Skin Rash From Trepiline Or Not
UpdatedMy mom as Trigeminal neuralgia and severe Scolioses. Shes been back pain for years and they cant op. But the doctor prescribed Trepiline because she had severe negative reaction for the other drugs. She is also using Micardis for Blood pressure. She now started getting rash on her head and body and she get nausea all the time. We went back to the doctor he said its stress that causes the rash but she did had any. She's wondering if her medicines are clashing. She also take aspirin. She is so scared of tablets. I asked the doctor what about botox injections. What do you think. Please help isn't there any saver meds for these types of illness. Why do they make medicine with side effects
1 Reply
Hello, Sharon! How is your mom doing? I'm very sorry about the problems she's having.
Unfortunately, there's no way to make medications that do not cause the risk of side effects, it is just an unavoidable hazard of adding a foreign substance to the body to correct a problem. If you drink coffee or energy drinks, the increased wakefulness you get is a side effect; if you eat food, the energy and sustenance that you get are side effects, that's just how it works.
The Amitriptyline in Trepiline could cause a rash a a side effect, as well as nausea, headache and dizziness.
How long has she been taking it? Side effects are usually temporary and will go away, once her body gets used to the medication.
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