Strongest 30 Mg Oxycodone - Kvk Vs Mallinckrodt Vs Rhodes (Page 3)
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Hi All,

I experience pretty severe neuropathic pain due to a spinal injury. I have a Baclofen pump which also contains hydromorphone but still get a lot of breakthrough pain. I've been taking oxycodone for 8ish yrs. and the pills I was prescribed those first few yrs. did a good job at treating the pain. I've had to change pharmacies and notice lately the oxycodone 30s I've been given lately do little or NOTHING! Especially the Mallinckrodt!

My doc prescribed 3 30mg pills a day but I had to munch 5 of the Mallinckrodts in a 4 hour period and still got barely any relief. I was worried I'd get constipated big time after taking that many pills several days in a row but I didn't (because they're so damn weak!) I don't know the mfg. of the oxys I was taking yrs ago but it may have been Actavis or KVK Tech. (although KVKs I was prescribed last mo. weren't much better than the Mallinckrodt).

My question is what brand do y'all think is the strongest 30mg oxycodone? My pharmacy has the KVK but I talked to another that carries Rhodes, are those any better? Thanks for any info!

133 Replies (7 Pages)

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Re: Ck (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

I got zydus this last time and they kick ass.they are strong.

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Re: Chris (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Rhodes IS PURE JUNK SINCE ITS A SIZE OF TRAMADOL 50mg so it's 8.5mm in diameter compared to 4.3mm KVK/Actavis/Qualitest. If Oxycodone 30 isn't blue it's not worth crap. KVK are the strongest on the market and are the smallest, Rhodes have lots of fillers 1/10 of a pill is Oxycodone Base 9/10 is crap and inactive ingredients. Tiny blue ones with all three manufacturers 3/4 is Oxycodone base and 1/4 fillers. You decide for yourself!!!

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Rhodes are JUNK. DO NOT take these. I just filled these last month and they sucked. Complained to my pharmacy and they just say "it's made by the same company that makes Oxycontin". Been reading about them and everyone that get's them say's they are just garbage. I have had the bright pink ones and they are like hot pink, they worked great. However, apparently United Healthcare insurance will only fill 5 mg's and not 10 mg and that is the brand they allow them to fill. So now I have to wait till the 11th until I can get another script. I am so mad.

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Whaaat ??? Rhodes is superior ??? Give Me Some Of What Your Smoking !!! Rhodes is three fourths filler !!! There so big and Weak !!! ANYTHING BUT RHODES !!!

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I believe everyone suffering should get a law firm to take the FDA to task for pain and suffering! This needs to be taken to the supreme court, assuming there's someone intelligent and compassionate enough to clean up this mess. The FDA's philosophy is everyone is a drug addict, so they're trying to get us off drugs by diluting the working ingredients. I don't know how these lunatics got in power but everyone needs to write them and even the President. The huge dilemma is the fda are blocking pain specialists so no one can stand up for the patients. They've turned this into a straight jacket administration to try to force dr's from helping patients. The FDA is shutting down pain clinics all over America.

The best you can do is look for a dr who stands for patients and who will increase your medication. Some people find relief from inj's. in the spine at least temporarily. Oxycodone is constantly being toyed with by the FDA diluting it. You may need to try some different brands to see what works best. If you have Walgreens, I'm told their oxycodone works - Actavis brand. A family member recently had a cranial bleed and had to have brain surgery. The drs were giving him norco, which is a rotten deluded Vicodin. When he was able to talk he told them how much he was suffering. I could kick those sadistic *****s for making people suffer! It's a sick power game. The only way they'll learn is to go through pain and suffering themselves or be sued for cruelty.

Don't even think of committing suicide. Anyone can call 700 club and ask for prayer. Get a doctor who will listen.

When we fight to last several hours, we can be in a lot of pain before we can take the next pill. Taking pain meds with hot tea helps it work faster.

If ever there was a reason to picket government, the convention coming up with the FDA in Las Vegas should be picketed against the FDA's unfairness.

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I have a spinal cord injury due to a tractor trailer accident 20 years ago. I am taking 2 fentanyl patches and 4 30 mg oxycodone,. Fentanyl 2 100 mcg are every 48 hours . My question is what are they doing g to these medications? They don't work any more if you can even find them. I feel like taken my life at times because the pain is so bad..Does anyone know if the government can do this by law?

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I agree! I refuse anything else other than Rhodes I feel like the small blue or green ones leave my system faster and I have to take more when I take Rhodes I always have some left at refill if I take the kvk I'm out sooner!!

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I have been on oxycodone 30mg for 14 years. I have major problems. I can tell everyone about 10 years ago Malinkroft was by far the best type of oxycodone, then they went downhill i think & i would much rather have Actavis over any other type of oxycodone- they definitely work the best for me. It really sucks they took the real oxycontin from being given to patients in the USA because you can still get them in Canada. They take one pill off the market that actually helped the majority of people in pain to remake the same pill that is tamper proof when you can still misuse the current oxycodone. The drug companies make no sense because what's the difference if people tamper with oxycodone or oxycontin besides the amount of mg per pill. I really wish i could get the original oxycontin for my pain from Canada but you have to see their doctors and im in the USA so it is to much of a pain in the butt.

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I was shot in the head 3 years ago and I completely agree with all of you. I would think by law there would be a specified amount of opiates or opioids in every pill. I was getting 4mg dilaudid manufactured by Amor. Pharmaceutical. I'm like you guys, might as well take aspirin. I saw where Mel. Pharmaceutical pills were not potent. My Walmart had them, so I didn't get them. I went to CVS tonight and got Rhodes brand. Without insurance they were $16 for 60 tablets. I asked how much the brand name Dilaudids were, and they were $200. However, if you are only allotted 60 pills per month, you could take less brand name and they would help more. I went to the ER last night for a spike in pain. They gave me a shot of dilaudid and it did not help much. I'm wondering if this opiate epidemic is hurting the people like us that need them. My theory is the FDA is telling the pharmaceutical companies to put less opiate in the drugs. I told my doctor my theory but I don't think they believe me. We do need to have a legal suit, but someone has to organize it! The first thing to do is to see if the pills are required by law to have a certain percentage of opiates. If so, we need to take each brand to a lab to get proof, then find a lawyer. If I have enough support, I would love to be in charge. However, it's like if you buy Kellogg's Frosted Flakes. They are much better than the generic Kroger brand. We have the choice. Next time I am buying the name brand Dilaudid. You could take them as prescribed and would not run out.

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Rhodes are garbage not effective at all. No pain relief

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I am having the exact same problem. I have been on 15 mg for years. They are ineffective, the ones received from Publix, it is a joke. I am begging my pain management doctor for something else, anything but oxycodone, but she will not prescribe it even though she can plainly see by all the diagnostics that I'm in pain. I was receiving my Alprazolam at Publix. They were yellow and I've never seen a yellow Xanax in my life. They totally did not work, so I had to change to a different Pharmacy to get the pink ones and I can tell the last few times I filled it, those are decreasing in effectivity. Maybe that's why Publix received so many Florida lottery winners. That would be a good way to pay them back for them helping in our oxycodone problem in the United States. I asked to be put on morphine and the doctors look at me like I've lost my mind. I am almost ready to lose my mind and when I do they will be held responsible.

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Today was my first day with the new Rhodes oxycodone. I feel a difference but I guess everyone is different as well. I feel better on Rhodes than the KVK. All of Teva and Mallinckrodt are horrible. Been taking oxycodone for 17 years before all the generics came out. Oh yes, name brand Qualitest are best.

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I just got my oxycodone 10/325 and I have Kaiser this medicine is not the same as before, u might as well take an aspirin, there is no relief at all

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Oh,thats just great,have been on pain meds 4 a very long time due 2 over 20 surgeries,major back ,hip knee n zhpulder probs from sports 2 a bad car accident! Just got the huge 30mg Rhodes pills from the little greenish blue ones n they due not work as well n def.irratate my stomach! This is getting 2 be ridiculous! If you have a choice,stay away from these n take the small blueish ones,all that filler shouldnt even be legal 2 give us!!!

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I have a crushed disc in my neck and I've had two surgeries on my right hand and I was taking the Roxicodone made by Mallinckrodt and they worked good. Then three or four months ago my medical provider switched to the Rhodes! I don't get any pain relief from the Rhodes, they suck! Now I'm trying to get my medical provider to just cover it because Medicare is covering it! So WTF?? I had to do a conference call with my provider and what I don't understand is how they could not even know how bad the Rhodes Oxycodone 30 are! They are bunk! We need to all get together and sue Rhodes for all of our pain and suffering! What do you think guys? Come on, let's put a stop to this bogus Rhodes Oxycodone!

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I found rhodes 5 & 10 to be superb in quick long lasting relief. Mayb depends on type pain & combo of other meds but i was taking walmart brand when moved and got others then new & dont usually pay attn, but did as these were stronger & quicker acting. Now hv zydus which people say r junk. They dont act as quick but work, others say junk. I think depends on you, pain type etc

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Rhodes sucks ! I was getting the30 Roxycodone and they were good ! Youall are crazy by saying the Mallinckrodt are not good ! My medical coverage switched me to Rhodes and they don't do anything compared too the Roxys !

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Regrettably the FDA keeps changing the quality of oxycodone/pain killers so brands are difficult to rely on from month to month. Mfg's are buying the opium ingredient from different countries. I heard recently it's Mexico, but it's a weaker/poorer quality so people suffering in pain get less relief. There was a story on this on CBN 700 Club recently. Actavis might still be better than others. Walgreens sells this brand. Mallinckrodt, which is weaker now is sold at Raley's. If the insurance doesn't cover a brand, you can usually pay extra to buy at a different store. KVK and Rhodes are very poorly rated. I heard Watkins was bought out so it might not be the same quality. Qualitest is supposed to be a quality product. It's a crime the FDA doesn't care about patients' pain and suffering. They omit Pain Specialists in their rulings and decision making and should be taken to task for their incompetence. They only care about their war on drug addicts. Of course that's critical, but no less so then patients trying to survive a medical crisis.

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Rhodes is terrible !!! My insurance provider won't even let me get the Mallincr anymore ! Anyone know how I can get it back ???

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No don't get Rhodes, bad stuff, doesn't do anything. 30 mg. is like a huge Tylenol, both in size and strength.

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