Stopped Taking Wellbutrin (Top voted first)
UpdatedI started taking Bupropion XL in the summer and about 2 months ago I stopped taking it. During the time I was taking Bupropion my period was always late and now that I have been off of the medication I haven't had my period and it has been 2 months. Is that a normal side affect of taking Bupropion XL, and will my period return to regular? (I am not taking anything else at this time and I did not pair Bupropion with anything, I am waiting to take my new medication until I can find an answer about my now nonexistent period).
2 Replies
Yes, cycle irregularities have been known to happen in women that take antidepressants, including Bupropion and due to its effects on the body, it could take a few months for things to balance back out and for your cycle to return.
Learn more Bupropion details here.
However, you should consult your doctor to rule out any other problems contributing to the issue.
And another factor could be age, if you're over 35, you may also be entering perimenopause, where skipped cycles and irregular cycles occur frequently.
Are there amy other questions or concerns?
No that was all I was concerned about. I was too freaked to bring it up to my therapist because I haven't built a strong connection with him yet and my general doctor doesnt know I'm taking antidepressants. I'm actually 20 so the skipping of periods doesn't usually happen to me so it made me even more worried especially since I'm not taking the medicine anymore. Thank you so much for answering my question!
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