Starnoc (Top voted first)


Still no sleeping aid out there like Starnoc. I either can't get to sleep till 2 am or wake up at 2 am and can't get back to sleep. Starnoc was wonderful for both these issues. Also, I don't enjoy the feeling of the medication 'taking over' my sleep, i.e. instantly tired, whereas Starnoc gently lulled me to sleep.

Does anyone have any suggestions from the Canadian Market that is similar?


3 Replies

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you can still get Starnoc in Canada through compounding pharmacies!

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Have you tried Zopiclone?

It's available in Canada and is usually the preferred alternative, since Starnoc has been discontinued.


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Thanks for the info. With Starnoc, however, if you still had a good 4 hours of sleep to go, you could still take it and no hangover! Is Zoplicone the same idea, do you know?

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