Sprintec Birth Control Questionsplease Help!!!
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I am on Sprintec and have been for a while now? I have been taking it like I am suppose to. But, I have missed my period for a few months now and I have been having unprotected sex with my boyfriend for a while now. I am just wondering why my period has not came on yet? I have not yet taken a home pregnacy test because I don't think I am pregnant or have had any symptoms of pregnancy at all. I know everyone does not show signs right or have any signs of pregnancy. I have been losing and gaining weight so I am not sure why. Also I was wondering if i did get off of Sprintec an still have unprotected sex how long will it be before I can have a baby? Because, I know you have to be off of birth control for so long before you can have a baby. An I am in my 20s so I am old enough to have a child an me and my boyfriend for a few years now are stable money wise and all other ways. Help please and no negative comments please.
Thank you for your help and have Blessed Day.

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Also this is the first time I missed a period especially for this long. My period had always came on every time like it's suppose to. But, thanks again.

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Thank you for your answer it was very helpful. I was really worried because I have been on these pills for over two years now. An I take them everyday at 9 an no later. An like I said it hasn't came on in about 3 months an I haven't shown the first sign of pregnancy. But, thank you very much for helping. Be blessed an have a blessed day. :-)

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It is a hormonal based contraceptive, so it can be normal to skip your menstrual cycle while you're on it.

And as to getting pregnant, pregnancy can occur as soon as you stop taking it, what should be done is that you stop it and use some other form of protection for about 3 months, before trying to get pregnant, to ensure your best chances of having a healthy pregnancy.

However, you can get pregnant from just missing one pill, so there is no actual period after you stop when you will still be protected.

Learn more Sprintec details here.

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