Small, White Round Tablet With A215 Imprint (Top voted first)


I need some help ID'ing these pills my friend received from India. They were told that they were phentermine 37.5, but they don't look like anything I've ever seen. They are very small, circular, pure white (no blue bits or anything) with one cross hatch. The imprint is A above the line and 215 below. I'm a little concerned they may be oxy, but they aren't blue.

Anyone ever come across these?


3 Replies

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Re: David (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

These pills are tramadol. In most cases that is what you will receive from overseas pharmacies. They advertise percocet, vicodin or some other type of opiate, but VERY rarely if at all will you be able to get an opiate from any overseas pharmacy.

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Hi Branch,

Typical round pills marked with "A" over a score line and "215" below it, are usually associated with 30mg Oxycodone made by Actavis - However, like you said, their pills are blue and not white. Because your description is that of a white pill bearing the same exact imprint as a legitimate medication here in the US, this leads me to believe that the tablet from India is probably counterfeit - and I may be wrong, but I also find that to be a little too suspicious for comfort. Personally, I would either get the contents of the tablet analyzed by a lab/drug panel kit or just find a way to safely dispose of it; as from what I hear, a lot of the medications coming out of India (via the web) tend to be knock-offs anyways. Better safe than sorry.

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I'm a little curious also. I filled a prescription for a small, white, round pill marked with: A 215 from India. Just like I've read in other stories. One side has a score with A on top & 215 on the bottom. I was told when I received it that it was Oxycodone 30mg. But when I take them I get a different effect than with the Blues. Anyone out there know anything?

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