Small Pink Round Pill Blank One Side Line Other Found In Floor (Top voted first)
UpdatedRound pink or peach with no inscriptions and has a line on one side about the size of a valium.
4 Replies
If there are no markings, it is most likely something that's available over the counter, since all manufactured prescription products in the U.S. are required to have unique imprints to enable their identification.
The adventure now becomes trying to determine which one, since there are quite a few possibilities. Just as an example, I have a bottle of vitamin B12 supplements that meet this description, but I really can't say for sure that your pill is the same thing.
Learn more B12 details here.
What is your general location? That can sometimes help to narrow it down.
Thank you. I was going crazy because sometimes I combine my supplements when almost empty and put with another pill. You mentioned the B-12 and that refreshed my memory...
Small round pink pill with an x on one side but no other markings or numbers.
I got a round pink pill with no markings on one side but a line on the other. It was bought in mexico as a substitute for Valium. Ifafonal, Diazepam 10mg tablets.
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