Stopped Lo Loestrin Fe 5 Days Ago- Still No Period (Page 4)
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I have been taking Lo Loestrin Fe for 4 months now and i have only had 1 peroid and that was in the first month. I have continued having weird reactions so i have chosen to stop the pill. I stopped it on a blue pill 3 days before i switched to the white. It has been 5 days now and still no period. When should I expect to get it? Pregnancy test was neg a week ago. This drug just really seems to have me messed up. Anyone have any helpfull info? Thanx!
I started this pill in mid august and had 3 day periods with brown discharge then i missed a pill and it messed up my cycle i came on 2weeks before i was supposed to and duringg the last row of pills then i stop before new years and have yet to see a period
After 7 weeks im glad to say I actually got my period. So there's still hope ladies. Hoping to conceive later this year. Wish me luck
I started taking lo loestrin fe at the end of August and stopped at close to the end of October or so. While taking the pill I had 2 periods for both packs and them lasting for a week or so. I have yet to start my period and that scares me. Before I got on the pill my period was finally starting to get normal. Since I was a teenager i've had problems in that department. I've contacted my ob and they said take a test and all that, but they are all negative. Still no period, but bloating. So i don't know what's going on???
Hi, I have been on loestrin de 24 for 3 1/2 years at the end of November of this year i got a period it was bright orange the first day then turned dark red, i never restarted my next pack so it's been about 5 weeks without a period and no sign of one, i usually start spotting if i miss a couple pills, should i be concerned?
I have been off for 30 period about 2 weeks after stopping I developed a cyst that ruptured! I will not go back on this pill!
Hi! I am considering going off of Lo Loestrin FE (it's actually worked really well for me.) Are there any side effects to going OFF of the pill, particularly this one?
I have been off of the Lo Loestrin Fe now 6 days now and today I started getting sharp pains in my right side. Has anyone else had this??
I too was on Loestrin for about 3 years after switching from Yaz. I stopped taking it two months ago because me and my husband want to start trying to conceive. I have not had a period in two months, and preg. tests are negative. I too had horrible back aches, nipple soreness, headaches, mood swings, and weird cravings after stopping the pill. I have read up on this pill and from what I have read I will never go back on birth control again!!! It has screwed up my body big time. I never had a real period when on this pill- just spotting and brown stuff, which is not healthy. A doctor told me that some birth control pills thicken the lining of your uterus too much and it makes it hard to shed, and that is why you have lighter periods. But overall I do not believe that is healthy- the pill is stopping a natural process and look at what it has done to us!
I have had to be put on medicine before to make my body have a period- the medicine is an awful 8 day regimen that made me vomit every day. I couldn't finish the 8 days of pills it was so bad. I really hope I don't have to go on that pill again- I am so pissed off that doctors don't tell us stuff like this they just write prescriptions all day!!
I am going to the doctor tomorrow to see what she thinks I should do about this- I would like to wait it out and hope that my body recovers naturally. I hope everyone on here talks to their doctor about their condition to make sure it is nothing serious!
I had taken this drug for three weeks and had noticeable mood swings and then stopped and expected to get my period in the next week and its been two almost three weeks since I should have had my period and I'm really scared. What's going on?
I stopped taking these pills Sept 16 and still no sign of my period. Am starting to freak out.....
so til this day hv you started your period yet?? its been 3 months for me with out having a pd after i stop taking the pill.. im worried ive took 5 preg test and thier negative.. wbu how are you?
I never had any bad side affects when I was on Lo Loestrin Fe. I stopped having a period in the second month of taking it. I got concerned and did research. From what I've found, you won't get a period at all while taking this birth control. I stopped taking it almost 3 weeks ago (want to get pregnant later this year) to get back on a regular cycle before trying to have a baby and I have yet to get my period. I am glad to see I am not the only one, but I will be very concerned if a month goes by and I don't start my period. I will be consulting with my doctor if that happens.
I was on lo loestrin fe for about 4 months in the 4th month, I started getting stomache aches, head aches, pain through out the body, felt pretty sick. I felt so sick I was concerned I was pregnant, I took a test and it was negative. The 2nd day of not taking the blue pill I got my period, but in the 4 months of taking lo loestrin fe, I only spotted twice.
I was on Lo Loestrin Fe for 3 months and got a period once around the 2nd week of month 2. I finished my last pack 3 weeks ago and still no period. Pregnancy tests are all negative. I don't trust this pill, too many side effects (including weight gain). Once my body goes back to it's regular schedule I'm going back on Loestrin 24Fe
So on top of us not getting our periods right away, after stopping the pill... Is anyone expierencing pain? I've been off the pills for about 2weeks, during intercourse though I'm feeling pain in my lower stomach. Anyone else?
hi i just finished my second pack yesterday and still no period. I'm 18 and just started birth control. the only thing i have had was a little pink or light brown discharge on and after the brown pills
Hi i've been taking it for 2 months (starte on march 2nd) and my period actually came early on the first month like a week and half before the brown pills and then I took the pills all of april and had no period. so technically I havent had my period for about 2 months now!! i've taken 2 pregnancy tests and it says neg. but i'm really worried.
Well it has been over 6 months now and still no period. i would not recommend this pill to anyone. It has my body so messed up. Atleast the other side effects like headaches and mood swings stopped soon after i stopped taking it.
Did you finally start your period after a month? I've been off for about a month and still haven't started.
Hi Jae,
I got off the pill about a month ago and I am still waiting for my period. I will be seeing my doctor, but not until June.
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