Small Round Yellow Pill Capital L Only On 1 Side Engraved
UpdatedI've got a small yellow pill with only a capital L on one side and it's engraved (not black print) and its really small like a roxi. I've seen people say aspirin but it's way smaller than any aspirin I've ever seen myself or online...SO ITS NOT ASPIRIN....please help
13 Replies
Did you ever figure out what it was? I can't find it any where.
My research also leads to the same dead ends, leaving aspirin as the one and only pill listed here online that fits this type of description (despite the engraved L being different). Here's my thought - Maybe aspirin is both the engraved version as well as the black inked version? I don't know how small baby aspirin is, but a lab analysis may be the only way to know for certain what it really contains...
Where did you get it from?
It's low dose aspirin. Low dose aspirin is very small. I'm looking at one right now and it's exactly what you're describing
It is a baby aspirin. I keep them in my house because I have high blood pressure.
Hey I found the same pill in my room, so I asked my mom what it was and it is indeed a aspirin. But it's actually a baby aspirin that's why it's so small.
Re: David (# 2)
That is a low dose aspirin
I work in a nursing home. See them everyday !
Re: StinaCTtech (# 4)
Can you post a picture please because i found one just laying around my house want to make sure ny teens is not into pills
Re: David (# 2)
It is aspirin... From a first aid cabinet. I get them from the one at work occassionally
Re: Brandon (# 3)
Same here! This one is generic Equate™? Low-dose aspirin 81 mg my bottle has 300 enteric-coated tablets and they are all very small pale yellow with an L engraved on it
Re: Mbw (# 1)
I still don't have a clue what it is
Re: Thomas Beasley (# 10)
It’s 2mg Lorazepam from Costa Rica or Mexico. I have some right in front of me.
Re: Thomas Beasley (# 10)
Nevermind my last comment, I thought you said L and an R.
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