Square Green Pill With Dp On Both Sides


I have a green square pill with "dp" on both sides. If broken in half, the center is white. Anyone know what these are?

8 Replies

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Based on other related threads here, I think the "dp" stands for Dragon Pharmaceuticals - A company that produces steroids.

There are other depictions on MedsChat of square (blue, red, orange, pink, etc) pills marked with "dp" that seem to be from this manufacturer. However, I'm not having any luck finding specific details on a green version.

The red square pill with dp is reportedly Anavar (Oxandrolone) 20 mg, so I imagine we're on the right track...

Does anyone else recognize this pill?

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It is 50mg oxymetholone (anadrol), produced by dragon pharmaceuticals.

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Re: Ryan (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

No, its an AI (aromatase inhibitor) letrozole by dragon pharma

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Re: Az (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

It's anadrol 50

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Ya. Anadrol 50mg. Definitely from dragon pharmaceuticals. Hope this helps.

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Re: Naaa (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

There's different color packaging - the DP definitely stands for Dragon Pharmaceuticals.

This company sells steroids - there are a few blue packages. Bright blue is likely clenbutrol, dark blue novaldex, grey is clomid, etc.

They don't have pictures of the pills but the packages are colored the same as the pills. Hope this helps

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DP light green and dark green pills. Which is femara and which Anaheim.

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

It's winstrol 10mg by dragon pharma

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