Stillpane (Top voted first)


Does stillpane slow/stop the flow of blood during pms?

2 Replies

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No, it shouldn't have an effect on it.

It contains Paracetamol, Codeine, Caffeine and Meprobamate and is used to relieve pain.

Learn more Paracetamol details here.

Learn more Codeine details here.

Learn more Caffeine details here.

Have you had a problem with your menstrual cycle?

Learn more Meprobamate details here.

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My sister has been addicted to stilpane for 11 years. She has two kids age 11 and 5 and refuses to admit to her problem. I have tried everything to get her help, but she wont. She looks like the walking dead and I am not sure what to do. She has lost so much weight and her face is a grayish color. She looks like death. Please tell me what I should do.

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