Stopped Levothyroxine But Still Have Persistent Acne
UpdatedI took a 75mcg and later 50 mcg regimen of Levothyroxine for 3 months beginning last Thanksgiving (2013). I have always had the clearest skin of anyone I've known until taking this medication when I began developing cystic acne. After telling my doctor of the acne, he promptly told me that he'd never heard of such a side effect and recommended that I go see a dermatologist for some face wash (!). I didn't, I stopped going to that BS doctor, and I stopped taking the meds. That was at the end of February. It is now the end of August and the acne has yet to subside. I've read other forums where many of the people who've stopped the meds had their acne subside but mine is persistent! The meds have seriously messed with my hormones and I really don't know what to do or what I can try to right this imbalance. I've tried essential oils and vinegar and salicylic acid. Nothing has worked. Has anyone seen a dermatologist who has any answers? Any other home remedies?
4 Replies
Hello, Jading! How are you?
If the acne hasn't cleared up, then it most likely wasn't caused by the medication. Your natural hormones may be out of whack, it does happen and a thyroid issue could be contributing to it, because that can also imbalance your hormones.
Have you tried consulting a different doctor?
Yes, I have since gone to a different doctor who said that although my TSH was slightly elevated, it wasn't enough that I should worry or that would warrant medication. My thyroid has since returned back to normal levels on its own without any meds but the acne has continued to form on my face, and I see no sign that it has lessened along with the normalization of my TSH levels.
The blood test that originally alerted me to elevated levels was done August 2013 and I still had clear skin up until I started taking the medication November 2013. My ex-endocrinologist said this is a coincidence, but I think if my hormones w/o the affect of meds didn't cause my skin any problems then it has to be the meds.
Hi Jading, if you are having thyroid issues i recommend you look into dr. david brownstein. your thyroid needs iodine, selenium, and other supplements to work right and some foods that interfere, you should stay away from. I too developed thyroid problems and some of the drs i've seen have done more harm than good. they seem to have their protocols and go to meds. for me when i was hypo my skin appeared to get thicker and i couldn't even see my pores, skin was oilyer than EVER (very bad cystic acne). antibiotics, accutane really dries up the oil, but may be difficult to acquire and has side affects, topicals i recommend retin-A and 10% salicylic acid 20% glycolic (EBAY) rotate acids so you don't develop a tolerance from any one. only a derm is going to help you. general pracs dont seem to care very much. in the long run consider this a wake up call. If you dont take care of your health no one else will. pay attention to your body and do your own research. you can't depend on the docs. instead of levo i use lugols iodide it works for me and my body is able to convert it into the hormones it needs. i had bad side affects with levo and reg drs don't believe in iodine you have to go to a holistic dr.
i was the same as you. clear skin but deep in menopause. their hormone test said i was nowhere near menopause but periods stopped completely at 50. now 55. not long after hypo diagnosis & 50 mg levo i started having really bad itchy burny acne around mouth & chin. found many people complaining of the same. took me off levo & 7-8 months later still have break outs but had to stop all fats, oils, butter, nuts, anything & everything with oil. much better. i used braggs apple cider vinegar to help dry that up & cut the itch. It helped tremendously. i'm wondering how much they really know & exactly what their putting in these meds as fillers. i just dont want a goiter.
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