Strongest 30 Mg Oxycodone - Kvk Vs Mallinckrodt Vs Rhodes (Page 2)
UpdatedHi All, I experience pretty severe neuropathic pain due to a spinal injury. I have a Baclofen pump which also contains hydromorphone but still get a lot of breakthrough pain. I've been taking oxycodone for 8ish yrs. and the pills I was prescribed those first few yrs. did a good job at treating the pain. I've had to change pharmacies and notice lately the oxycodone 30s I've been given lately do little or NOTHING! Especially the Mallinckrodt! My doc prescribed 3 30mg pills a day but I had to munch 5 of the Mallinckrodts in a 4 hour period and still got barely any relief. I was worried I'd get constipated big time after taking that many pills several days in a row but I didn't (because they're so damn weak!) I don't know the mfg. of the oxys I was taking yrs ago but it may have been Actavis or KVK Tech. (although KVKs I was prescribed last mo. weren't much better than the Mallinckrodt). My question is what brand do y'all think is the strongest 30mg oxycodone? My pharmacy has the KVK but I talked to another that carries Rhodes, are those any better? Thanks for any info!
Mallinckrodt Dilaudid sucks, period. It is 40% larger than Knoll or any other pharma. No other manufacturer provides such excess binder material. Besides,Mallincroft was shut down 3 times in the past 5 years for passing narc. meds with only an average of 24% of the psychoactive ingredient. As a result they cut the prices to hospitals and pharmacies. Who pays? If you're that stupid then vote for the nag bulldike Billary.
Oxymorphone - I have had hydromorphone and it was 2mg. Felt like a 10mg oxycodone. So I would say yes. Oxymorphone is stronger.
Is rhodes the same as mallinkrodt?
Can anyone tell me why the opioids are becoming so damn hard to find? I live in the MD. area. If I could work anymore, I'd have to take a day off work to go on a search for my meds. I just spent 2 days driving all over Frederick and still had to go to Hagerstown to get them.
Actavis works good...Kvk seems to do just as well...this is my first bottle of it. .Malli SUX...its worthless. .I've used Walgreens n CVS brand..Quality chk i believe .it was ok also
The war against opioid pain is almost like the war against guns. There are people that need pain relief. The fight should be against abusers, not against pain patients. This seemed to start about 4 years ago.
It's almost an initiation to hell. Make a long story is what I did a year ago. I called Walgreens to put this problem in their lap. I explained the "hunt" & I don't know what to do. So the very nice c/s person said she would explain to District manager & get back with me. To my shock the DM called me & said he spoke to pharmacist & ask them to fill my script & all the monthly ones I would bring. Hope this helps. Also refuse to accept Rhodes because they have not helped me 1 bit.
I used to take mellencropt generic ( sorry if spell wrong) 10 325. They worked effectively for chronic back pain. But I got nauseous. Asked for straight oxy and got it from Rhodes and I also thought they were very weak and it's just obvious. I still hurt so much half hour after taking one. Kaiser. Pharmacy. All I knew to do was tell pharmacy and request to go back to other . Just novtylenol. Could be the percoset has fillers the oxy doesn't, which caused nausea. But I am Certain they were much less of a pain reliever.
Do they make a round white m block with 30 above the score?? Key word is white. I cant seem to i.d. the pill being white. Looks like a normal 30 just white. Is this fake?
Sarcastically speaking, I like the way they look down their nose when you say "Can you fill my Rx for 150 30mg oxycodones". I'd like to pull the b**** across the counter!
I recently began receiving the Rhodes oxygen 15s. They are not as good as the other brands that I have taken. They are harder to break in half evenly. They just don't do much for me.
Exctually the same for me. weird clanking noises foilowed by ear to head highs . must be a very long release time on this stuff. going to start drinking lots of liquids early on.
i have been on 30mg oxy for years i got some from wal mart and they were rhodes and they didn't work very good i got 20 mg as well and they are not any bedder than asperin i had to use a lot more than i did the other blue ones i got before i have to plead with my doctor for help and my pain is so bad i sit and just cry even after i take a 30 and a 20 rhodes the pain is just as intence but when i took the blue 30 i had before it helped
Who makes a stronger 30mg oxycodone? I'm currently on m/30, they used to be a dark blue and now they're light light blue and don't even cut to the pain anymore. So does anyone know what brand or stamp on the pill should I get my rx filled with? There are so many different generics. Someone told me k9 are very strong (?)
I also just got the kvk's... Haven't tried em yet... I usually get the ones with the M on them... Fentyl sux.. I'm on MS Contin 100mg due to a really really bad car accident & out of all the things I've tried the MS is the best for pain... Hope this helps...
Rhodes absolutely do nothing, my local CVS just started PUSHING them. Check your pills BEFORE you leave the store as they won't take them back.
i was in a hurry so i took my script to wal mart for my 30 mg oxy instead of walgreens like i normaly do and they gave me Rhodes and they didn't work they were like a aspirin thats how bad they were my dr gave me a 3 day script and i took them to walgreens they have different ones and what do you know theirs worked extreamly good and i got the relief i had before the Rhodes so im telling you if they try to give you the rhodes brand run dont walk to a different pharmacy
You're insane. Kvk K9 30mg is better than anything out in the markets. Actavis blows. Mallinckrodt gives me a massive headache. Rhodes is junk and Alvogen is junk.
You pretty much got it on point there for the most part my friend. My only qualification is I was a pharmacist MD but that was 12 years ago before my cancer came back that I had when I was 13 years old. It was in remission and I was working doing the pharmaceutical thing horrible horrible service to the public especially the larger Walgreens CVS types but that's what they want use. So for the past 12 years I've been dealing with cancer that came back and I'm at stage 4 right now I kind of feel hollow since I have not that many organs left one with lots of tumors taken out they took out a lot of my organs or most of them. As far as that medicine goes every brand just like every kind of medicine will treat every single person differently. Some people will get sick and have really bad side effects and other people feel great and will work for them 4 years or for the rest of their life? That's what it comes down to there are some guys that make you sign a confidentiality agreement if your pharmacist with the major pharmaceutical companies so you have to tell the customers (as I did too or else they would take me to court and I will have no say in anything with their high-powered attorneys and I would actually never get a job again in that field). I think the main thing everyone should know about really any drug or if you're talking about oxycodone specifically will use that as an example? The brand which is Roxicodone is allowed a 10% basic window which obviously is less then the actual milligrams that you're supposed to receive? smh, bad! When you get any kind of the generics they also have a window but their's is 20% so that's why I lot of people notice the change in the medication that they take? It also could be a change in Formula like recently if you have it talked about like clonazepam which is Klonopin. But the bottom line is if you do your research you can at least get the best that's available out there for you? So lastly as an example. Once a patent is up for the brand of any medication they still want to make some extra money besides what they sell for brand because all those generic companies are selling most of the active ingredient medications which are the generics or considered? I say that because most of the drug companies obviously are greedy and they're going to find a way to make some more money on top of what they already making I choose clothing or food over medication? So what that company will do is make an exact deal with a generic company selling their exact patent so it's the same as the brand and will take some type of residual percentage deal that they have with the company that uses the exact formula as the Brand!!!
So the main takeaway of all this should be that everyone you're really everything that has to do with medications should do their homework before they actually pick up their medication from the pharmacy? Because your doctor won't have the answer for that there's no way. Most of the time they're calling the pharmacist any way to find out what the equivalency of this or that is or just using the internet which is a joke in itself, LOL. So now since I'm a stage 4 cancer patient and it's tough I just recently almost passed away a couple months ago and they're on hospice told I was going to die in 6 months, that was two years ago ECT. Now even though I should be on other medications 1 medication I'm on that supposed to be on for my seizures and my panic attacks which is alprazolam even though I know this is not the exact thread for that I've tried to help people laying on my back through these forums just reading and using my smartphone and to lend a helping hand. But yes here in the United States the one company that has the exact same formula for Xanax that is made by Pfizer. They sold their patent or formula to GREENSTONE LLC, & on this one like most of them only difference is the stamp which is the lettering or scores on them? In the United States before they changed most of the formulas for all the opiate pain medications which they call "Divergent", and that's a whole other story. Only because it really screwed up the entire medication in fact they should have had to go through all the trials again because it got me sick every single one of them that I tried and they change them all especially the extended release ones really horrible because they actually only did it in this one country but added extra milligrams here in America and also all over the world. Now let's remember all over the world nothing had changed they never change the formula or anything it was just a simple 350 million people that they had to change the formula for and at the same time I think it was three different milligram pills? Really sick and sad all about the greed and the dollar.
So sorry for rambling. I think I only wanted to mention that for those few years before they changed the formula 4 Oxycontin ER here in America. It would just have the dosage let's say 80 on one side and OC on the other side. So there's about two or three drug companies if I remember correctly that just bottled them. So I think they weren't manufacturing the actual medication. Purdue Pharmaceuticals that has the patent on oxycontin ER. They are the real Crooks that did this literally at the eleventh hour before they were the only one to hold the patent for original brand and there are going to be many generic companies. I'll tell you that gave them another five years or 10 maybe. I don't remember without having drug trials (which was never done and rarely done which is horrible because it's a new drug and has all kinds of different reactions obviously but that's the FDA for you it's really sickening and sad because they just get away with murder, in the most literal sense possible? So my friends, I hope I helped you out a little bit. Funny thing is there's a guy who I know his real name but his username is "ZABORAV"! We go way back, we definitely trust each other on everything. We both have a lot of knowledge so anything he says I agree with even if I didn't read it myself? Anyway this is almost like a debate so I don't know if I'd go that far LOL. I hope this gets out to him and we can reunite on this Forum that I saw one of his posts a few months ago? I just get an email what's some general topics and I just add my two cents LOL and go on my way. I'll spend some time here but I'd like to get to meet some people. Thanks very much and have a safe day.
God bless you my friend as I have cancer the Med's have changed. I'm asking my doctor for medical necessity meds kvk they work perfect for me. However here in Florida they just don't give a rats behind. It's sad. The activis brand is horrible and that's all they carry here in my area. Why who knows however I'm going to fight like hell before the cancer kills me. For the original meds back. It's called quality of life and the little bit of time I have on this earth I want to enjoy. And not be dictated or told sorry about your luck that ain't happening.
God bless friend it's a fight do not give up!!!
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