Small White Oval Pill C (Top voted first)


I have looked everywhere to identify this pill. It is real small with only a C on it. It has nothing on the other side ot it. My grandson found it after an Easter party.

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I have a pill that's white and oval shapped with just one letter c on one side and nother on the other....its a generic allergy medication either zertec or whatever was on sale at CVS

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"Indoor/Outddor Allergy Relief" (Cetrizine Hydrochloride) - CVS generic form of Zyrtec, 10mg.

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I located a pill that fits your description to the tee. This white oval pill with the marking "C" contains 200mg of Carbaglu (Carglumic acid).

Inactive Ingredients in the pill include the following:
microcrystalline cellulose
sodium lauryl sulfate
croscarmellose sodium
silicon dioxide
sodium stearyl fumarate

Carglumic acid is used for the treatment of hyperammonaemia in patients with N-acetylglutamate synthase deficiency.

More info about this medication can be viewed in the link below:

Other than the little bit of information in that link, I haven't been able to locate a sufficient amount of data on this drug.

The manufacturer of this pill is "Orphan Europe".

I hope this helps!

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