Sprintec I Need Help ( Peaches )
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I've been taking sprintec for about 3 months now.. i recently missed 3-7 of my days and im susposed to be on my period but i think i might be prego.. should i wait and see if my period comes? and should i continue to take the pills while i wait?

2 Replies

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sorry i accidentally posted my question as a reply to your question.. BUT in response to your question, i think you should us a backup BC method if you suspect you may be pregnant.. go to a doctor. don't wait to take a test they can tell sooner with a blood test. BC pills can be harmful to an unborn baby. it says right on the package not to take it if you might be prego! GOOD LUCK!

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i have just finished my first pack of sprintec pills. so far it has been great. no spotting, no side effects and i feel my hormones my actually be a bit more "balanced". so my period started on the day i took the second white pill and i am wondering when i should start the new pack? do i have to take wait the whole 6 days or do i start it whenever i want? how many days should i be on my period?

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