Solco Clonazepam Reviews (Page 3)
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Solco is horrible! I was forced to try it after Accord for migraine relief and I felt like I was swimming through jello in a fog. I took it for almost a month until it occurred to me that my problems started with Solco. I have chronic pain and fatigue, so i thought at first I was in a flare-up from something, then I considered a virus or infection, as it got worse by the day and I realized as I lay in bed whimpering in pain and thought I was dying, I thought, it HAS to be this Solco. I had some Mylan left (which has been discontinued), so yesterday I switched back and today I am a different person! The marked difference is incredible. I actually think I was going through a withdrawal syndrome. I have never had a benzo do that to me, ever and I've been on Mylan and Caraco for years! I had 99% of withdrawal symptoms which interestingly enough are closely related to side effects! So I am seeing my doc this week to see what I can do. This is my 4th one to try and none have been as horrible as Solco. I think one local drug store carries Actavis which I am reading good things about, then if it works okay for me there will be the fight with my drug program (insurance) to send it to me in the mail!! I would just go with name brand if I didn't have a house note!! Truly that's how expensive it is, I'm sure you all know. Something HAS to be done about our crappy generics and inflated outrageous prices on name brand drugs. I've never seen it this bad in my life.

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Re: Sam (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Same here, Teva yellows (from CVS) were terrific and I was on them for years but they disappeared overnight. CVS is on backorder and they're carrying Actavis now. Walgreens switched from Mylan to Accord and I know Walmart also carries Accord. Accords are good because they dissolve fast and start working within ~20 minutes, but Solco/Qualitests are fine too.

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Re: Chris (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I have taken Teva for years, my pharmacy was out and gave me Solco, I thought it was good. Then I got activas which I thought was weak. They are really messing with the quality of the generics.

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Solco is Qualitest, the local pharmacies have been carrying them for about a month. I've been using them for a while. No issues, working great but they take a while to kick in. Mylan on the other hand? Last I heard they were taken off the market after half a million packages were recalled when the fda received so many complaints. Even walgreens won't have anything to do with Mylan anymore.

Don't use Actavis, they're also bunk. Teva and Accord are pretty good.

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Hello Connie,

Sounds like a terrible experience!

Something to keep in mind is that different brands use different inactive ingredients and while Solco may not work for you it's possible the best option for another person out there. On the flip side I have heard a lot of people who complain about the Accord brand. Ultimately it comes down to how your body reacts to the chemicals both active and inactive.

While I do not doubt you were having a terrible experience I feel like having withdrawl symptoms from the same dosage of medication but a different brand would be unlikely but not impossible. The reason I say that is because in order for a generic to sell their brand of medication they must prove to the FDA that they are capable of manufacturing the medication in such a way that the active ingredients in your blood stream are within a 20% margin of error in both directions.

The only way I really can see you having withdrawl symptoms is the previous brand you were taking was at the top of the 20% over margin and the new medication was at the bottom of the 20% margin giving you a gap of 40% rather than a 20% drop. Again this is unlikely but still possible.

Hopefully you and your doctor can find a solution to your problem, hopefully the Actavis brand works better for you. Have a wonderful day.

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