Strongest 30 Mg Oxycodone - Kvk Vs Mallinckrodt Vs Rhodes (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Hi All,

I experience pretty severe neuropathic pain due to a spinal injury. I have a Baclofen pump which also contains hydromorphone but still get a lot of breakthrough pain. I've been taking oxycodone for 8ish yrs. and the pills I was prescribed those first few yrs. did a good job at treating the pain. I've had to change pharmacies and notice lately the oxycodone 30s I've been given lately do little or NOTHING! Especially the Mallinckrodt!

My doc prescribed 3 30mg pills a day but I had to munch 5 of the Mallinckrodts in a 4 hour period and still got barely any relief. I was worried I'd get constipated big time after taking that many pills several days in a row but I didn't (because they're so damn weak!) I don't know the mfg. of the oxys I was taking yrs ago but it may have been Actavis or KVK Tech. (although KVKs I was prescribed last mo. weren't much better than the Mallinckrodt).

My question is what brand do y'all think is the strongest 30mg oxycodone? My pharmacy has the KVK but I talked to another that carries Rhodes, are those any better? Thanks for any info!

133 Replies (7 Pages)

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i am not a regular opoid user but just had foot surgery and i hadn't taken oxycodone in about 5 yrs. i was worried the 'Rhodes' generic i bought wouldn't work but i've had just the opposite effect most people on this page seem to have had. i tasted the pill and it didn't have that 'bitter' taste like tylenol usually does so i considered that a good sign. i found the effects were VERY prolonged, but i potentiated it w/white grapefruit juice and quinine so that may have had something to do w/it. i didn't make me 'sleepy' which was the thing i liked about it best (codeine and on-label Percocet usually do this to me) and it did get rid of the pain. the only thing i found bothersome about rhodes was that i had auditory hallucinations all night long and i found these quite disturbing. i've had slight visual hallucinations from opiates before, but this was different. all i can say is i definitely think it must have an active ingredient in it, i just couldn't believe how lucid the auditory hallucinations were . . .

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Oxymorphone - I have had hydromorphone and it was 2mg. Felt like a 10mg oxycodone. So I would say yes. Oxymorphone is stronger.

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Is rhodes the same as mallinkrodt?

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Can anyone tell me why the opioids are becoming so damn hard to find? I live in the MD. area. If I could work anymore, I'd have to take a day off work to go on a search for my meds. I just spent 2 days driving all over Frederick and still had to go to Hagerstown to get them.

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Actavis works good...Kvk seems to do just as well...this is my first bottle of it. .Malli SUX...its worthless. .I've used Walgreens n CVS brand..Quality chk i believe .it was ok also

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I used to take mellencropt generic ( sorry if spell wrong) 10 325. They worked effectively for chronic back pain. But I got nauseous. Asked for straight oxy and got it from Rhodes and I also thought they were very weak and it's just obvious. I still hurt so much half hour after taking one. Kaiser. Pharmacy. All I knew to do was tell pharmacy and request to go back to other . Just novtylenol. Could be the percoset has fillers the oxy doesn't, which caused nausea. But I am Certain they were much less of a pain reliever.

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Do they make a round white m block with 30 above the score?? Key word is white. I cant seem to i.d. the pill being white. Looks like a normal 30 just white. Is this fake?

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Sarcastically speaking, I like the way they look down their nose when you say "Can you fill my Rx for 150 30mg oxycodones". I'd like to pull the b**** across the counter!

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Exctually the same for me. weird clanking noises foilowed by ear to head highs . must be a very long release time on this stuff. going to start drinking lots of liquids early on.

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i have been on 30mg oxy for years i got some from wal mart and they were rhodes and they didn't work very good i got 20 mg as well and they are not any bedder than asperin i had to use a lot more than i did the other blue ones i got before i have to plead with my doctor for help and my pain is so bad i sit and just cry even after i take a 30 and a 20 rhodes the pain is just as intence but when i took the blue 30 i had before it helped

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Who makes a stronger 30mg oxycodone? I'm currently on m/30, they used to be a dark blue and now they're light light blue and don't even cut to the pain anymore. So does anyone know what brand or stamp on the pill should I get my rx filled with? There are so many different generics. Someone told me k9 are very strong (?)

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I also just got the kvk's... Haven't tried em yet... I usually get the ones with the M on them... Fentyl sux.. I'm on MS Contin 100mg due to a really really bad car accident & out of all the things I've tried the MS is the best for pain... Hope this helps...

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Or you can call that anything junk LOL. I mean really that's your body and that's how you feel about the different types of medication put out by different companies. LMAO junk that's just an uninformed post if I ever saw one?

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The Best Pharmaceuticals Company is Sandoz. I know because I get Oxycontin HCL ER 20MG(the12hr. Extended Relief) tablets. And I get Oxycodone for break through Pain relief, but they are not the same as Sandoz, they are from Rhodes Pharmaceuticals And they don't do anything for my PAIN. In fact they make me sick and gives me HEADACHES!!!!! So if there is someone who knows how to contact the FDA to report this just let me know. PLEASE.

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@rocnroland I am new to Frederick area can you tell me good pharmacies to try fill meds at and maybe even good doctor..I currently drive over bridge..have good doctor but need to find another place to fill

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I think this might be interesting to all of us. 2 weeks ago I came down with a bad cough, fever, etc. I happen to start looking at ingredients becaus they said they were from Croatia. I expressed my fears to To pharmacist & she continued to say all drugs in their pharmacies had obviously had a extra Help from that

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Yes I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU. But there has to be A better and Stronger brand then Rhodes Pharmaceuticals. So can ANYONE PLEASE GIVE ME SOME OTHER NAMES. I only got 4 more days left. Thank You. ASAP

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Hi Riby,
I've been using Actavis brand 30 mg oxycodone and find they're probably the best. They're not great but I find they're a lot better than Rhodes, Mallinckrodt and KVK. FYI, I noticed the Actavis started giving me even better pain relief about a yr. ago even though my dosage was the same so if you had bad results w/them in the past, maybe give them another try. Good luck.

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For starters you have the right to have your meds counted out in front of you before you leave the pharmacy. I would definately do that! As soon as you walk away there is nothing you can do. They automatically assume you are lying.

I had a similar issue a couple months ago and now have them counted in front of me. Yes, it can suck if you have a lot of pills to coynt. However you can at least make sure you have the right number and if you are short they can start tracking down who took them!

Good luck!

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Hey Cargo & Mike W. (and anyone w/cancer pain),
Have y'all ever tried any of the Fentanyl meds like Actiq, Fentora or Fentanyl patches? I'm assuming you have as the med is targeted toward those w/cancer but if you haven't you should check it out. I used to take Actiq then Fentora but then had to change my Rx insurance & the new plan didn't cover it. It's ridiculously expensive at something like $1400 for a box of 28 Fentora. I liked it because it was fast acting but not long lasting. Anyway, hope this helps.

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