Side Effects And Lack Of Transparency Harvoni
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As I read the side effects I find myself getting more and more annoyed at big pharma. If you google Gilead and litigation you will see that this drug was pushed though trials and sort of held back side effects. In addition that's not really safe because the people that participated in the trials were very ill.
My hepatitis was fortunately stable, as i posted on another thread 2 wks into this and i am going to the doc tomorrow and saying OFF! Of course they cover their arse and do the labs to see if its not anything else. My face is pasty white, i discussed the mood swings i am like a black box warning but alive. its taking every bit of energy to keep my emotions in tact. I DRINK a Gal easy of water, its not the water, its the freaking drug! I think they are either dismissive or don't care that the drug really was not researched enough to list the side effects they just want to make money. After 5 years if this 2 weeks didn't kill me i will come back. I never had anything pushed on me so much in my life its like it was gold to them. NO WAY was there not money involved. I am not an idiot.
To those of you who completed treatment with little to no side effects, i commend you. The rest do your research before you take this monster, its heavy stuff and we have only one body. Be well and God Bless.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Hi Verwon, yesterday I was reading a message from somebody called Gypsy Rose. I think it was about living with COPD and having shower problems, etc. Unfortunately, I couldn't reply to her because I couldn't remember my login details since I wasn't at home. Unfortunately, now I can't find her message, but she was looking for information about showering with COPD problems. If you have any clues, could you get back to me? Thanks.
Re: jane (# 8)
Great Post. I agree with everything you mention ,I finished 3 yrs ago epclusa same as Harvoni ,I now have many health issues. Thanks
Totally agree I'm in Australia did epclusa same as Harvoni,it's been 3 yrs since treatment getting a new problem every couple weeks,I know of people who have passed on , the liver people who pushed it on me have been no support at all ,worse then pushers.
Re: New Day (# 2)
Hi Everyone. Good info. I took Harvoni June 2016. it did hit me hard. Big Fatigue, brain fog. headaches. But I have noticed I'm still not the same :( still have fatigue, weak nervous system. brain fog. At first I thot it was situational or just 'Me' ?? But when I link how I felt taking it and after 4+ years I feel symptoms like before. I will say, 2 years after taking Harvoni I felt pretty good, but then symptoms of weakness began. We all know our bodies, we know when somethings wrong!
And I have been feelin for past year sharp (like knife slicing) pain in my liver that comes and goes thurout the days. I had Liver scanned they said they didn't know why but they did find a blood mass (Hemangioma maybe). First gut feeling was Harvoni. And that I had 'slightly' elevated viral numbers. Why I asked. they didnt know. Just that I have to have it checked every fee months. Coincidence? Im kinna doubting it now. :( I hope all who have to deal with this diagnosis and treatment will do okay. Its a hard drug with know long term studies, simular like the new vaccines or any drug/vaccines, we just don't know, We just have to wait, im sorry to say. Harvoni stopped the reproduction of the virus but at a price. I am but worried, sigh.. but have to wait and see. Keep good care One & All, ??? Pearl
Re: New Day (# 2)
Hi Everyone. Good info. I took Harvoni June 2016. it did hit me hard. Big Fatigue, brain fog. headaches. But I have noticed I'm still not the same :( still have fatigue, weak nervous system. brain fog. At first I thot it was situational or just 'Me' ?? But when I link how I felt taking it and after 4+ years I feel symptoms like before. I will say, 2 years after taking Harvoni I felt pretty good, but then symptoms of weakness began. We all know our bodies, we know when somethings wrong!
And I have been feelin for past year sharp (like knife slicing) pain in my liver. I had Liver scanned they said they didn't know why but they did find a blood mass (Hemangioma maybe). First gut feeling was Harvoni. And that I had 'slightly' elevated viral numbers. Why I asked. they didnt know. Just that I have to have it checked every fee months. Coincidence? Im kinna doubting it now. :( I hope all who have to deal with this diagnosis and treatment will do okay. Its a hard drug with know long term studies, simular like the new vaccines, we just don't know We have to wait, im sorry to say. Harvoni stopped the reproduction of the virus but at a price. I am but worried, sigh.. but have to wait and see. Keep good care One & All, ??? Pearl
Re: New Day (# 2)
Hi ,I'm in Australia I did Epclusa similar to Harvoni,2 yrs ago ,my life is ruined thanks to Gilliard, breathing issues nerve damage aching legs joints , infections that take ages to heal neuropathy type problems,I'm 67 now pre treatment I was feeling great compared to now ,I'd rather have hcv then fee like I do now,liver nurses drs take no responsibility don't believe anything against there wonder drug that's killing people.
I finished treatment about 2 yrs ago. I wish I never touched it. I do not believe these people. I'm 67, now my life what's left of it is stuffed. So many problems. No help from anyone. Let me know if you need people to sign anything to get some kind of apology from these people? I've dealt with shady types before but these liver people are the worst.
Re: New Day (# 2)
I think so too. It was approved in October of 2013, I think. I started January 1st of 2015. My stats were getting bad (3 and a half out of four) so I was (foolishly) anxious to get it started. These years later, I am so sorry I didn't wait longer. I have almost every after effect that we talk about here.
I am 2 years post tx, I am still suffering, headaches, bones and muscles hurt, feet are numb, low back pain is horrible, fatigue, brain fog, and who would not be depressed after living and feeling good, to this. I went in working and now I can't do much of anything, my life is full of physical pain. I can't afford alternative medicine and no Dr will admit taking Harvoni did this to us, or it changed our immune system so much it is now attacking other parts of our bodies. Makes me sick to see the big pharm Gilead making millions on this one med and taking away the lives we once had
Re: Candy (# 99)
I got neuropathy just at the end of 12 weeks of Harvoni along with decreased lung function, hair loss, constant headache (started day 11 of tx) and ear ringing (also day 11 of tx), chronic fatigue, all which I did NOT have before treatment. I was assured it was safe and yes.....people stop taking Harvoni. These doctors need to get educated!!!
Re: Jonathan (# 98)
Damn that makes me angry/sad. I've developed neuropathy suddenly 8 months after finishing treatment. Never had before. My dr. will know about it in 2 days when i see her. She told me when i said Yes to this drug, that the side effects would be mild and no one has ever stopped treatment due to side effects. Problems that pop up months after treatment? No one would ever even suspect that could happen!
Re: New Day (# 2)
Hi. I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy after my Harvoni treatments. It's very painful and seems to be getting worse. My hands and feet are swelling.
I did harvoni when it 1st cane out in '10. I was stage 3 but stable with a great prognosis from my Dr, hep c free. No alcohol, worked out until an esophageal verises. Now suddenly stage 4. My personal opinion is the medication does damage to the liver that BIG PHARMA wants you to know.
Re: Carol (# 13)
OMG Carol, do some research online as to the horrible "side effects" of Cipro and Levaquin almost as bad. They are worse than the Harvoni! Thank God you didn't continue these bad drugs. They are toxic beyond belief.
I think my immune system is permanently amped up since taking Harvoni. I notice that when I get sick I get better very quickly. I think what is happening to me is that my immune system is attacking my body so I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and arthritis.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I am almost 2 years post tx, My back pain is the worst it has ever been and nothing is helping, I do have Degenerative disk disease with pinched nerves at L5 and S1. But this condition seems to have been amplified after harvoni, I still have gut issues and tinnitus.
Re: New Day (# 2)
I am three years post treatment with Harvoni. Permanent side effects for me: Arthritis, low back pain, left knee pain, pain from shortening of my muscles (fibromyalgia), brain fog, chronic fatigue syndrome.
Hello all,
My mail box must have been clogged up after a year or so I see this thread. It’s me the OP NewDay. Jan 2018 depression is severe, not sure if it’s situation related or from the med. I can say only it might be coincidence but in my life there is no coincidence everything is a cause and effect. I have never been the same sine I took Harvoni for those few weeks. I swear it was like swallowing a demonic something. Not sure what it is but I am not the same, for the record I still have Hep C the drug company is only richer. For me— this med was the kiss of death. The only changes that I am aware of in a year is thyroid problems I am on meds, more arthritis AND it activated RA I have some autoimmune disease that has me depressed and tired 24/7. So it was a bad experience and experiment I should have gone with my instincts. Dr’s everywhere do NOT push meds on ppl I will never trust another doc again. That’s a hard way to live. It was a life changer for me— a curse like the kiss of death. Sorry to sound so morbid but so odd how things and I changed from that day. Everything was done so friggin shady. Shame on you medical field we are human lives not experiments. Today it’s us tomorrow it will be you. I hope not but that’s a strange thing about life, we are ALL held accountable in one life or the other.
Ok hpc what should we do?! Keep on keeping on! I overwhelmed doc after doc! I tried at 60 years old and have spent all my money! On and on! Sure i'm hep c free! But now i have fybro, chronic back pain, high blood pressure, and the list goes on! Went from $100,000 dollar job to being broke! I just know God has a plan and i've been on every hpc site, called every hpc c site for help and yet i live day by day! It's a 900 dollar pill! And I stopped my treatment after day 57. I'm a single white male, 60 years old and i am screwed! Just giving my life to God the best way I know! No help other than u guys telling me to see my g.i.! I saw 4 of them, 5 mds! Thanks for sharing.
I have constant headaches, i personally would not take it if i knew it was going to be like this.