Spasmo Proxyvon Addiction Treatment (Page 3)
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I am addicted to Spasmo Proxyvon for the last 10 years and I have been taking a minimum of 18 Capsules in a Day. I have tried to stop taking it but couldn't do that as whenever i try to stop, I go into Depression which doesnot allows me to take interest in my work, feel muscular pain, could not sleep the whole night. Ans when I start taking it again I feel like enjoying my work, feel good like in a normal life, though I get irritated with people for small reasons. I got married recently and feel that I am not taking my responsibilities seriously. Though I give enough time to work but cannot get good results. I have got a lot of good oppurtuinities to grab but couldnot hold on to them. Now I am into my own business which has a great potential and needs attention. But due to this habbit i have been forgetting important things that are imporatnt for my business. I don't want to lose this oppurtuinity and want to stop taking Spasmo Proxyvon and get deaddicted to it. Also, I have been taking Spasmo Proxyvon in combination with a Bottle of Corex Cough Syrup on a daily basis. Is there any other medical way like an antidote, any other medicine to get De-addicted. Please help.

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Hi my self paras I m addicted of spasmoproxivon since of 6 years i had lost every thing i lost my education i m use 25 cap per day a so many times i m going to doctors and rehab centers but i m not drop these cap please help me urgent other wise i lost my life

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im looking for nitrazepam tablets in hyderabad india can anyone help out as i have sleep disorders i cant controll my work.

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My name is Neel,and i have been taking this pills 12 pc for last 3 years,Is there any way to stop this kind of addiction????

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im still in use of taking spasmocip caps, 18-24 caps a day, 3-4 capsules every 3-4 hrs. per day, i didn't tell anyone, i totally want to stop it, as im getting married in 2 months, by the time plz tell me best rehab center in sikkim or bangalore areas, or plz tell me to prevent it thorugh myself

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take plain orthodex daily three night....take stilnoct12.5mg..after 30 minuts of orthodax..for sound sleep....and also take zolafresh after 10 minuts gap also help to sound sleep......if you feel more irritation then also take in day time of stiloct12.5 mg.................100% garunteed you leave the addiction with in 10 rehabbit decrease dose of these medicine and in one month you completly get rid of abuse habbit-----------------if have any confusion consult to a good sychatrist

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hallo all. my name is pradeep age is 31. n i m consuming 15-20 spasmo proxyvon cap.along with corex syrup for the last 16 years nd now i m having some big problems like irritation,headache,lever problems.i tried my best to quit it but i failed.i m a married person n i want to leave them.please help me.i dont have any support from my family or life is getting worse day by day.

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i can safe ur bro life .

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It can be stop with ur will power only
.I was too addicted with the spasmodic for the last six years taking 15pills aday. It was really hard during two weeks of my day as I can't sleep whole night, feel vomiting after eating, can't stress on my work. But I have to stop if I want to live longer. It really damage ur liver. Now its been over 5 months n I have stop everything. Anything stop with ur will power. So please stop it now for ur better life.

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sir i m married(28 years)n havng a daughter of 3 husband(30 years) is addicted 2 spasproxy since 8 yrs. n he has a dose of at least 10 capsules daily he sits clumpsy n quietly n always hvng headache n is nt at all good....i m a teacher by profession i wnt dat he shuld leav dis addiction.......jst tell me abt psychiatrist in kanpur( up).......i m very distrbd.........plz help me

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Maysay, Your physical withdrawal symptoms will disappear in 7 days max, that is the time for proxyvon to leave your body. Post that, only psychological dependencies will remain and that requires a loving environment to overcome. I have seen 2 people in the last month, who have quit completely without any medication and both users were longtime users with high amounts of tablets on a daily basis.

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This helps shed some light on your problems:

Please contact a doctor.. Any doctor, it does not matter, they will be the best people to help you out.. In lower doses, detox can help, but a lot of you posting on this forum are beyond verbal counsel.. Please get help, or watch your liver develop puss and eventually kill.

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hello all

i am rahul from kolkata.. i addicted of spasmo proxivon.... my 2 friends r died only for this spasmo is vry bad for mental and phsycal health..i am trying to leave this habbit.. bt its not so easy... i will suggest to al addicted of this drug ...that at first strong mentaly that u hav to leave this s***..if u cant stop suddenly thn try step by step first 2 days dnt take spasmo..after this 2 days u will feel headche and other pain..sleepless. in this time u can take only 1 or 2 piece of spasmo for stop this pain and sleepless stage.. then again stop 3 day s thne if u feel bad again(u will feel ) take 1 or 2 pic spasmo.. thne stop again for 4 days . after that stop spasmo totaly and take other thing like alchol, bt not too much .. only 2 or 3 peg..

2> keep busy ur self at any work which 1 u love..
3>do yoga ,pranayam coz this will give u strentgh for fighting in this stage.
4>drink water 4 to 5 liter in a day...and take healthy food.(milk,nut,oily fish , meat,soya,banana,,e.t.c). coz this time ur body need vitamins, minarels ,protine for rebuild ur health and fighting against bad effect of spasmo .
remember nothing is impossible ...willing power is main in this case, so u have to decide tht u love urself or not... dnt think tht u r an addicted. think u r normal.. mentaly strenth is vry important for this ... hope u can lev this bad habbit... pray to god n blv at urself... thts al. sry for my bad english... god blees u :)

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Hi I'm Chandan I have addicted to spasmo proxyvon since from 3 years, I had lost interest in everything, because of this I lost my education n my life gonna irritated if i don't consume atleast 10tabs a day, day by day my health getting worse. Is there any solution to come out of this?

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I used to take about 8 spasmo's a day, 10 years ago. I was on them for about 3 years. One day, a few minutes after I popped, I vomited a blob of blood. There were 2 tablets left in the strip, I threw them out and never touched them again. And Yes, After I stopped, I got an erection as well :D

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hi i m viplove from amritsar .. i am addicted to xanax i take 8 mg daily... how to get de addict

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There are so many drug deaddiction and rehab centers in Delhi. To name a few 1. AIIMS. 2. Ram manohar lohia hospital 3. Lady hardinge etc and a lot more.
Drug addiction can ruin the person and families. But definitely if you seek help with the right people like Rehabs and psychiatrists it will help the problem/ person and their families.

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You seem to have drug dependence/ addiction. Need to go to a deaddiction centre/ Rehab . Please consult a good psychiatrist. You may be having some depression/ mood swings. They can suggest CBT ( cognitive behavioral therapy.)They may give you
Some anti depressants. You have to motivate yourself .

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My husband is taking Spasmo Proxyvon from past 18 year . He started taking it at the age of 17 and now he is 35. Initially his daily intake was 20-30 pills and now his daily intake is of 12-15 pills. He is not willing to go to de-addiction center and there is no family support in this regard.In the married life of 4 years we don't even have kids. Whats the future of husband if he don't stop taking these pills?

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