Spiriva Weight Gain Side Effects (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I've talked about this problem before concerning the side effects from Spiriva. The only side effect I've experienced was a sudden, and seemingly permanent weight gain. In spite of efforts to lose the weight I've had no success whatsoever. I've gained weight from other medications in the past only to lose it when the medication was discontinued. Not so with Spiriva. It has been almost three years since I've used the inhaler but yet the added weight persists. I should mention that all of the added weight has been on the midsection and nowhere else! To make matters worse has been a disended abdomen to go along with it. I contacted the drug company right after it happened and, naturally, they acted as if it was new to them! I'm not the only one this has happened to. Although a rare side effect it has been a problem for others, the same as mine. This thing is ruining lives, and should be pulled from the market. It won't be though...profits are the name of this terrible game. Bill.

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Re: Herb (# 185) Expand Referenced Message

Obviously Herb, you are not on this medication or you might understand what its like to be bloated & overweight. Problem with spiriva is that it happens really fast. Do you really think that someone would stop using a medication thats suppose to help them breath, have you ever been short of breath Herb? Spiriva made me so bloated it made breathing harder definatley not overeating. I had to stop taking it after 6 weeks. Maybe you could pass this on to your friends at the drug company Herb. I'm sure the people on here dont enjoy being short of breath or overweight & bloated.

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I have read with amazement the comments made about Spiriva and simbicort. I have been on these 2 drugs for near 3 years for COPD. In that time, my weight has shot up from 17 stones to above 20 stones, and as with other people it's all around my mid-section. This has had a profound effect on my wellbeing.....ordinary things like walking have become a daily challenge and stairs and even slight gradients have become too much to tackle. I am 68, male, and for most of my life I've been reasonably fit, even though my lifestyle as a musician has led me into a rather sloppy lifestyle. I was a heavy smoker until 3 years ago when I had to be admitted to hospital with some serious breathing problems. That is when I was prescribed the 2 drugs. I have not had a single cigarette since then although I still like the odd E-cigarette. My chest is now clear and have had no further problems since. I have the dilemma now as to decide........is it the drugs that have kept me clear, or is it the fact I don't smoke anymore? The weight gain is horrendous. I have now made a decision without Doctors advice ( because I don't think drs. are sufficiently interested). I came off Spiriva 5 days ago and so far no adverse effects. As from today I'm dropping off Simbicort, but I'll closely monitor over the coming weeks anything which resembles side-effects. Wish me luck.

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My girlfriend experienced the same midsection weight gain with Spiriva, and she has been using Proair, too. For COPD.

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I feel so much better to know that the weight gain was not in my head. I've gain 10 lbs. in less than I yr, I surely feel like a toad with my big belly. When I talk. to Drs. I feel as though they think it is because I over eat and don't excersize but I do. 66 yrs old I still do all my yardwork, etc. It's very disturbing that no one seem to care except the people that have this problem. Thanks to everyone for sharing.

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Hi there,I was diagnosed April 2 with copd started taking spiriva also gave up smoking I have gained 20lbs mostly round mid section and look as if Im 9 months pregnant I look disgusting I put it down to stop smoking spoke to my doc dismissed it and said just watch diet which I do. I thought I was the only one thank you I don't know what to do to get rid of this excess weight I'm so depressed. I'm a 64 woman and I do exercise. can anyone help. Grateful

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To all "US" poor souls having to deal with this weight thing from Spiriva, I'm doing a ton of research on my own to find out just what causes this. Frankly I don't think Doctors even know or maybe just not care. I can't accept this idea. there is no cure for COPD. There IS a cure.......we just haven't found it. Keep you all advised

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THAT really sounds encouraging. Armed with this information, I'll definitely follow-up.
And just as an FYI, among my research, I discovered a hospital in Bangkok Thailand and Tijuana Mexico that treats COPD with stem cells. Unless you just hit the Lottery, taking advantage of that will be little bit of a challenge. However, when I ask my Pulmonary doctor about this new stuff, he said a hospital in Tampa and one at the Univ of Ariz is spooling up to start research on this. That's exciting

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Thank you for reminding me about the stem cell research - I had forgotten about that for emphysema. There is also stem cell research regarding my other chronic condition, i.e., progressive cerebellar atrophy. It seems that stem cells may be the answer to curing many chronic diseases/conditions.

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Thank you Bill - great to read a 'positive' outcome. I have copd but I will do as much walking as I can handle and am watching calorie intake as well. It's good to know that you actually managed to take that weight off - encouraging! I am so sick and tired of carrying this extra weight! Enough grumping about it - time to take action! :)

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I have only been on this for 3 days and have noticed the abdomen swelling. Very noticeable to me as I have been a special diet and exercising daily to lose the weight I needed to lower my cholesterol and reverse fatty liver disease. I have been so successful with my diet etc. I am thrilled....and then this. I told my husband within 24 hours...something is up with this stuff...I feel bloated and I feel starving all the time. I was still making good food choices but I was gaining weight like I was eating bags and bags of chips and gallons of ice cream. So glad I found this thread No more of this crap for me! I guess I am going to have to up my game to get rid of what has been put on me, I hope I can lose it...sort of depressing reading all these posts

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I have been on Spirva for 3 and a half years and have an astounding 90 pound weight gain, I follow a strict 1000 calorie diet and I exercise. I was a runner up until i started taking the Spriva. When I have tried to talk to my doctor and my pharmacist they say it that must be in my head, because there is NOTHING in the medication that would cause weight gain, and it is not listed as a side effect. I feel as if I am getting no where. i am only 42 years old but I think the weight gain is going to be the death of me before the COPD.

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well, I have only been on Spiriva and I have the weight gain, I know I need the med to thrive but the weight gain is disconcerting since I get no validation from my doctor.

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And you will get no validation from your doctor or the drug company. Nobody is admitting it except those of us who have the problem. I posted awhile back that I think it's the bromide portion of the tiotropium bromide that is causing the weight gain. My neighbor's dog is being treated with potassium bromide for epilepsy and her vet told her to be careful and watch the dog's diet because it causes weight gain. Seems too much of a coincidence to deny, doesn't it?

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Well, the lady I met in the rest room who told me to google Spiriva and weight loss (which led me to this site) had been using Symbicort for a few months after switching from Spiriva because of the weight gain. She still had a few pounds to go but she had not gained any more since taking the Symbicort. That's all I know about it.

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I am also taking symbicort twice daily and spiriva once daily since being diagnosed with severe copd,I have gained a massive 20kg in 13 months, but my abdomen by the end of each day looks like I'm 8 months pregnant, but I can't determine from which inhaler this problem is coming from. maybe both?

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smell a kick-back??????? I have not heard of a SOUL that takes this stuff that hasn't had the "fat belly" problem

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According to my pulmonologist, who asked his other patients after he checked this website, it's not only possible but probable. Some of his other patients (besides me) had complained to him about the weight gain on Spiriva and he asked those who hadn't complained probably because they didn't make the connection. It turns out that every single patient on Spiriva has had weight gain to one extent or another. He contacted the drug company himself to report that side effect and also notified the FDA, but apparently nothing has come of it. My primary physician was skeptical until she spoke to the pulmonologist and now we're all working together on the weight problem. In six months, with strict diet and as much exercise I could tolerate due to my leg pains, I've managed to lose a whole 11 lb. out of the 60 I had gained. I'm still working hard to lose more. We're all afraid to switch me to another med again because when I was switched to Symbicort I had an anaphylactic reaction. Therefore, since we don't know what I might be allergic to and Spiriva is very effective in treating my emphysema, I'm stuck with it.

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I have and so has my pulmonologist - no replies so far and as far as we can tell nothing has come of it.

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I use Novo Salbutamol for a 'rescue' inhaler, so, only occasionally. I use the Breo once a day. I find almost instant relief from the Breo - am able to breathe much deeper than without it. I don't know anyone else who has tried Breo so am interested to know what you think...if you do try it, please post your experience.

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