Stopped Lo Loestrin Fe 5 Days Ago- Still No Period (Page 3)
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I have been taking Lo Loestrin Fe for 4 months now and i have only had 1 peroid and that was in the first month. I have continued having weird reactions so i have chosen to stop the pill. I stopped it on a blue pill 3 days before i switched to the white. It has been 5 days now and still no period. When should I expect to get it? Pregnancy test was neg a week ago. This drug just really seems to have me messed up. Anyone have any helpfull info? Thanx!
I have been having really bad abdominal pains along with no period too... Did you ever consult a doctor? If so, what did he/she say if you don't mind me asking? I'm very worried and I have practically no way to see a doctor?? :(
Hello, I would LOVE some feedback on these issues with Lo-lo esterin! I was reading the more recent posts, and saw you all have had similar experiences with going off this pill. I have just recently turned 39 (!), and finally decided to forego birth control pills. My last pack of Lo-lo ended July 27, and have been off since. However my husband and I have been thinking about a 4th child for awhile and have not used any other back up method, the few times we've had intercourse since then. I have had serious bloating, (and the other things that come with it) extreme fatigue, some light dizziness and have been EXTREMELY "scatterbrained" for a couple of weeks now! Also had severe cramping one night a couple weeks back. Any ideas? I believe my period came last that weekend of July 25. No period still. Could I already be pregnant??? I am concerned, and really don't know what to say or do (except take a test) about this! I would greatly appreciate any feedback or advice. Anyone else had similar experience?
I have the opposite problem. Instead of not getting a period mine won't go away. I was kinda taking the pill some days and not taking it other days for about two weeks and then Wednesday i just stopped taking them all together because me and my husband are gonna start ttc. And the whole time ( about three weeks) I've been bleeding everyday. It's so frustrating :/
In may I started taking lo loestrin fe in May 2013 I started getting bad acne, feeling depressed gained weight and just felt down but I got my period then in June I got my period twice and the symptoms still remained so in July once I finished my second pack I stopped taking it had some breakthrough bleeding I doubt I'm pregnant cause I used protection all the time ..anyone know when my period should be back to normal
I finally got my period on July 6th, and my husband and I are trying for a baby. Fingers crossed!! Good luck ladies, and I hope everything works out for you all. Never realized how bad BC really is for a woman's body.
I was on Lo Loestrin Fe for 2 1/2 years...with no period ever. I've been off the pill for three months and THERE IS STILL HOPE! I started researching on how to get your period naturally. So I started drinking parsley tea and ginger tea. I was freaking out so much I drank both. But I probably will stick to the ginger, the parsley is strong! (but on the plus side it helps you loose water weight ) so which ever you choose ladies. You can also do some research yourself before you try it. For the ginger tea you need raw ginger, cut about an inch, shave it and boil it for about 5 minutes. Pour and enjoy. Parsley tea, again fresh parsley, wash thoroughly before you use it. I got mine from a farmers market for 44 cents. I have one of those tea steepers, so I just added the parsley (stems and all) and let it steep for about 5-8 minutes. Or you can boil water and then add parsley to your cup, just let it sit before you drink. Both of these teas make your uterus contract. This is not good if your pregnant this is only recommended if your trying to make your period come down. I would drink about four cups everyday. I got my period the first month and have been getting it for the last two months without drinking the tea. I only drank the tea the first month I got off the pill near the time I was expected to get my period. After that I let my body do what it is supposed to do naturally. I also got an app called woman's log. You can log your periods and a whole bunch of stuff..great for women trying the conceive. I wish all of you the best!
Same issue as you. Was on Yaz since end of 2008 then was switched to Beyaz when all the issues with Yaz came out. I never had one issue with Yaz. Normal periods, no mood swings. Decided to ask for a switch in April at my annual appt (seeing all the negative commercials about Yaz made me nervous), and doc put me on Lo Lo Fe. Was on it for 2 months and never had a period. HATED that. So I decided to stop taking BC all together because we are going to try for a second baby later this year. It's been 3 weeks and no period. Cramping here and there but no other side effects.
Did your issues get resolved yet??
Yes, I experienced that while I was on that pill. I have been off of it for a month now and I am still experience some adverse symptoms like cramping, bloating and headaches... none related to period though. While I was on it I did have pain during intercourse and I believe it was because the pill causes women to lose their sex drive, which meant physically sex was more trying because of the lack of lubrication. I suggest going off of this pill. I feel so much better... even with all the random coming-down side effects. I felt like a mad woman on that pill!
Hi. I too have stopped the lo loestrine fe after two months. I was on Yaz prior to switching to lo loestrine fe for many years. Ether way, I never got my period during those two months on the lo loestrine fe. I decided to stop, as my husband and I are trying to conceive. I haven't gotten my period and am freaking out a bit. I've taken pregnancy tests and ovulation tests, all which have been negative. I have been extremely nauseous and have been getting terrible headaches since I stopped this pill. How long will it take until I get my period??? Has anyone else had similar reactions?? Any advice would help. Thanks!!
I only took this pill for 3 weeks, and still haven't had a period after being off of the pill for about 4 weeks now.. is this normal? Should it make my period late if I was only on it for 3 weeks?
Missing periods is normal on this pill. I'm not sure that's really healthy though. Been on this pill for 9 months and haven't had a period since month two and no pregnancies either!
I have been off lo lo Estrin fe for 6 weeks and still no period:( Getting worried, I'm not trying to conceive and my husband has been using condoms and so I'm going to take a preg. Test but the reason why I got off lo lo Estrin fe in the first place was because I had been on it for 2 months and the first I spotted and the second month I had my period for 3 weeks straight (heavy bleeding)on top of other symptoms...I was very emotional and just didn't feel like my self. I stopped taking it at the end of March and my period finally stopped 4 days later but now I haven't got my period at all:/ Has anyone else experienced this?
Have you gotten your period yet? were you able to conceive?I'm so nervous now I was on pill for about 2 years with no period! and now i'm off it to try an conceive I'm scared I won't see my period again or be able to conceive. =(
thanks for the info, it definitely puts my mind at ease :) took 32 days to get my first period after stopping. 5 months later we are pregnant. :)
I took lo loestrin fe for about 3 weeks n got a period that same month....i have been off the pill for about a month n i haven't started my period..i have experienced breast tenderness, lower back aches n cramping...r these normal symptoms after i stopped taking the pill....n if i only took the pill for 3 weeks would i be late on my period?
Hi all. I am loestrin and have also after the second month stopped getting my period. Feel a lot better after reading on here that you have all experienced the same thing! I have previously taken other contraceptive pills since the age of 16 and a couple of years ago decided to take a break... I had an initial withdrawal bleed and after that it took me nearly 3months to actually have period because of all the hormones left behind by the pill. I was however made aware of this by my doctor and am surprised your doctors have not made you aware of this!! Give it month or so and your cycle should return to normal. Good luck conceiving ladies! Xx
Yes! the same exact thing is happening to me!!
I was on Lo loestrin for five months, but the weight gain was not what I expected. I stopped a month ago-- no period, but had ovulation pains in right side, those went away. My doctor put me on this for perimenopause symptoms.
I've been taking Lo LoEstrin for about 2 years now and the past 6 months have been so weird. I haven't had sex since 8/12 and I haven't had my period for about that long but pregnancy tests are negative. The past few days I've noticed leg pain and lower back/side pain around my kidney area and I'm starting to wonder if it's from these pills. My dr told me that it's normal to not get your period all the time when on bc because of the hormones. I'm getting a bit nervous now. I'm going to call my dr office Monday and ask about it all because I didn't even think that any of my issues except for the period thing would be linked to the bc.
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