Stopping Lisinopril (Page 3)
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I have been taking 10 mg/day of Lisinopril for 3 months and have developed a tightening in the chest and flu like symptoms. Within the past 3 weeks I have felt progressively worse and would like to stop. Is it ok to just quit or must I wean myself off?
Gooch, you aren't stupid. My mom has been taking it for years and it doesn't bother her. But by what you have said i would guess your tolerance to lisinopril has worn off. I took it for about 3 years before it made me real sick. As soon as I stopped taking it, I stopped being sick. They gave that junk to my dad a few months ago for a short time and he got sick right away from it. So I told my doctor no more pills with PRIL on the end of it.
I have been taking positional for around. 14 years. Know I have liver damage. What's next. I get a cough every now and then. Does anyone with liver problems have pain?
Thank you to everyone for sharing their lisinopril stories. I feel so stupid. I have taken this drug for years with no apparent side-effects. However, for the past year I have been experiencing odd, seemingly unrelated symptoms-headaches, blurred vision, tinnitus, tingling/burning lips and tongue and swelling lips and tongue. My, soon-to-be-former, doctor just recently agreed to refer me to an allergist. (Why didn't HE suspect the lisinopril?) This is after I requested blood work to see if I might have Lyme disease. (Western blot came back negative but I have yet to rule out Lyme and have a Lyme md appt in Sept.) I am so angry at myself for not even suspecting the lisinopril. As of today I have taken my last dose of this poison.
My reaction to lisinopril is a paradox. I know that my reaction to lisinopril was not a case of misplaced cause, but the snake venom, either real or synthetic, leaves me up in the air, as to the medical mechanics involved. As a practicing bee keeper I knew that the venom of bees is much like other venoms mother nature bestows on her children as a defense in this turbulent world. The venom CAUSES LOW blood pressure. That is most probably the reason the originator of lisinopril chose snake venom for medication to lower blood pressure. But my reaction had the rapid rising of blood pressure as the most alarming of all the other symptoms. And so my personal paradox.
When I kept bees (over 100 colonies) it was not too unusual for folks with bad arthritis to come to me to get live bees for sting therapy. I've long been retired, and don't keep up with events in that world, but there was a doctor who kept snoopy type dogs who are prone to arthritis. She adapted the sting therapy to relieve their pain and according to her, the dogs welcomed the daily stings because it worked.
Still, some people are very allergic to a bee sting even to the possibility of death. The question is does lisinopril's snake oil account for reactions. I think yes, of course.
So much for my personal observations but When you say, "The bottom line is that Lisinopril DOES made people sick, it doesn't matter who makes it. The main ingredient is the same. And because people are different and doses are different people that react to the drug do it differently name brand or not."
I certainly agree with you.
btw: I do not subscribe to the overmedication so popular now. Looking (on line) at the dosage and types of medication doctors and nurse practitioners so casually hand out, makes me shudder.
Sorry, that is one thing I didn't have. There has to be something that won't make you react so badly. They gave me a new one to lower my low side. I can't recommend as I just started. But I insisted on one NOT made with snake venom. So I have to see what happens if anything. I sure wish you well, PAIN SUCKS!!!!!!!
Of course one can google "lisinopril black box warning" and the wealth of information is more than I can digest easily, let alone use intelligently. Looking at contraindications or cautions, one can apply lab tests, or problems particular to the state of my own age, health problems, etc, etc. The only Black box warning I saw was for fetal related. Other information in the search results would be of interest to anyone, but it's still a matter of interpretation, and a good doctor is the best help one can get. On my level, all I can do is know when I get a reaction, and document it for, when and if, I am fortunate enough to find and afford competent medical help.
About the snake venom, it is most likely chemically similar to bee venom and I can attest to the effect of that, having been a bee keeper. I still recall my reaction to multiple bee stings. As the season continued each year, my tolerance to stings increased. but I can imagine snake venom can cause extreme hypotension varying from person to person. (And who knows what else)
I certainly don't work for a drug company. Your observation that different people react differently, is certainly true. Snake venom is interesting and plausible reasoning. I received unbranded pills so I don't know who the supplier was, but a brief history of the medication I read, indicates that the company of origin were the objects of legal actions, and may have had something to do with lisinopril being supplied as a generic, or by more than one drug company. Now that I'm off it, I still have some concern for the people who accept prescriptions from doctors and nurse practitioners who can't believe it can be a problem. My own reaction to it is so unquestionable I can't understand why the FDA doesn't give it a black box label.
Same pill, same company, same code on the pill. In the two posts I've read it almost sounds like you are working for a drug company Oliver. Through the research I've done and it's been extensive, the culprit is the snake venom, synthesized or not. Inactive ingredients usually don't cause problems or problems this severe. The bottom line is that Lisinopril DOES made people sick, it doesn't matter who makes it. The main ingredient is the same. And because people are different and doses are different people that react to the drug do it differently name brand or not.
When you are discussing Lisinopril which is a generic medicine no one has mentioned which manufacturer made your specific Lisinopril.. every manufacturer is different fillers and binders. That might be the reason 4 different side effects if any. it is very important to mention the manufacturer of your Lisinopril.
Hello, well I stopped taking it months ago, the tiredness went away quickly. The cough last a long time, but gets less and less. Now I just cough a little like once a day, and some days not at all. I read an article on the Lisinopril cough, a doctor wrote an article about it. Basically there is a little irritant left in our lungs that takes time to get rid of. And he said not to worry as soon as the irritant is gone the cough will stop. I hope that helped you.
It has been a couple of weeks since I stopped taking Lisinopril. I still have a cough and get very tired trying to do normal things. How long does this last?
My doctor let me just quit. I have been on it for about 4 months. She asked me to keep track of my blood pressure and go in to see her in a week.
Hi All,
I have been having many side effects from lisinopril. I have been on it for about four months. This past weekend, I just decided to stop it, I think it was causing more problems than fixing them. I didn't take it on Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. Called my doctor on Monday and got in to see her. Told her I quit the lisinopril as I was having side effects, she checked my blood pressure and it was 124/78. She said it was fine for me to quit it. So for all of you worrying about stopping cold turkey, it must be okay since my doctor was fine with what I did. I do have one thing to add and that was that I have just lost 25 pounds, so I think maybe that is why she was okay with it. She wants me to monitor it at home and wants to see me back in a week, so I am sure she is concerned about bp going back up, but as to the way I quit, she was okay with that.
I agree Oliver, damn pill made from POISON, snake venom. I was the one that woke in the morning and couldn't see. My vision is about half way back now. Funny thing that actually helped me when and after that crap made me so sick was Aleve! Now don't go asking me why because I don't have a clue lol. The drug companies don't care as long as people use it, the advertisements they put on TV with side effects are scary. I now use as many herbs as I can, they work and are real NOT synthetic.
Oops! Thats FDA not DFA. My internal proof reader is on vacation, so when I get into a hot subject like lisinopril you might read anything.
btw: I don't recommend the clonidine patch system for anyone. In my case it was the only thing that worked, and the alternative was definitely worse than clonidine's side effects. Now I feel like I'm hooked because I am fearful of the rebound if I go cold turkey, because the withdrawal would probably be high enough to scatter what few brains I have left.
Oh yes! I had the shortness of breath whenever one of those attacks occurred. Funny thing is, I have a portable oximeter and despite the shortness of breath, the reading of oxygen in my blood remained high. That shortness of breath for me was that something (lisinopril) was triggering the symptom. The more I read of other peoples experiences, the more I realize they were basically the same as mine. I even saw someone who had the vision problem also that I had in a lesser degree. My scary thing was rising blood pressure and it went over 210 systolic even though I had not skipped the daily dose of lisinopril. Of course, I did have really violent trembling and body tightness. For me, the only thing that brought it down was 'time' or oral clonidine. ERs didn't do anything but feed me clonidine send me one heck of a bill for my short repose on their money making bed. I'm now on the transdermal clonidine patch and bad attacks are history for the most part, but I believe my general health was negatively affected and I feel that the results of the lisinopril remain the 'Monster under the bed' for me. My question now is when the h#!! is the FDA going to admit to it? like they just did with the Cipro that now is not supposed to be given for ordinary infections. If I were to make a completely uninformed guess, I'd think the lisinopril caused internal swelling as it is known to cause swelling or edema that even the DFA admits to.
The best of luck to newcomers here who will realize what a disaster lisinopril has been to us.
Hello David, Yes I did get something else. I had the dizzy thing also. I told the doctor with NOTHING with snake venom lol. I'm glad you tolerate it well. But there are people like myself that get very sick from Lisinopril and drugs like it.
I have been taking lisinopril 40 mg for 4 yrs now and the only problem I've had has been some light headedness once in a while when I get up from sitting suddenly. Otherwise my blood pressure is perfect. You should ask Dr to try something different.good luck.
Hi Sue, yeah we would be. My cough is almost all gone now after a few months. As bad as that crap is, to me it was living death. My knees used to hurt all the time, but not now.
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