Stilpane During Pregnancy


Good Morning I just want to find out my daughter is
suffering from severe migrain she was on inderal and beta blockers - but found out that she is 5 weeks pregnant - panado does not help the doctor said she can drink stilpane is that correct will the baby be fine

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My daughter was on inderal and beta blockers. Found out she is pregnant - she has to stop the inderal and betal blockers. Panado is all that she must drink but our Dr said she can drin stipayne. Is that okay to use please give me advise.

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No, it's not generally recommended during pregnancy, due to 2 ingredients that may cause issues.

The first is the Codeine that's in it, taking it while pregnant may cause the baby to be born addicted.

Learn more Codeine details here.

And the next is the Meprobamate, which has been shown to cause harm to the fetus, if taken during pregnancy.

Learn more Meprobamate details here.

What doctor told her that she could take it?

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In 2009 I had an ectopic pregnancy.. Since then iv been tryn to hv a baby but nothing is happening... I recently visited a gynae who did a sonar cos I had asked him if he could do tests to check if ol ever conceive? He told me everythng is fine when he checked the sonar and I asked if he could check if I myt be pregnant he said a sonar can't tell if I'm less than 5 weeks so I need to go back. I had my periods twice on the 1st then the 27th of the same month I explained that to him but it seem not to worry him. I tell told hm about my lower abdomen and back pains he then prescribed stillpayne incase I'm pregnant. Could this be prescise or do I need to be worried. Will I conceive on.

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Yes!I'm 22 weeks pregnant & ave a growth in my womb,I suffer a severe pain from time to time.My gynae said that it is safe to drink stilpane ONLY if you are lessthan 28 weeks pregnant...

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I am 2 weeks pregnant it's safe to use stilpane pills

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i'm 4 weeks pregnant... i suffer from cluster headaches, i'm concerned about what i can take

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