Still Suffering
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One year ago I started Chantix. In my third week I had my first seizure; last week I had my sixth episode of "ALTERED MENTAL STATUS". What's scary is, now I losing my memory. Besides the fact that my brain vibrates all the time I just don't feel solid anymore. If I could do anything to keep anyone from taking this drug I would. It worked for my husband, but it's not worth the risk that it might mess you up like it did me.

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I started the anticonvulsants only after the last seizure and the memory loss. The first seizure was grand mal, those in between were simple absence events from which I came around pretty quickly, this last one however was a complex partial seizure that lasted a full day with continuing effects. Nothing remotely similar happened to me in my 60 years of healthy life; strange things started happening almost the instant I started taking the CHANTIX; I will not be convinced that it is not responsible for my current health issues.

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Hello, Janice! How are you? I'm very sorry about what happened to you!

What medication are you on for the seizures?

Anticonvulsants are well known to cause memory issues, along with irritability, weight changes and mood swings. So, it may be due to that, rather than the Chantix.

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