Stopping Xarelto (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I have been instructed to stop my 20mg a day after being on it for 6 months (2 PE's one in each lung at Xmas) and I have to say I am really worried and every little pain I think its come back. I have another 3 weeks to go until I got for a blood test to see if I am prone to clots however I am completely paranoid. Anyone else had the same the meds have been my comfort blanket for so long.....

120 Replies (6 Pages)

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I got DVT from taking the contraceptive pill and was put on xarelto and told I would need to take it for 3-6 months. Obviously I stopped taking the contraceptive pill straight away and yesterday after six weeks of being on xarelto I paid for a private Doppler scan to find I no longer have DVT.
I have now stopped taking xarelto and will be going cold turkey although I will take it again a few days before a long flight in 3 weeks time.
Do you think it's safe coming off even though doc said to stay on for 3-6 months. I was getting a lot of leg pain which seems to be a side effect. If DVT is gone don't see the need to take it anymore.

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Hello Emma, Sorry to hear about that kind of side effect. When did you first start taking Xarelto?

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yes you do need a new haematologist. They should put you on AntiCoagulants for life as a precaution. I was given the option not told I'm coming off it, especially as you are flying a lot you should 100% be on anti-coat's if you've had not one but 2 DVT's.

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can i go off xarelto cold turkey my tests show no more cots

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I seached and found so many side effects that ihave are not in my mind. Like warm inside slight burningfeet. And burning pooh and burning urinationand stomach and throat and acid refkex and mucous buildup in throat. They found a dvt inback of knee. July 10 started the zorelto run. 2 for3weeks. Then 20 daily horrible. What to do?

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Maybe see a different hematologist and take 81mg aspirin low dose until you do? There r other alternatives out there besides Xarelto too. Good luck!

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My husband is taking the same thing and he is prone to blood clots he went off of it for 3 days just for dental work and he had a blood clot form i his leg that quick . All the Docs now say he is one it for life and cant go off. It is definitely scary, I feel your pressure and pain on this one. .

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Libwas on zorelto for abdvt in leg . Had a doppler study after 3 months. Dvt dissolved. On zorelto again. The side effects are happening just like the lasttimr . Horrible back pain burning urine and burn in bowel movement. Hortible. Can i just go offZorelto .

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Been on them since 2012. Two blood clots each lung. Still taking blood thinners because they don't know what caused the clots. But am thinking about stopping them. I two am scared of the clots returning . It wasn't fun having them. Drs want to stop the meds too so I understand what you mean....

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Yes Emma, I have the same worries, I'm prone to blood clots, so I'm on it for the rest of my life. Just gotta get through it day by day.

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I took Nattokinase a few years ago and it got rid of my dvt within weeks. I foolishly quit taking the natto. I am on Eliquis from a clot in my lung , I hate the side effects. How long did you take the xarelto before going on Nattokinase and how did you make the change did you take it when you were due to take the xarelto or wait ? I want to stop this Eliquis now, just not sure how to get back on the nattokinase. My Dr is having no part in helping me , even after seeing natto get rid of my dvt.

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My husband has been on Xarelto for a year, his surgeon is going to be doing, a replacement of disk in his neck, & wants him to go off Xarelto for 10days before the surgery, & 10days after the surgery. Is that safe ?

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I was diagnosed with DVT and put on xarelto 15mg twice daily for a month which I finished. I was then put on 20mg once daily for 6 months. I took it for 2 weeks and stopped 1 week ago. What are the repercussions?

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My mother had open heart surgery last August. The doctors never put her on blood thinners right after. Now in the beginning of June her arm was hurting her and she went to the doctor. He said to go to the ER where they did a scan and there was a blood clot in her right arm. She was put on xeralto twice a day. She was on it for three weeks and she started to become weak, tired, couldn't breathe. Just last week these symptoms became worse and she was very pale. We found out she was losing blood because the medicine was making her bleed out somewhere. Now the doctor has stopped xeralto and said either she can go back on xeralto and continue to bleed out or just remain off of it take aspirin. It won't take the blood clot away but can help a little. He literally said she has a 50/50 chance either way. I was wondering if anyone has had this problem or any idea of what to do?

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I was on Xarelto for 2 years and recently stopped taking it due to side effects such as weight gain, itching & vision problems. I am on Warfarin now. Please explain possible withdrawal symptoms associated with stopping Xarelto, as I feel very sick.

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Re: Raheela (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

Hello. Did you successfully come off of Xarelto with no issues?

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Hi I’ve been on Zarelto 20mg for the last 6 months and my period is extremely heavy and I’m losing clots all the time. They seem to take forever to go too. I’m on day 5 now and still extremely heavy. I had an extensive blood clot in my right leg. It’s scary and I’m scared about what will happen when I come off the medication. I go back into my doctor in 2 weeks time and I’m due to have another ultrasound then too.

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Hi. I have been on Xarelto for 3 months and presently I've been tasting blood in my mouth. What should I do? Is it safe to just stop taking it because I read somewhere that one would run a higher risk of getting a blood clot / stroke?

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Re: Gra (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

Not sure if Xarelto dissolves blood clots or not, but I do know it is a nasty drug for a lot of people. I, for one, am going to quit it as soon as I am out....I am saving some for an emergency. I have heard that if I have an afib episode, I can take one and it will begin to work immediately. So here I go again, self medicating but I have had enough of the side effects. Good luck to your mom...The opinions I state on here are only my opinions and experience.

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Re: Kat (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Kat they are telling me to do the same! Did everything go ok with you doing clod turkey?

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