Somatuline Depot Side Effects
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Within hours of first injection had a feeling of weakness and some stomach cramps. Next day, severe stomach cramps, large amount of gas and very loose stools. Now at day 4 and continue with some stomach cramps and gas and loose stools, Developed a low level headache since day 2, Advil helps.

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Hello Mark:
The stomach cramps are less severe after a few injections, but the first couple of months were not good.
I hope you fare better than I did, stopped after 5 months, couldn't handle the side effects. Good Luck

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Day 2 after first injection and having severe stomach cramps. Is there a recommended way to treat the stomach cramps? Any help for that side effect?

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May 17th.
After 5 months of using Somatuline Depot, I saw the Dr. yesterday and explained to him that the side affects of this medication are affecting my quality of life and in spite of his protests, I am stopping the use of this medicine.
I am virtually homebound for 3 weeks after injecting, the sudden occurrence of uncontrollable diarrhea makes it difficult to lead a normal life.
Even though blood tests show the medicine is lowering my levels of growth hormone, the results are not worth the effort, in my opinion.
I will be 68 this summer, had a 5 way bypass 13 years ago. I know that bypass surgeries do not last forever and I want to spend the rest of my days with my beautiful wife, visiting grandchildren and leading my life the way I want to, with dignity and a positive outlook.
Thank You all..................

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After 16 days, the side effects have subsided, my next injection is the 12th of Feb. Hopefully the side affects will not be so severe.

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Thank you for your comment Vernon. I have not contacted my Dr., as symptoms are slowly getting better. I have my regular appointment in a couple of weeks so I will discuss it at that time.

Overall I'm feeling OK, it's just the sudden loose stools and that I'm more or less homebound fearing being unable to get to a toilet in time. Even when I urinate, I must sit just in case.

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Somatuline Depot contains the active ingredient Lanreotide, it is most commonly used to treat Acromegaly.

Everything you are describing are common side effects to these injections. Have you consulted your doctor about possibly using something to help with the diarrhea?

With time, the side effects should start to taper off, as your body gets used to the medication, however, it will probably take several doses to do so. Are you feeling any better?

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It's been 8 days since my first injection of Somatuline Depot. Stomach cramps are largely abated, continue to have loose stools.
I am not comfortable being too far from a toilet, sudden loose bowel discharge continues to be a problem. a few times I have not been able to get to a toilet in time.

Have lost approximately 5 lbs (245 to 240) so not all is bad.

Beginning to wonder if side affects are worth the results.

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