Sprintec After Giving Birth?
UpdatedI just had my son 6 weeks ago and am starting Sprintec for the first time. Do I have to wait until i get my period before I can start the first pill or can i start it and it will make me start my period?
1 Reply
Hello, Mindy! How are you?
When were you told to start it?
Generally, you can start it at any time, but if you're not on your period, it will take 7 days to reach its full level of efficacy in the body, so you'll need to use some other form of protection, until the 8th day of taking a pill each day, without missing any.
And no, the active pills won't start your period. You should get it during the last week of pills.
The FDA lists typical side effects of hormonal contraceptives as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, breakthrough bleeding, irritability and PMS like symptoms.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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