Stopping Levothyroxine (Page 4)


I have been taking Levothyroxine .88mg for the past two years. I just left town on a three week vacation and realized I left this prescription at home. Should I be concerned?

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Ive been on thyroid for 15yrs. Its up down up down even wth this medication. I have decided to STOP .. its been 6 days no withdrawels yet. Ill get a thyroid testvin a fortnight and if its normal ill never go on it again. Its a pain in the butt the way it changes on meds.

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If you felt no difference I'm wondering if you actually have a thyroid problem in the first place. I've stopped a few times for various reasons and within seven days I could barely put one foot on front of the other, I felt an overwhelming sadness, lethargy, falling asleep standing up...only for a few seconds but the drowsiness is unbelievable. Into the second/third week, weight gain, extreme sadness and agitation, hair loss, scratchy throat and horseness, sore throat, swelling of face, especially my eyes, constipation. I could go on but you get the jest lol. Horrible side effects. It doesn't level off either, just gets worse until I'm practically comatose. It's very bad. I just find it so strange you felt no change at all...emotional or physical. Crazy. Good luck. I know I won't ever stop taking mine abruptly again!

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I have been on 125 levothyroxin for 25 years. Last checkup was late June. Dropped me to 112. I've gained 14 lbs. Yicks. They want to do an uptake and take me off for 6 weeks. I don't think I can go without. I want to go back to 125. Waiting for doctor to call.

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Been on 100mcg for 6 years still get all symptoms Dr doesn't seemed bothered /in the summer heat its intolerable please help

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I have been reading a lot about the Iodine supplements. They are said to be helping us with HypoT, much better then just the prescriptions alone, or together. Saying the prescriptions are not enough and that adding the Iodine, over the counter, gives people a huge difference with all the symptoms of Hypo T. Since you added the IODINE, have you now noticed a large, huge, or even a small improvement of your symptoms along with taking the Levothiroxine? I would like to hear from someone who is NOT on an advertizement page taking the Iodine that they have felt a remarkable or at least noticeable improvement in their symtoms especially the ankles, feet, and calves with dryness, swelling, pain. If this Iodine Works I will try it, so please give some more feedback, Ty so much.

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about levothyrozine 25mg/I am 70 year old male always athletic,healthy. 5'10 145 lbs. into high nutritious ,but good elimination diet..v.a tracked my low thyroid levels for 15 years,due to reyneauds and being cold blooded. then put me on this med from june to august..2015.severe constipation.weak.dizzyness,nausea,yes lost 15 lbs due to not being able to eat enough. was a 5 then cut my pill in half.but tsh went to 10. but now have near normal elimination and,my dizziness,weakness,nausea have reduced by 60 %.and by the 2nd week off of this med, am now just starting to gain weight. My judgement for myself,i felt 50 a few months ago then 85.4 out of 5 symptoms I don,t fit. my theory, the communication between my pituitary and thyroid will somehow quit overreacting .and if I eat,sleep, exersize right,my body will heal itself.

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KAY I sure wish someone who has been taking Armour for the Thyroid would RESPOND to us here!!. We need feedback from someone who is taking it who is NOT on a ad on the internet. Sure they say they are real customers who really take the medications but I still like a person who has no tie to the Armour maker, or any ads. IF YOU ARE OUT THERE ARMOUR Taker please tell us your results??? THAN YOU!!

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I've been on Synthroid for 15 years (rotating 137mg and 125mg every other day). I have always continued experience all the classic symptoms of hypothyrodism so I have always been suspicious about what exactly is being "managed" by taking Synthroid. About a month ago I hit a wall, where I had severe fatigue -- sleepy, chemical-feeling like you're falling asleep while driving fatigue. I stopped taking synthroid cold turkey. First morning I woke up feeling FANTASTIC, clear-headed fatigue gone. I see doc in 2 weeks, and am going to ask for justification for continuing to take meds. If T4 is always in normal range, then why do I have to take meds, eh?

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what happens if I stop my levothyroxine due to the fact I can not afford the blood test have no insurance and living off of my husbands s.s.

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Please be very careful with iodine. It can be dangerous if taken internally. It should only be applied topically. Get an all natural tincture of iodine and apply it sparingly to your abdomen, about a dime size circle is enough. If it disappears within 24 hours, you are iodine deficient. Apply again. Wait 24 hours. Continue until you can still see it after 24 hours. That's when you will know your body has enough.

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The same thing has happened to me before. The first two weeks won't be to to bad but by the third week you'll have significant symptoms of hypothyroidism, including, extreme fatigue, you'll be soooo tired, also you may begin to lose your hair, gain weight, dry itchy skin but what I noticed more than anything else was a change in my mood, I began feeling sad, felt like crying, flat affect, no energy, constipation, an overall depression. It's quite scary how fast it can happen.

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I was on the same dosage, still experiencing symptoms and my endo looked at my initial lab results. He said that I was never THAT far out of range and to stop taking my levo, as well. Been a week and no symptoms of withdrawal so far. Will be testing my thyroid levels again in 6 weeks to see where they're at. Good luck!

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2 Days ago I decided to stop the Eltroxin 50mg I was on. I am on bloodpressure tablets like Tenopress, Adalat and a water tAblets. So today I went to check my bloodpressure and it was sky high 147/92 and pulse 105. Could it be I stopped the Eltroxin?

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147/92 and Pulse 102 is sky high?

the only one sky high is the pulse that you are concerned about right? That one is high and sometimes mine is when I take it because I think about it for some reason when I have been zooming (ha I dont zoom anymore, but I get out of breathe) picking up the house. So when I take it it is a bit high. After I sit and relax a bit it goes down to the 80s usually. One of my blood pressure pills actually regulates my pulse also or is suppose to.

Now the blood pressure is high if your doctor wants you at the 120/70 mark but mine runs around what yours is and no one is ever concerned. They get concerned a bit when its in the 150's+90+ a bit, and then usually take it later in my appointment and its gone down. Mine goes up and down a lot due to my pain level at the time and just going to the Doctors I guess cause nothing is ever going to be done in my lifetime that will cure me :/ So its not like its a happy time.

But if your blood pressure is HIGHER then it normally is I would definitely see your doctor because that is the main thing that everyone needs to do. "If anything in your health changes from what it usually is day to day then see your doctor immediately". Like a super bad stomach ache and because we are old and know it all we think Oh no ER for me, its gas, those cucumbers got to me and then we end up in ER and its our appendix or a blocked intestine, something serious.

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Just now I read a whole series of reviews that included many comments from consumers complaining about Armour thyroid because it was sold to a new company. The texture and color of the pills changed at that time, about a year ago, and many new side-effects never experienced on Armour before began to be reported to both consumer affairs sites, the FDA, and patient websites.

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Look for a natural remedy. Stay away from processed food, try to eat as healthy as possible and work out. Buy u a good natural multivitamin where all the ingredients should be listed showing what food sources they come from. Check out this book called theirs in bible the revised version, very helpful.

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I have been taking 30mg of Armour for almost a year now. I previously took Levothyroxine. I changed due to side effects and have had no issues with the armour so far.

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I recently stopped taking only because I lost my ins. and I started feeling nausea, off balance and feeling like withdrawls, and felt like I was slowly dying!! I recently started to take again and I am hoping to feel normal soon! I never read up on this drug and would I have known I would have found a way to find a script! from my experience do not stop taking this drug by all means!

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I never felt any difference going on it so many years ago now. On 100mg a day I think it is. Actually have gained 140lbs but that is mostly due to steroid use for RA as nothing else touches the pain and inflammation. But then I get fatter and fatter. As far as energy etc. all the same, none.

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Within normal limits bUT low doesn't mean there isn't an issue. I went undiagnosed for years because it turns out I have Hashimoto's, autoimmune thyroid disease where your body attacks the naturally produced hormone and destroys it. Since it controls every cell in your body, it's extremely important for it to be optimal.

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