Side Effects Of Wellwoman Original Vitamins (Page 5)
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I am taking one capsule a day of this vitamin with my breakfast, but have very severe nausea after taking it. Is this common or normal? I am 44 yrs old and in good health.

185 Replies (10 Pages)

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I have been taking well woman for a couple of weeks and always feel nauseous the last couple of time s I have been physically sick and have stopped taking them ,does this mean I'm overdosing on vitamins never had a problem before with other vits

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So do I, I've been taking it for 3 days and every time it triggered my migrain headache.

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I've hepatitis b and I want to know if this drug can course more harm to my liver.

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Ever since I started taken wellwoman am getting early period 4 days early is it bad ?

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I am 36 I have started using well woman about a month ago. I finished the first pack without any side effect but this month when I started using the second pack. though I use it with other medication I discovered my eye lid swells. Can it be the cause and what is the solution?

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I have been using woman for about 2 weeks now and I noticed that I do urinate a lot in the night each time I take it , is it normal?

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I started well women just yesterday and 2nd day now I have had a nasty headache for the past 6hrs. Could this be the drug reacting.

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My age is 35 and my weight is 107kg this product is better for me I am intake this medicine last one month.plz help me.

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I m just using well woman cleanser I just wanted to know the side effects.

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I just started the drug 3 days ago. How will I know whether it's workin?

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am 28yrs and since i was born, have never missed my period. three weeks ago i started taking wellwoman original without any other medications and my period has stop. so could wellwoman be responsible for this change?

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Am a nursing mother, I started taking well woman about 12 days ago. What I noticed is that my urine is always yellow . Can I continue to use it?

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Whenever I use well woman my urine is always yellow. Is it normal?

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I had a miscarriage last two months after, l started taking wellwoman but in no time l started bleeding. I just want to know why?

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Same applies to me
My appetite increased w the use of well woman plus

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I want to use well woman to gain weight. Pls can it help?

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As with every other supplement always take with food or after your main meal then u won't feel nausea or dizziness.

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Please one that is not seeing her period,can she take well woman?and I noticed anytime a take wellwoman,its makes me to pee a lot especially @ it ok?

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An getting a lot of pain in my stomach when using this pill

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Pls when u take this well woman don't u feel stomach ache,and Lower abdomen pains,nausea.....

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