Starting Taking Pill At Night Rather Than
UpdatedIt is ok to start taking this at night instead of the day/morning? In other words just take the day 1-3 at night 1st then add morning 4-7? I smoke more at night anyhow- I'm concerned about being drowsy right off the bat. Also my doctor prescribed it safe the take these together? Ambien's lit says you have a higher risk of doing activities like sleep-walking(etc) if you take other medications that make you sleepy...? Any help or advice would be great. I called the pharm and he said he didnt see anything come up.
1 Reply
Have you consulted your doctor about it?
Some people do need to take medications like this at night, due to the drowsiness they can cause.
And I am not finding any problems listed between taking it with Ambien, either, but I'd still advise checking with a doctor that knows your medical history to be certain.
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