to see who can get me A BETTER BRAND. I hope this helps?

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I'm glad others are having the same issues. I always joke with my hub that they gave me placebos on some refills. Got Rhodes for the first time and so far they're crap. Qualitest and another I don't remember were best. I know part of the issue is tolerance but when I eat low carb which decreases inflammation, I get more relief from same dose (percocets). Not the case with Rhodes and some other brands they deceived me with!!!

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I received Rhodes 10/ 325 Oxycodone and I suffered the entire month an must refill another prescription this month, but before it's due again I bet I change pharmacist. They're at CVS now!

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Yes I would like more info. I am new to Frederick..I travel to Eastern Shore and its getting old and exhausted. Couldn't find meds..Need pharmacy in Frederick even hagerstown. Better than a 2 and a half hrs drive.

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I did not understand one word of this. Where do you look to find out/ find a report on who has the best strongest/generic ocycodone (20 mg tabs to be specific)?

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Actavis or Qualitest are the best. When I take them they knock me out. I get M-blocks now, which I used to think were really good, but aren't. Can't find Actavis or Qualitest anywhere. Used to get them at old pharmacy then started getting Kvks. They are no good.

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I agree with you on that company Rhodes I too was on 30 mg of them and they did not work as good as the ones that I am I now. Plus I had a bad urine taking showing that I had Loratabs in my system when I did not take anything except for my oxycodone 30 mg from Rhodes. So I would like to know what type of filler they put in there sometimes?

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I am going thru the same thing right now with Rhodes. I have 1 kidney and limited on what pain med I can take. No aspirin or NSAID. Limited Tylenol. So I can only these as prescribed. They are doing nothing. I have had 2 severe spinal cord injuries. My spinal cord is very damaged and causes severe nerve pain 24/7. I feel like I am taking nothing with these rhodes brand. My blood pressure is getting very high from the pain which could damage my solitary kidney. Not sure whaat is wrong with this brand but it does not work at all.

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If you're able to get your hands on the Activas brand go for It. A few months ago I started noticing the Activas Oxy pills I was taking were a *tiny bit* stronger than they had been and providing a little more pain relief (still a lot better than most other brands). Mind if I ask how you injured your cord? Motorcycle accident here, in 1981. Anyway, good luck.

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You are absolutely right I had Rhodes 20s and felt no relief at all. Total garbage. Recently got epic pharma 30s and they put you to sleep for an hour and that's it. The change of formulation on these meds is very suspicious. K9 is decent I hear but that's it

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No don't get Rhodes, bad stuff, doesn't do anything. 30 mg. is like a huge Tylenol, both in size and strength.

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Rhodes is terrible !!! My insurance provider won't even let me get the Mallincr anymore ! Anyone know how I can get it back ???

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Rhodes sucks ! I was getting the30 Roxycodone and they were good ! Youall are crazy by saying the Mallinckrodt are not good ! My medical coverage switched me to Rhodes and they don't do anything compared too the Roxys !

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I found rhodes 5 & 10 to be superb in quick long lasting relief. Mayb depends on type pain & combo of other meds but i was taking walmart brand when moved and got others then new & dont usually pay attn, but did as these were stronger & quicker acting. Now hv zydus which people say r junk. They dont act as quick but work, others say junk. I think depends on you, pain type etc

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Oh,thats just great,have been on pain meds 4 a very long time due 2 over 20 surgeries,major back ,hip knee n zhpulder probs from sports 2 a bad car accident! Just got the huge 30mg Rhodes pills from the little greenish blue ones n they due not work as well n def.irratate my stomach! This is getting 2 be ridiculous! If you have a choice,stay away from these n take the small blueish ones,all that filler shouldnt even be legal 2 give us!!!

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I just got my oxycodone 10/325 and I have Kaiser this medicine is not the same as before, u might as well take an aspirin, there is no relief at all

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Today was my first day with the new Rhodes oxycodone. I feel a difference but I guess everyone is different as well. I feel better on Rhodes than the KVK. All of Teva and Mallinckrodt are horrible. Been taking oxycodone for 17 years before all the generics came out. Oh yes, name brand Qualitest are best.

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Rhodes are garbage not effective at all. No pain relief

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I agree! I refuse anything else other than Rhodes I feel like the small blue or green ones leave my system faster and I have to take more when I take Rhodes I always have some left at refill if I take the kvk I'm out sooner!!

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