Small Gray Pill For Itching
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When I had the chicken pox as child my doctor prescribed a little gray pill for itching. Many pills were left over, and for years afterward, whenever my mom or dad or I had a cough, we would take the pill to stop the nagging itching in the back of our throats. This pill worked well, even after the expiration date, and nobody died. This pills was prescribed in the 1960s, the doctor is deceased, so we cannot go back into the medical records to find the name of the pill. Does anyone know of similar pill today?

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I am interested in this tiny grey pill [ like a tiny M&M] I took it in the 60's for a bad rash and it stopped the itching. I wish I knew the name iof it.

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Topical skin itching, or was it solely for the scratchy/itchy throat?

More specifics may help to narrow down the possibilities.

Does anyone else know?

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