Something Better Than Norco For Pain And How To Approach My Doctor (Top voted first)
UpdatedI was rear ended by a Semi 15 years ago and have various back problems that are only getting worse. I have SI joint dysfunction, degenerative disc disease, facet something, sciatica bulging disks, and the list goes on. I have already had 6 lumbar shots, 2 SI shots and 1 epidural in the last 3 months. NONE of them have helped and some have made me worse. I have been on Norco 10's for 5 years. They now do nothing for my pain. I need something stronger and I do not know how to approach with my pain management Dr on my next visit? I do not want to seem like a drug seeker, but I want to be able to participate in life. Play catch with my son, empty the dishwasher, mop the floors.
I also take Lyrica, Valium and Zanaflex (which is a joke and does nothing for me). I have built up a tolerance to Norco and I need something that is going to work. Help, please.
2 Replies
The best thing to do is to just honestly tell your doctor that your pain is no longer under control, but don't ask for any specific medication. Let them suggest what you should try, next, especially if they already have records of everything you've already tried.
The FDA warns that opiate medications carry the risk of being habit forming and may cause, side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth.
When is your next visit?
Re: Verwon (# 1)
it was last Monday. I told her that and she said she did not want to change it yet. Check my legs and feet Neuropathy and scheduled an EMG test. I am so over this already. I have been a patient at this pain clinic since June, and it is my first time in pain management, and I have seen 4 different doctors, a Nurse practitioner, and have had different DR. do each of my sets of shots. I have had no success and am over the pain. She told me losing weight would help, but how do you lose weight when you are in so much pain all the time.
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