So She Takes 140mg Of Vyvanse
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Has anyone heard of such a high dose being prescribed ??

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I reside in Maryland & I have been prescribed methylphenidate (Ritalin) po 20mgs tid, Adderall XR 30mgs po bid ... which I had to literally BEG to get off of & finally, Vyvanse 50mgs po qd now, 70mgs po qd. Although I have been previously diagnosed with ADD, I take it for Major Depressive disorder; chronic, severe, recurrent & treatment resistant. I've had 6 rounds of ECT & a botched vagal nerve stimulator, now removed. I've been on Vyvanse for approximately 5 years but am 43 years old. Your son, being only 16 years old hasn't stopped growing yet. That's the main problem with amphetamines given to youth for ADD/ADHD. By the time a correct dosage is found, the youth grows out of it. Currently, no studies nor the FDA approve of Vyvanse @ a higher level than 70 mgs per day. However, I believe that his psychiatrist can add another low dose amphetamine or a non Controlled medication to his regimen. I've been on amphetamines for 8 years now. My psychiatrist either won't or can't add another type & cannot increase my dosage. He tells me that you have to either switch to a stronger one such as Adderall XR bc it combines 2 different amphetamine salt compounds or go off of amphetamines altogether. So, I don't know if your son has tried Adderall XR but I'm pretty positive that in regards to the Vyvanse, he can only increase another 10mgs per day. After that, the FDA doesn't approve higher than 70 mgs of Vyvanse.

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Vyvance, a prodrug usually seen as a long acting capsule or time realease patch is absorbed over a period of anywhere between 10 and maybe 18-24 Hrs. Or more.
Doubling the dose is quite common. If a 7 year old can take 70, a adult with tolerability could assimilate ×2 that amount. The injestion of anxiolytics or sedatives/opioids cannot be ruled out as a "buzz enhancer". It goes without saying that if one is desiring sharp focus or sustained concentration-you defeat the purpose of the indication Vyvance is prescribed for. T or F ? Your input.....

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Hi Bry,

According to the US National Library of Medicine, the maximum recommended daily dose of Vyvanse is 70 mg. They go on to state that "doses greater than 70 mg/day of Vyvanse have not been studied."


With that being said, it sounds like her doctor is either over prescribing or she's over using the amount he did prescribe. This has potential to be habit forming and very addicting, so I'd continue to keep an eye on her if you feel like she's digging herself into a deeper hole.

How long has she been taking Vyvanse for?

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