Sprintec Forums (Page 2)
Recently active Sprintec forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Sprintec and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Ive been on sprintec for many months now and when it comes time to take the white pills, I dont usually get my period until the 4th, 5th, or 6th day. Not sure why this happens. I have to pretend to have my period so my mom doesn't think I'm pregnant. I have been engaging in intercourse, but we use a backup method of protection every time. I also rarely miss any pills, and if I do, I make sure to take them right away, or to take two at a time, etc etc. I follow the directions. I just don't know why my period is always so late. I'm a sunday starter, and today is thursday and still no bleeding. The last time I had intercourse was 12/20, and today is 1/2. This happened with last month's period as well. It came pretty late. Thanks in advance for any tips. ## Hello, Lola! ...
I started sprintec 3 weeks ago. Started taking the first blue pill the day my period started. I am now on the 2nd white pill and i am spotting just alil bit and at first it was a brown color. I shouldn't have my period til about the 9th or so, is it common to have an early period when just starting 3 weeks ago? Do i continue the white pills til i start my new pack? Is this normal? ## These are hormonal based contraceptives, so they will alter your natural cycle and you will get your period, from now on, during the week of the white tablets. They are placebo tablets that contain no hormones, they are specifically intended to cause a withdrawal bleed. And yes, since you started it while menstruating, it means you're going to have your period earlier than normal this time, but they...
In February, my pharmacy told me that the birth control I was on (sprintec) was back ordered. They offered mono-linyah (a generic equivalent) for me to use. Turns out, I liked mono-linyah way more than I liked sprintec. Now, however, my pharmacy is back to carrying sprintec. Does anyone know of any pharmacies that have mono linyah as a generic? ## They should be able to order the other one back in for you, if you ask them. However, if it costs more than the Sprintec, then your insurance would most likely only cover the lower amount and you'd have to pay the difference out of pocket. Additionally, without knowing your location, it's hard for anyone to make any suggestions. This website is open to people all over the world, so if you're located in Philadelphia and I suggest a ...
Hello, i an 18 year old and I was just prescribed Tri Sprintec to regulate my irregular periods. I have Hypothyroidism and Anemia (from prolonged heavy bleeding) I'm taking 88mg of Levothryoxine. My most recent period lasted for 31 days. I recently started my period again on Thursday and it is now Tuesday. When should I start taking my pills if I still have my period right now (it is light and the flow stops and starts randomly). My main reason for asked this is because in exactly 28 days I will be going on a 5 day camping trip and I don't want to have my period then. If I start my first pill today, will I have my period during my camping trip? Thank you! ## These tablets can be started at any time during your cycle, you just need to be aware that will not prevent pregnancy, unt...
I am taking sprintec for migraine prevention, not birth control. I typically take 3 months of active pills beck taking a week off to have a period. I missed 3 days in a row during my second pack of active pills. I tried to catch up by taking two a day, but it was too late and a full blown period started. So i stopped taking them in the hopes of letting the period run its course. It has been 5 days of (very) heavy bleeding now, with clots. I have stopped the pill for 3 days now. When should I restart, or should i see if bleeding stops? ## It really would have been best, according to FDA directions, to have continued taking them, this can happen if you miss to many in a row, but should resolve itself, once you complete your next cycle. Other side effects are listed as possibly including n...
I use sprintec because I am trying to get pregnant. I take it along with prenatal vitamins and b12. I started sprintec on the last day of my period which was November 17th. I took the pills every other day and I started spotting on November 24th. By November 29th the bleeding got heavier. Someone help me understand. I only took like 8 pills in total. ## Hello, Alexandra! How are you doing? Has there been any change? I have a couple of other questions for you. Why did you start it on the last day of your period? FDA directions state that it should be started the first, or second day of your period. My next question is why were you taking them every other day? The directions also state that they need to be taken every day, as close to 24 hours apart, as possible. Missing tablets, and taki...
I stopped taking my birth control sprintec after a week due to health issues but it has been three weeks since the last pill and still no period. I am four days late from my regular period and I was wondering when it should start. I did take a pregnancy test 2 days before my period should have started and it was negative. ## Hello, Stacey! How are you? Even though you only took it for a week, you likely threw off your natural hormonal balance, so it will probably take awhile, before things balance back out and return to normal. Other effects of stopping it may also include headache, weight changes, mood swings and irregular periods, as listed by the FDA. If there is no change, after a few more weeks, you should consult your doctor to be sure. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Y...
I am on my 4th week of my 2nd pack of Sprintec 28 pills (the white pills) My 1st pack, I only took 3 white pills, up to Tues, had my period 4 days, then started my NEW (2nd) pack Sunday Nov 27. I had sex Dec 6. It is now Dec 21, & I am into my 4th day of white pills, & no period yet. Is there a chance I could be pregnant since skipped those few white pills in the 1st pack? Arent those white pills just sugar pills & only there to "remind" you to take them? ## Yes, you are correct, I double checked the information to confirm, the white pills contain only inactive ingredients to keep you in the habit of taking them daily and have no bearing on the pregnancy protection. However, you did say you are only on your 2nd month of using them and that may explain the issue, as w...
I started taking Tri Sprintec in October but I began to forget and was messing up. My period started last Saturday and I’ve been taking my new pack everyday since last Sunday. How long does it take for the pill to make my period stop. I take birth control only to regulate my periods because I’m irregular. The last thing I want is another 2 week period or even longer like I’ve had in the past. ## That can be a normal side effect of this medication, according to FDA reports, you may experience irregular bleeding for the first 3 months, as a side effect, while your body gets used to the medication. Other side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, weight changes, and PMS-like symptoms. If things don't improve, after 3 month...
I started taking sprintec about 14 months ago, a month or so before i got married, to help my body adjust. And im pretty good about taking pills on time. I'll be a little late taking one every now and then, but i usually remember to take it within a few hours. Anyway, i just finished my first row of pills in a new pack, but since the end of my last period, and maybe even just before my period, my body has been feeling strange, off. My breasts arent particularly sore, but they feel, tight? And itchy. I feel nauseated and dizzy, my head feels cloudy. And my stomach feels odd, as if i can feel the stomach acid in it. I get headaches (that's normal) and my body feels tired and stressed. But, what troubles me most is that Ive been having a lot of unusual anxiety. Like a feeling of dr...
I have been on Sprintec for years now and I take it regularly around 4am before I go to sleep, works best with my schedule. My boyfriend finished in me by accident and I was advised to not take Plan B and just continue taking my BC as scheduled. I am very worried I could be pregnant. But you don’t ovulate on birth control correct? Because when he finished in me it was my “ovulating day” according to my period tracker app, but since you don’t actually ovulate I tend to overlook that. any experience with anyone else? always let your significant other finish in you and don’t worry? and also about ovulating on the pill, thank you ## Yes, the intent of the pill is to prevent ovulation, that it why it is so effective at preventing pregnancy. You can find many FDA...
I have been on Sprintec for over 10yrs now. This week I missed my pill on Thursday night and Saturday night, which was my "week 3" row. I had intercourse with my partner Tuesday night, but haven't had any since because I rather be safe then sorry. What I did was on Thursday morning when I realized I had not taken my pill the night before, I took it and then continued my schedule as always. I have been spotting because I was about to start my cycle which actually came tonight (Sunday). Tonight when I realized I had not taken my last week 3 pill the night before, I took it immediately along with my Sunday (white, sugar pill). My question is, are there any chances of me being pregnant due to this? ## Any time you miss a pill for more than 24 hours, there is a risk of pregnancy,...
I forgot to to take the blue active tri-sprintec pills for 3 days. Days Thursday, Friday, Saturday on the first row of pills. On Sunday morning I started bleeding a lot. Should I take 3 on Sunday and take 2 on Monday or start a new pack or just continue the same pack.. And how long should I wait to have intercourse.. I don't know what to do.. please help! please and thank you ## Hello, Diana! How are you? You are at the point where you should just start a new pack and you'll need to wait a full 7 days of taking the active tablets, before having unprotected intercourse, again. That means it will not be safe to do so, until the 8th day. If you have a smart phone, there are apps that you can download, many of them free, that you can set to remind you to take your medications. My fi...
I missed the last 4 white pills. Can i still get pregnant? ## Okay, if I remember correctly, those are the inactive tablets that you take the week you have your menstrual cycle? If so, then no, you cannot get pregnant by skipping those ones, you are still protected as long as you've taken all of the active pills as you are supposed to do. Learn more Sprintec details here. ## If I Start My Period In The Middle Of The Blue pills On Sprintec Does That Mean I Could Still Get Pregnant During The White Pills? Does It Matter What Time Of Month My Period Comes In Correlation To The Sprintec Birth Control Pills? ## Why did my period come in the middle of taking the blue pills?
I've been using tri-sprintec for years. I started my new pack of pills on 03/24. I took my 7th pill almost 11 hours late, on 03/30. Took the pill the next day at my regular time. I had sex on 04/03, and now today 04/06 I had a bowel movement, a little cramp and after wiping I got light brown vaginal discharge. Wiped again and nothing. Should I be worried? I'm starting my third week of the pack tomorrow. ## That can be a normal side effect, according to FDA reports. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, and PMS-like symptoms. Brown discharge is usually just old blood that was not released during your last cycle. But, if it concerns you, there is never any harm in checking with your doctor. Has there been any change?
I have been taking Sprintec for my first month. I am writing this because I am concerned about taking it 100% correctly. I have tried to take my Sprintec within 5 minutes of my designated time (5:55 P.M.) every day. However, I have heard stories from my friends who have their period cycled messed up even when taking it 3 minutes late, and another friend told me the window time is generally 15 minutes. For Sprintec, what is my window time for taking the pills? 15 minutes, 1 hour, 3, (or 12 hours according to some). ## Hello, Kelly! How are you? It can really vary from person to person, so there is no definitive answer I can give you, that's also why you've gotten so many different responses from your friends, we are all genetically, and biologically different. Thus, it is really ...
Last time i got my period was in august and previous to that was 2 years ago. it is now october and no period since. My doctor prescribed me sprintec and told me to take them on sunday after my period. But when should i start taking them if i see no period? Should i wait til God knows when to take them or should i just start right away? Btw ive always had irregular periods. ## Hello, Brenda! How are you? According to FDA directions, you can start them at any time, but if it is not on the first or second day of your period, you cannot rely on them to prevent pregnancy, until you have taken them for a full 7 days, so for that first week, you'll need to use a backup form of protection. The typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, and spotting...
I just started using this birth control pill this month. I'm supposed to be starting my cycle in a few days. But I have been so nauseous the past couple days and sensitive around smells. I don't know if I should stop taking this kind and try a new birth control or not. I don't even want to get out of bed. ## Is there a chance that you may be pregnant? Those are not typical symptoms associated with taking OCs. They may cause some nausea, but it's usually mild and temporary. ## There could be a chance. I didn't take the birth control yesterday or today. I was still a little nausous yesterday but not as bad as the day before. I took two test and both was negative I got a day left till I start my cycle. ## Hi... I started taking sprintec thursday my husband and I had unp...
I was taking a diff kind of birth control but it was casing problems so my doctor put me on Sprintec. I took my first pill yesterday and I woke up spotting or started my period. is this normal? ## Hello, KP! How are you? Yes, that can happen if the new one has a different amount of hormones in it than the other one did. Such side effects can occur for the first 3 months or so, when you start a new OC. Are there any other questions or concerns? ## July 26th 2017 the day of my doctors appointment I got prescribed Sprintec birth control pills. I didn't start taking them until August 6th which was on a Sunday. Today will be my sixth day taking the blue pill. (Week 1) I was suppose to get my period August 9th but never got it. I've missed it, it's been late for 3 days now. My boy...
I started my pills on 8/4/13 and this week I'm on my placebo pills and I haven't missed no active pills and take them at the same time. But haven't start my period. When will I start? ## Hi, Jess! Did you start it the first day of menstruation or at some other point during your cycle? Have you been engaging in intercourse? If you start the first day of your period, then you are protected immediately, but if you start it at some other point, then backup contraception must be used for the first 7 days. Have you done a pregnancy test? ## ok so I started my period on 9/11. started sprintec on 9/26. had intercourse 9/30. I missed one pill the 3rd day but have been taking them everyday since then. when should I expect my first cycle? ## I am on my very first pack of Sprintec. My d...