Started Loestrin Fe Aftercpeeiod (Top voted first)


My Dr out me on Loestrin and I started about a week after my period ended ! I'm on week two of the pills and now have light bleeding! I was told this could happen which is fine but now I'm wondering if do some reason this is a period again and I do t get one when I start the white pills should I finish that out or start a new pack of blueb pills ! Or should I do that to avoid another period !

2 Replies

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Hello, Beth! How are you?

You should continue taking them, as prescribed, without missing any pills and then start a new pack on time. This irregular bleeding is normal for the first 3 months, while your body is getting used to the hormones in them. If it gets too heavy, or continues past 3 months, you should consult your doctor.

The other side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, weight changes and PMS-like symptoms, as listed by the FDA.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Thank you for the reply! I kind of figured that was the case especially starting mid cycle! Luckily I have no other side affects! The bleeding is minimal just annoying! I guess I just needed to hear that! Thanks again!

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