Strattera Work For Children?
UpdatedDoes Strattera work on children? Please help.
6 Replies
My son is very very active. He is seven years old, he currently seeing a psychologist and we've been trying behavioral management activities. My son will be repeating first grade again because he cannot read well. The pyschologist behavior managment is really not working that great. He is in sports and has a ton of friends but he constantly picks and bullies. I say his name at least 500 times a day, as does his ball coach, teacher, etc. Yet he spends and hour a week with his dr and she doesn't feel he has an attention problem??
Thanks for being so direct with that question! I want to know how others are seeing this drug work also. My son now lives with his aunt and uncle, but we talk alot. They've tried other methods of dealing with his behavior, but they've finally broken down and gone with they've had his doctor put him on Strattara. From what I'm told, and from his apparent behavior since starting the works for him! He hasn't been grounded once since going on the med, which is serious progression in the right direction...I tried all the adhd meds out there, but mostly they made the boy sick and screwed with his personality...not here's my answer...try it and if it works, relish in the relief it provides...I'm sure if there are any side effects that are detrimental, they can't be worse than those of Ritalin and those others which require regular blood tests for liver function!!!!!!!!!! Wow! the things we learn, huh? take care...
one more thing...
my son is 13 years old, stands 5'8 tall, weighs 175 pounds and wears a size 13 shoe! A small child may not handle this drug the same way that he does, but remember that YOU control the dose - not the dr. don't let Drs fool you into thinking they call all the shots...I once told a doctor that I wanted a new prescription she'd written to be for a lower dose (and I didn't know anything except that I wanted to start him out at the lowest) and then see how it worked...we argued and she wrote the script the way I told her to - just hang in there and stand up for you and yours!
My son who has aspergers has been on dexadrine tabs for about 6yrs and doc,s want two try him on strattera from what i have read on the fairly new drug here it sound promising can anyone tell me what to expect if he is put on strattera
o yeah almost forgot he is also on haloperidol to
I am not really familiar with aspergers, but good luck with strattera...I do not exactly know hat to do with my little boy. Maybe just let him live and guide him the right direction??Wait a few years and see if his hyperactivty resolves itself, I just hate for him to get behind in elementary school. Every doctor I've talked to asks as if meds are not the answer, but when other parents subtly mention it to you, you tend to wonder if the doctors are wrong..
my son was on strattera for a while it worked at first but then all of a sudden it did not work any more he has recently gotten very depressed and I heard that this medication is the cause of it has any one else had this problem?
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