Strongest 30 Mg Oxycodone - Kvk Vs Mallinckrodt Vs Rhodes (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Hi All,

I experience pretty severe neuropathic pain due to a spinal injury. I have a Baclofen pump which also contains hydromorphone but still get a lot of breakthrough pain. I've been taking oxycodone for 8ish yrs. and the pills I was prescribed those first few yrs. did a good job at treating the pain. I've had to change pharmacies and notice lately the oxycodone 30s I've been given lately do little or NOTHING! Especially the Mallinckrodt!

My doc prescribed 3 30mg pills a day but I had to munch 5 of the Mallinckrodts in a 4 hour period and still got barely any relief. I was worried I'd get constipated big time after taking that many pills several days in a row but I didn't (because they're so damn weak!) I don't know the mfg. of the oxys I was taking yrs ago but it may have been Actavis or KVK Tech. (although KVKs I was prescribed last mo. weren't much better than the Mallinckrodt).

My question is what brand do y'all think is the strongest 30mg oxycodone? My pharmacy has the KVK but I talked to another that carries Rhodes, are those any better? Thanks for any info!

133 Replies (7 Pages)

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KVK suck! They give me the WORST headache ever! Look it up. Youll see this is not uncommon. Just got Rhodes 20mg....lets wait n see. The Mallinkrodt are the best by far!

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You know after reading all these articles about these different Pain pills, I got to believe that the CDC is behind all of these different Pain pills.

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Agreed!!!! My pain level is so high and chronic and these don't work!!!! I try explaining to my Dr. and pharmacy, but the pharmacist insists they're all the same and, no, they aren't. I can't get any relief from these.

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Hi Honnybee, Sorry it took so long to get back to you.
I like the old Mom/Pops stores. I go to Walkersville Rx. I don't think I've ever waited more then 20 mins.
I have to go down the road for a Dr. I use that term loosely. I'm sick of Frederick.
Get back to me if you want the Drs. name Good Luck And welcome to Frederick.

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Activis- Albertsons
Mallincrodt- Rite-aid
Qualiest- CVS

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I have been dependent on opioid pain medication. Starting on the lowest dose of Vicodin and moving up to Percocet for the past several months. Earlier this month I received Oxycod/apap 10-325, from Rhodes Pharma. I have been using the same pharmacy for the past 12 months. Mine were usually oblong and honestly I am not sure who was the manufacture with my prior prescriptions. But this time, these were white round pills. I started feeling weird, then nausea, cramping, sweating and just feeling very weird. At first, I thought it was a drug interaction with the blood pressure meds, so I started taking my BP meds at bedtime. Even doing that nothing changed, they have done nothing for my pain. Also, I had been taking Monvatik for the constipation that I would have when taking other brands of Oxy. Since I was given these pills, I am no longer needing them, as I was not experiencing any constipation. I actually feel like I am going through withdrawal. I have stopped taking these pills, talked to my doctor and he can't do anything. So I will suffer until I am able to get my new prescription next month. This is just horrible! I have contacted the FDA and Rhodes directly. Very unhappy and feeling pained. We pay a lot for these medications and then when they do not work, we just have to suffer. Not a happy patient right now!

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Short Counted Meds every time - my mom used to work at a jail & be the methadone nurse and at the end of her shifts the only controlled drugs in her jail were methadone, Tylenol 3, and occasionally vicodin 5mg so part of her job was to count the pills at the end of the shift to make sure nothing is missing. Well my dad has been going to pain management in PA and he has a really ****ed up back, and neck to the point his doctor gives him 120 30mgs oxycodone, 120 15mg oxycodone, 150 10mg oxycodone and Valium so every time my dad would go to a pharmacy my mom would count the pills and there's a particular pharmacy all I will say is its in the Shires shopping center that SHORTED him for a YEAR straight..they would take anywhere from 4 to 6 pills per script he got. So do the math 6 oxy 30s= $180 or $150 depending on ur area - 6 oxy 15s = $90 than 6 oxy 10mg = $60 bucks and I'm not even getting into the Valium. Now just think my Dad is only 1 customer who's wife had the smarts to count the pills because I'm not calling people who don't count them stupid, I'm just saying you can't believe a pharmacist just because he's the person you get your pills from and probably built up a friendship of some sort. Well the only reason my Dad remained at that pharmacy for a year knowing he was being shorted is because everything was going under his motor vehicle insurance from an accident and the pharmacy promised him the M30s and M15s but as soon as his case settled for his accident and the pharmacy couldn't over bill the insurance anymore they stopped giving him his M's. Well that's all it took for my dad to stop biting his tongue because he went in there and raised hell with the manager and it was very convenient for the pharmacy to tell my dad that there surveillance system tapes over there recordings the next business day because he went there the next day after they gave him this s***ty kind with a U on it. My dad told them to roll back the tapes to see who is stealing his meds & they couldn't lol. Now that was a mom & pop pharmacy. So my dad switched to riteaid and guess what happens he got shorted his first script there. Think about it how many people actually count there meds? Probably 1 in 150 count there meds. So that first pharmacy that really shorted my dad was most likely shorting everyone else figuring there's 120 pills so there's no way anyone will notice 6 gone if anything and they notice that they are running short to soon I guarantee you that they blame someone other than the pharmacy. So whoever was stealing my dad's meds was making $330 just from the oxys and not including the brand vcut 10mg Valium he was getting through his that's just 1 patient just imagine how many other people are getting shorted that have no idea. We should start a blog for people who have been shorted so others are aware of their shady business practices because you have to be stupid if you think that you are Never shorted.

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Just an FYI, you have the right as a customer to ask the pharmacist to count any and all pain meds right in front of you before you walk away from the counter. In fact the DEA recommends it! I was shorted once on my muscle relaxers (Robaxin), shorted by 60 pills! I called Walgreens and they told me to bring my script back in. When I got there they proceeded to tell me that they had counted theirs and that their number was spot on. I explained that mine was still 60 pills short. They then took mine in the back and counted them. When they came back, they told me that yes mine were indeed short by 60 but that theirs was correct too. When they gave me my bottle back, they told me "ours were right on the number, however we went ahead and gave you the 60 pills!"...if theirs were right there is no way they would have given me 60 pills. Plain and simple they had screwed up and didn't want to admit it! From that point on all my meds get counted in front of me!

They need to be held responsible just like we are!

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Whaaat ??? Rhodes is superior ??? Give Me Some Of What Your Smoking !!! Rhodes is three fourths filler !!! There so big and Weak !!! ANYTHING BUT RHODES !!!

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The Hatch-Waxman Act of 1985 allows the manufacturers of drugs to put up to 22% less of active ingredient of the medicine. Now, with this opioid crisis, I think the government is putting even less active ingredient in the product. Thank God I am trying to wean myself over them because my pain is going away. I just have to wean myself. However, I know what you mean. When you are severe pain, you really need help. Be careful people, don't guess how many pills will relieve your pain. If the government placed the proper amount of ingredient, you would not have to guess how much to take. Just be careful. I pray to God your pain will go away.

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Re: watcher (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Sounds like you go where l go ready to find a new place...

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Re: Quadzilla (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I too was shorted by the same amt about a year ago. They’re supposed to count out twice. I have them count in front of me when I pick up because as we know, once we leave the it counter we’re screwed! No problem since then and I found out Pharm techs and even pharmacists short patients for themselves, altho not real common. Ask them to verify in front of you once, they’ll think twice about shorting you.

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Well boys and girls. A 10 mg KVK prescribed person here that totally sucks. What have we learned? Well I have learned the government may be the exception of Actavis which is owned now by Teva and I'm not even sure of that. That all oxycodone medications suck. And here we go, KVK sucks, Mallinrcrap which used to be king now sucks. Rhodes severely sucks. Zydus sucks. Amneal sucks. Qualitest I'm still not sure of but probably sucks. I don't know much about this Endo or Watson but they probably suck. Now that I listed a lot of generics and oh yes Mallincrap owns the brand now of Roxicodone which probably also now sucks. Now why is this and here is the fun part. Oh yes, how I can not forget our abuse-deterrent Oxycontin. Your government has informed all these companies to take out almost all the opioid ingredients so they don't work. I mean if you can't see that we are all blind. And at the same time, these now useless pain meds the same government who says 80 percent of American people are hooked on opioids but do not work, they are talking probably street stuff that does work. Not the medications except what Prince got a hold of and some other celebrities who have made this problem worse because they are in the public eye and just the young people and addicts, junkies, abusers, all the wonderful ruins of pain medicine which is now all fake except what they have in hospitals. That's where the real stuff is. But only when you're a patient. Not having a buzz in front of your TV. So that's the news. Thank you and now they are making new laws where you are not allowed even a prescription where your allowed 5... Yes that's right 5 stinkin' useless pain meds for what? Meds with nothing in them. If everyone is complaining and getting sick... THEY DON'T WORK. Cause of corruption right below your nose. Welcome and enjoy The New World Order with Don Trump running the show.

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Re: Frank (# 108) Expand Referenced Message

There is a correction in one of my sentences. I will rewrite it so it makes sense. Although does any of this makes sense? I noticed this was truncated and actually corrected because some of it I guess was a little over the top I said a couple of recreational statements but was trying to make a point. But is anyone going to read this?

Now (not not) the medications except what Prince got a hold of and some other celebrities who have made this problem worse because they are in the public eye and just the young people and addicts junkies abusers all the wonderful ruins of pain medicine which is now all fake except what they have in hospitals that's where the real stuff is.

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I give up on oxycodone . I'm on the 10's and only have a few to choose from and was on the KVK for years today I get those Rhodes and I never read so much dislike for a medication than Rhodes there all horrible really. Amneal and really bad things about Zydus. I heard bad things about and Actavis they used to make in 10's But now there only in 15's my luck cause they're probably good. The rest like Ethex are gone Watson gone and if you look at photo charts there's nothing for 10 mg. KVK was ok. I was thinking about Amneal but forget it. I'll have to quit or look into another Pharmacy. Wegman's have been helpful. They'll try to find any brand or generic you want. This ma and pa store has been screwing me with me for a year changing one med to another and usually cheap and bad. And they just changed their hours big time. They'll probably be gone in 6 months. But they were helpful now it's just we have one distributor. What they get is all you'll get and Rhodes I KNEW was a mistake. From reading all this crap about it. I'm very upset. They do make you sick.. They filled with white crap and bigger than most.

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Rhodes Pharmaceuticals (RP) was handed off to me before I noticed it. Rhodes was a giant letdown. No effect on pain and muscle cramps. That unfortunately went into the NO stack.

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Re: Bob Jones (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Just get the prescription as Oxycodone without the 325 mg of Tylenol. Those are Percocet and Tylenol is horrible for your liver, does Nothing for inflammation.
Then use either aspirin or ibuprofen moderately since those medications do reduce inflammation.
Unfortunately I went through a telephone pole 29 years ago. I hate pain medication but otherwise I can't move. You might find you require less Oxy. My Doctors have me use muscle relaxers as needed, I get spasms. Helps me sleep at night too. Good luck

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I believe Mal and Croft morphine sulfate 30 it's better than roads by at least 50% but today Walgreens Danny roads they didn't automatic route and I nowhere near as strong as one it's like taking half of a pill so don't have 15 mg instead of 30 departure No Doubt

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Re: James (# 129) Expand Referenced Message

Please be careful with the manufacturer MALLINKRODT a lot of people including myself has had bad side effects from the Hydrocodone and the Adderall they make

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Thanks all for your replies. I was finally able to get my PM doc to up my oxy Rx, she increased it to 6 a day (not that I take that much!). My jaw dropped when she told me. Again, the Actavis are so weak I usually have to take 3 at a time before getting just a little relief.

I do have another question, anyone get ripped off by their pharmacist by being short counted meds? This happened to me a month ago but the pharmacist denies taking the pills. Thing is, this pharmacy was closed down a few years ago when one of the partners was arrested for selling large amounts of OxyContin w/out a valid prescription and also charged w/submitting bogus medicare claims. The pharmacy was reopened under a new name by one of the other partners. I know these are serious allegations but WTF, I was shorted 30 pills! And by the way, I had a similar problem a year ago at the same pharmacy but that was 10 pills and there's a small chance the CNA that was helping me at the time stole them so I didn't press the matter other than a call to the mngr. who of course denied any wrong doing. Just wondering who to contact re: this? I sent an email to the CT Dept. of consumer affairs Prescription Monitoring Program a few days ago but got no reply. Any others y'all think I should contact? Not looking for a refund or meds back, just don't want anyone else to have to go thru this BS!


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